Jun 01 2006

Hayden Cleaning House At CIA

Published by at 3:17 pm under All General Discussions,Leak Investigations

You can tell when something is afoot in the CIA in terms of rooting out the leakers and liars – they run to the liberal media screaming about horror stories so they can become branded as ‘whistleblowers’. I see Hayden didn’t waste much time as the rats are jumping ship and screaming to the gullible liberal media again:

President George W. Bush told Hayden to “take whatever steps necessary” to monitor Americans 24/7 by listening in on their phone calls, bugging their homes and offices, probing their private lives, snooping into their financial records and watching their travel habits.

Can I prove this in a court of law? No. Do I know it is happening? Yes, without a doubt. Enough sources within the CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon have come forward in recent days to warn about Hayden’s plans for an expanded, consolidated spy network aimed at Americans, not terrorists, and violating numerous laws that prohibit such activities against citizens of this country.

And of course this dipstick is naive enough to believe all this stuff. I bet you he believes in the NSA mind control raygun as well. You think I am kidding? Check out the nexus between this guy’s readers and the mind control cult. But I digress (while laughing):

“What Hayden plans to do is not only illegal, it is immoral,” says a longtime CIA operative who may retire early rather than participate in what he sees as an illegal extension of the spy agency’s activities.

Again, one has to wonder why this supposed martyr to the cause is not at Jane Harmon’s and Jay Rockefeller’s offices right now getting the good’s on Bush. The Dems would love some hard evidence of this nature. What is not humorous is the leaking of national security information to give these rumours an air of legitimacy:

The desk will oversee not only NSA’s increased monitoring of electronic communications by Americans but also the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s “terrorist information awareness” program that monitors travel and financial activities by Americans by gathering real-time data from banks, airlines, travel agencies and credit card companies.

For those paying attention, this is a cousin (if not incarnate) of Able Danger. The problem is this nation spawns enough useful idiots that they have no problem undermining America at any cost.  Check out the logic from this lunatic

This nation is under attack. We, the people, are under attack. And the enemy in this case is not an Islamic radical hiding in a cave in Afghanistan but a cabal of truly evil men and women at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and on Capitol Hill..

Yep.  Forget 9-11 folks, Bush is out to destroy us.  What morons.

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Hayden Cleaning House At CIA”

  1. crosspatch says:

    Oh. may I rip this idiot to pieces?

    President George W. Bush told Hayden to “take whatever steps necessary” to monitor Americans 24/7 by listening in on their phone calls, bugging their homes and offices, probing their private lives, snooping into their financial records and watching their travel habits.

    This is just plain stupid on the face of it. Consider for a moment taking on the task of listening to every phone call, office conversation, and every home conversation in a town the size of Flagstaff, Arizona. How many people would that require? How long would it take you to sift through all that data in time to make any difference? There is the “drinking from a fire hydrant” problem where you can process X amount of data per day. If you receive 2X data, it takes you two days to process. In the meantime, on the second day while you are still processing for first day’s data, the data collected today is pouring in. You will get through that at the end of the fourth day. The more you do, the further behind you get.

    Now let’s expand our operation to include the entire state of Arizona. How many people would it take now? Now expand the operation to include the entire United States of America and territories.

    Some bright individual is probably going to come to the conclusion that we don’t need to listen to the PTA meetings and parent/teacher conferences. We can probably toss out the McDonald’s drive-through too. Make that the whole McDonald’s. Make that the entire fast food industry. We can probably kill the bugs at the at the pizza delivery joints too, most of those intercepts are just people ordering pizza.

    Can I prove this in a court of law? No. Do I know it is happening? Yes, without a doubt.

    So he knows it without a doubt, but can’t prove it in a court of law. Hmmm, I thought that was kinda the level of proof required for a court of law. “Without a doubt” should just about do it. I also note that he says in the second paragraph:

    President George W. Bush told Hayden to “take whatever steps necessary” to monitor Americans 24/7

    and then he says he knows it is happening. He doesn’t claim he knows that the President really said that. The quotes around the order to take whatever steps necessary seem to imply the President actually said that. This would imply he has access to conversations between the President and Hayden or access to someone who does. I find that thought amusing … no … hilarious.

    I also noticed this on the page:

    For media inquiries: crgeditor@yahoo.com

    A yahoo.com address. That right there is the epitome of credibility. In fact, I think the people at CNN, NYT, WaPo, and LAT should run out and get yahoo.com addresses too. Gee, ya think the government might be reading the mail at yahoo too? Apparently that is the safe place to have your email if you are digging deep into the government’s secrets.

    This guy is joker wrapped in an imbecile inside a nincompoop.

  2. crosspatch says:

    Oh, and “epitome” was said in my very best Earnest Goes To Langley voice.

  3. Seixon says:

    No, no AJ. You don’t get it. They haven’t forgotten 9/11 at all. Bush IS out to destroy us, and he was behind 9/11. Because he wants to destroy us. See how that works? Perfect!


  4. Terrye says:

    What are all these people going to do when Bush leaves office? They will be lost.

  5. crosspatch says:

    Oh, right, I see now. We take all the illegal aliens and give them Super Citizen status with a pile of extra rights that only they and members of congress have. These Super Citizens are then deployed across the nation to snoop on the average people. They can do this because nobody notices them blowing leaves or nailing shingles. BRILLIANT!

  6. OLDPUPPYMAX says:

    So some evil agency is going to keep tabs on everything every American is doing, saying, thinking and buying. Why even Clinton could only spy on the conservative christian groups and a few well known critics. There were only about 900 odd FBI files “innocently” left lying around, weren’t there? It’s wonderful to see how much we’ve improved. Does anyone know if this author sleeps with or without his foil hat? Maybe we can get him some night in bed with the double secret NeoCon death ray.

  7. MerryJ1 says:

    Aw, gee, fellas. It isn’t nice to make fun of retarded folks, the emotionally-mentally handicapped, and plain old-fashioned psychopaths.

    Bad enough they have to listen to all those personal messages from their TV sets, and decipher secret codes on highway billboards or passing license plates, and remember confusing instructions beamed in by voices from Caesar, God, or outer space.

    You want them to suffer the indignity of mockery, too? Tsk, tsk. Heh.