Jun 06 2006

Malkin Confirms NSA-FISA Role In Toronto Raid

Published by at 10:48 am under All General Discussions,FISA-NSA

Michelle Malkin has the sealed court affadavit on the two US suspects associated with the Toronto raid, including mention of court-ordered surveillance. Snippets indicate NSA and FISA participation (given their well known missions and responsibilities in fighting terrorism) in the monitoring of the two US citizens and the Canadians now in custody:

I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in the Atlanta Division Field Office.


In March of 2005, SADEQUEE and AHMED traveled to Canada together via Greyhound bus. While there, they met with several other targets of an ongoing JTTF investigation.


According to AHMED, while he and SADEQUEE were in Canada, they met regularly with at least three subjects of an FBI international terrorism investigation.


Footnote] 1/SADEQUEE’s sister has also confirmed that he traveled to Canada with AHMED. In November, 2005, SADEQUEE’s sister spoke with AHMED and, during the course of the conversation, which was monitored by court-authorized electronic surveillance, stated “Shifa is traveling back and forth. You guys visited Toronto together.”

Emphasis mine.  The fact there was an international investigation ongoing involving foreign and US players seems to indicate it is nearly impossible this did not include NSA, and must have at some point involved the FISA court.  Maybe not the references phone monitoring, but I am sure at some point it did.  As I posted before, this event contains all the elements to illustrate and discuss a real world example of the NSA-FISA issues.  We need to have this national debate to expose the delusionists for what they are.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Malkin Confirms NSA-FISA Role In Toronto Raid”

  1. We Are Still At War With Fanatical Islam…

    Will any of this make it onto the lefty blogs today? I highly doubt it. No way they can spin this to fit their viewpoint.


  2. MerlinOS2 says:

    Totally agree with Flopping Aces here.

    The left agenda spin will minimize it.

    The revisionist OJ Syndrome

    “If it don’t fit, you must omit”!