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Patrioticduo: you said:
“Zimmerman is a nasty man with a viligante attitude”
Where do you get that information from? I’ve watched almost all of the testimony, and I’ve seen no evidence of that, at all. No one has testified that he had a vigilante attitude.
I loved the fact that the prosecution didn’t get to put ‘phony crying mom’ on the stand before the weekend. They didn’t anticipate that the witnesses called for verification would take so long and they would get to put the ‘tears’ crowd on the stand so the jury had a lot of time to remember them. Didn’t happen.
The George Zimmerman defense has recently gotten a lucky break. Angela Corey, Florida’s state attorney and the prosecutor against Zimmerman, has been indicted by a citizens’ grand jury for allegedly falsifying an arrest warrant and the complaint that led to Zimmerman being charged with the second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin.
The indictment accuses Corey of allegedly withholding photographs of Zimmerman’s head after the incident. Also, Corey allegedly falsely signed an arrest warrant under oath without including the pictures as evidence. Critics claim that Corey rushed the arrest warrant through because activists were rallying around the Trayvon Martin shooting, demanding that Zimmerman be charged with murder. Critics argue that Corey was attempting to secure a reelection with the support of the activists.
Where are you getting the above info — link?
jan…I posted the link above.
Here it is again: http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/guns/zimmerman-prosecutor-angela-corey-indicted-allegedly-falsifying-arrest-warrant
@Redteam – You’re absolutely right. What I should have said was “Zimmerman might be a nasty evil man”. I stand corrected.
Thanks jwb for reposting that link. It’s amazing that these charges of unethical conduct behind Corey’s arrest warrant for Zimmerman hasn’t been reported more in the MSM, isn’t it. Oh yeah, I forgot,,,what can one expect from the MSM!
In the meantime there is the following story, coming at the end of the prosecution’s case: George Zimmerman’s analysts bury the medical examiner.
Racialized prosecutorial indiscretion in the Zimmerman case
Posted by William A. Jacobson Saturday, July 6, 2013 at 10:35am
Now that the prosecution has ‘given up’, uh, I mean finished up, it’s kinda strange that they didn’t ever present any evidence that Trayvon Martin is actually dead. They didn’t prove that he was shot, they didn’t prove where the bullet that killed him came from. There was some that ‘said’ he was dead, but there was no medical evidence to prove that. I suspect that is because they didn’t want the ME on the stand so they could ask about the Mary wanna in his blood stream. Talk about reasonable doubt as to ‘who’ did it, there is now reasonable doubt that he was even killed. I think it’s clear they reached really hard to lynch someone with absolutely no case or evidence.
I’ve heard AJ is starting a new support group, “My Butt Aches for Trayvon”. Interested parties inquire within.