Jun 14 2006

Democrats In Disarray, Republicans Losing On Immigration

Published by at 6:51 pm under All General Discussions

Which party will implode more and faster this year? We seem to have a race to the bottom in this country.

The hardline far right is pushing immigration policies which are opposed by the American people by 80-20. Note: we have had this discussion readers – stop pleading ignorance about polls that go against your wishes. And an 80-20 poll is not close and never wil be. Durbin had the same level of support in comparing our military to Nazis.

And the angry left seems hell bent to repulse the rest of America with their rantings and ravings. The left has Ted Rall and the right has Anne Coulter: each side embarassing our good nation and its people. Also a note to the Reps: don’t demand I lower my standards for professional behavioir simply because someone is a Rep. That is how the left got to were they are. I lower my standards for no one. Anne can just lift hers back out of the sewer.

The Reps don’t know how to respond to the fact Bush’s policies are finally succeeding in Iraq, and neither do the dems! Hastert is out protecting Democrat William Jefferson from a criminal probe but needs to bottle up immigration legislation and call for prosecuting people who’s crime is working for a living. Taking bribes from rich people is fine, working without proper papers means being ripped from house and job and dumped homeless and jobless on the street. Go figure. Specter says Bush is not above the law (NSA monitoring of terrorists) but Congress is???

Lieberman has the right idea. If the parties are going to jointly jump over the cliff of reason into the sea of insanity then maybe we should let them and start fresh. Why spend money on parties that do nothing but yell and scream and denigrate others? America is much better than that and deserves much better than that. American Kadima. Enough with the abusing our fellow humans. If we cannot treat people with respect, how can we convince them to respect human life no matter what the challenges? No abort, just deport? There’s a coherent message. You can’t convict if in Congress they sit. But if they work without papers, they get their walking papers? Where is the sanity?

10 responses so far

10 Responses to “Democrats In Disarray, Republicans Losing On Immigration”

  1. Terrye says:

    The only thing stopping me is Hillary Clinton and the fact that like her husband she might win the White House by default.

    But Lieberman and Bush both deserve better than they have gotten from their respective parties.

  2. crosspatch says:

    I am starting to remember why I was registered Libertarian for so many years. The RepubliCrats sucked the life out of me.

  3. Terrye says:


    I know just what you mean. Partisan politics kills brain cells as well as the spirit. There are about 300 million people in the US, only a small fraction are partisan, most just want solutions to problems. Too bad that runs a slow second to your party getting one over on the other guy’s party.

  4. For Enforcement says:

    “Fine retire let’s just make it a law to shoot a wetback everyday and be done with it. “”

    Left by Terrye on June 14th, 2006

  5. Terrye says:


    I just thought you guys would like to hear how you sound to the rest of us who are not frothing at the mouth on the issue.

  6. For Enforcement says:

    “Fine retire let’s just make it a law to shoot a wetback everyday and be done with it. “”

    Left by Terrye on June 14th, 2006

    Hey, I just quoted you. You said it.

    “I know just what you mean. Partisan politics kills brain cells as well as the spirit. ”
    But this only applies to the ones that don’t agree with you, right? All your brain cells are functioning perfectly.
    Did you come up with that while you were out shooting?

  7. MerlinOS2 says:

    Satire on

    Solution…deport K street

    Satire off

  8. momdear1 says:

    I don’t know where they are taking these polls that say the majority of Americans think it’s ok to legalize and give citizenship plus affirmative action rights to between 12 and 25 million illegal aliens who have snuck into this country and are trying to transform it into a carbon copy of that country from whence they came. Down here in Dixie where I live you aren’t going to find many who like being displaced by them, yet are required by Fed. Govt. mandate to provide them with all kinds of goodies most of us can’t afford. We are inundated by them. They have taken jobs away from local citizens, overcrowded our schools, bankrupcted our hospitals, and now demand we accept them as they are and like them, and even accomodate them more by providing them with interpreters so they can apply for govt. freebies. If a poll were taken here, I would give you 10 to one odds that 85% to 90% would say, “Close the borders! Round them up and ship them out!” We don’t owe them anything. We didn’t invite them to come here and most of us are not benefiting from their being here. That is, nobody except the Catholic Church which has fobbed off so many Americans by condoning and covering up their Gay Priests’ molestation of boys that their membership numbers are going down the tube and they have to recruit new members from amongst the illiterate and uninformed peasants from third world countries who haven’t yet heard of the scandals. “Having compassion for all these poor people who are just trying to support their families” sounds good on paper but when it’s your family that is being displaced and making the sacrifices it takes on a new meaning. Charity begins at home. If we dont’ look out for our own families, nobody else is going to.

  9. AJStrata says:


    An 80-20 poll is not refutable. That is a hardened position that takes a lot to move away from. I am just pointing out the futility of the hardline position. There will be nothing if this continues. And nothing is worse than the Senate Bill (which needs a lot of work to deport the real criminals who are immigrants).

    Mob-think is blinding. I have never seen Brazil – I know it exists. What can I tell you? All your points are outside the focus of the Senate Bill which requires assimilation and paying their fair share of taxes (back taxes included). Your not arguing the subject at hand.

  10. For Enforcement says:

    Mob-think is blinding. I have never seen Brazil – I know it exists. What can I tell you? All your points are outside the focus of the Senate Bill which requires assimilation and paying their fair share of taxes (back taxes included). Your not arguing the subject at hand.

    ASSIMILATION definition: YOU gotta learn spanish, THEY have to file taxex(not necessarily pay any,, in fact they might get EITC) for 3 out of 5. years, YOU gotta file and pay for all 5. THEY get unearned SS benefits, YOU don’t. and on and on and on.

    The Repubs in district 50 in California wouldn’t match up with the 80-20 numbers.

    Build a fence and Enforce the current laws