Jun 16 2006

Riot Blogging

Published by at 9:04 am under All General Discussions

Mark In Mexico is live blogging a major riot and confrontation down in Mexico as teachers walked off their jobs in Oaxaca, Mexico (here and here).  Mark is a brave and dedicated blogger in my opinion.  Thankfully, the liberal left has not gone this far over the bend in America yet.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Riot Blogging”

  1. MerryJ1 says:

    Not yet, maybe, but keep an eye on the Teacher’s Union protest in New York. Looks like John Stossel lit a match under them with a chapter about education (or its lack) in his latest book.

  2. Roundup Time…

    Because my other site is under DDOS attack and I can’t post there.Hugo Chavez keeps complaining that the US is ready to invade Venezuela, but his real wa ……