Dec 02 2013

Obama Administration Trying To BS Country On Obamacare’s Pending Failure

Published by at 12:59 pm under All General Discussions,Obamacare

Watching the Sunday talk shows I realized the country would be better off if they all were cancelled, since they are all about partisan (read Democrat/Liberal) fiction and NOT about objective news and information to the voters.

The topic of the site status and its imaginary fixes was most amusing. All the leftist media types were in full CYA mode, trying to apply lipstick to the pig that ObamaCare has become.

While the technology ignorant may be fooled by load times and error rates on a web pages, the truth is ObamaCare will leave 5+ million Americans who HAD good healthcare insurance uninsured come January 1, 2014. And this is not speculation – according to the New York Times:

The problem is that so-called back end systems, which are supposed to deliver consumer information to insurers, still have not been fixed. And with coverage for many people scheduled to begin in just 30 days, insurers are worried the repairs may not be completed in time.

Emphasis mine. Notice the liberal spin in the ‘hide the truth’ verbiage? The problem is most people who lost their coverage ARE NOTscheduled” to be covered in 30 days. They cannot enroll! SO how can they be “schedule“?

“Until the enrollment process is working from end to end, many consumers will not be able to enroll in coverage,” said Karen M. Ignagni, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, a trade group.

And here is how bad it is going to be:

About 100,000 people signed up for health insurance through the online federal exchange last month, a roughly four-fold increase from October even as a team of U.S. government and contractor programmers was fixing the troubled Affordable Care Act website, said a person familiar with program’s progress.

For those not wanting to do the math, that is around 125,000 ‘signed up’ so far, though 5+ million were sent notices of cancelled polices. But wait, there is more:

The preliminary November numbers reflect individuals who successfully selected a plan.

Hmm, that wording seems a bit weasel-ish. Let’s go back to the New York Times piece for a possible explanation:

Some insurers say they have been deluged with phone calls from people who believe they have signed up for a particular health plan, only to find that the company has no record of the enrollment. Others say information they received about new enrollees was inaccurate or incomplete, so they had to track down additional data — a laborious task that would not be feasible if data is missing for tens of thousands of consumers.

In still other cases, insurers said, they have not been told how much of a customer’s premium will be subsidized by the government, so they do not know how much to charge the policyholder.

So, the website (the “pig’s face”) is now the diversionary focus. But the real test – will people who had valid and working insurance be insured come Jan 1, 2014 – is still to come. The numbers above show nearly all those who had terminated policies will not be enrolled.

That means every, single, horrific story of a sick person fighting a preexisting condition (e.g., cancer, pregnancy) now without insurance will be fair game. Because it will be the sheer ineptitude and negligence of Obama and the Democrats who risked each and every human life. What a political PR disaster – and deservedly so.

There is no excuse that will fly come Jan 1, especially something along the lines “we had to take that child’s cancer treatment away so the young, elderly and immigrant uninsured could become insured”.  The Dems tried this all weekend. I dare them to try it again come January 1.

Update: At least one Democrat insider is beginning to wonder how long Obama and the Dems can keep up the charade:

“Again, I think the pressure now will be on the administration to be more forthcoming about what’s happening on the back-end and whether insurance companies are getting the information.”

Well, we know the answer to that already.  Just not exactly how bad it will be? Will it be 5 million who lost coverage and could not enroll? Will it be 4.5 million?

With that many horror stories out there will it really matter>

14 responses so far

14 Responses to “Obama Administration Trying To BS Country On Obamacare’s Pending Failure”

  1. Neo says:

    “When you develop a website, you develop it with security in mind. And it doesn’t appear to have happened this time,” said David Kennedy, a so-called “white hat” hacker who tests online security by breaching websites. He testified on Capitol Hill about the flaws of last week.
    “It’s really hard to go back and fix the security around it because security wasn’t built into it,” said Kennedy, chief executive of TrustedSec. “We’re talking multiple months to over a year to at least address some of the critical-to-high exposures on the website itself.”

  2. […] AJ Strata finds those numbers unpromising…The real test on Jan 1, 2014 is still to come.  The numbers above show nearly all those who had terminated policies will not be enrolled. That means every, single, horrific story of a sick person fighting a preexisting condition (e.g., cancer, pregnancy) now without insurance will be fair game. Because it will be the sheer ineptitude and negligence of Obama and the Democrats who risked each and every human life. What a political PR disaster – and deservedly so. […]

  3. […] AJ Strata finds those numbers unpromising…The real test on Jan 1, 2014 is still to come. The numbers above show nearly all those who had terminated policies will not be enrolled. That means every, single, horrific story of a sick person fighting a …read more […]

  4. […] AJ Strata finds those numbers unpromising…The real test on Jan 1, 2014 is still to come. The numbers above show nearly all those who had terminated policies will not be enrolled. That means every, single, horrific story of a sick person fighting a preexisting condition (e.g., cancer, pregnancy) now without insurance will be fair game. Because it will be the sheer ineptitude and negligence of Obama and the Democrats who risked each and every human life. What a political PR disaster – and deservedly so. […]

  5. A_Nonny_Mouse says:

    As somebody said on a different site: ” It’s all PR! They’ve spent the last month on *making it LOOK like it works* instead of actually, you know, making the pieces talk to each other. ”

    So, whoopee, it doesn’t crash now when more-than-200 people use it simultaneously. BUT IT ALSO –(STILL)– DOESN’T GRAB THE RIGHT INFORMATION AND CREATE GOOD 834s. And it still doesn’t have payment processing. How much taxpayer money have they thrown at it in the last 4-5 weeks, just to con the LIV’s into thinking it’s “almost fixed”???

  6. momdear1 says:

    Has anyone considered the consequences of this mess? What is it doing to our present health care system? How many hospitals will have to close because they aren’t included in this system? It’s a lot easier to keep a hospital open than to reopen one. The state of Tennessee tried a voluntary Socialized Medicine plan several years go. People could buy into TennCare with premiums based on income. Everyone was assigned a primary care provider and deals were made with selected hospitals and clinics. This resulted in one of the best hospitals in the area having to close because it was left out of the deals. TennCare had to abandon it’s plan to insure anyone who didn’t have insurance because it nearly bankrupted the state. I am pretty sure those who designed TN’s plan were a lot smarter and competent than those who designed the national plan, and it was a failure. .

  7. Jinny says:

    How many people could receive superior care with the money that is being wasted on this miserable failure of a plan? MILLIONS of dollars spent and more to be spent.

    It’s disgusting and immoral. Where is the real outrage? I am not seeing it. Apparently it’s not enough to force Congress to repeal it.

  8. WWS says:

    After the handshake at Mandela’s funeral, Obama has now had more personal meetings with Raul Castro than he’s had with Health Secretary Sebelius.

    Both funny and sad that Obama and the fake interpreter managed to turn Mandela’s funeral into a colossal joke. (someone called him “The Black Fletch”)

  9. oneal lane says:

    They are busy perfecting the website. Eventually it will work fairly well and much of the angst about the roll out will subside. He has 3 years to get a lot of folks enrolled. This thing is not going to disappear, its the law, and Obama will not sign a repeal. The next election is 11 months away, its a long time.

  10. Frogg1 says:

    So, it appears that it is the insurance plans on the health care exchange that are the “crappy plans”, and not the plans people already had.

    “Obamacare exchange medical insurance policies are much worse than previous private policies. They not only restrict access to hospitals and doctors more severely than ever before. They also pay doctors much less, in some cases 50 percent less.
    In the past, private insurance companies paid doctors more than Medicare, and Medicare more than Medicaid. No longer. Now private Obamacare policies will pay barely more than Medicaid. Consumers should avoid these new exchange policies if at all possible.”


    “Many doctors are disturbed they will be paid less — often a lot less — to care for the millions of patients projected to buy coverage through the health law’s new insurance marketplaces.
    Some have complained to medical associations, including those in New York, California, Connecticut, Texas and Georgia, saying the discounted rates could lead to a two-tiered system in which fewer doctors participate, potentially making it harder for consumers to get the care they need.”


    7 out of 10 California Doctors are Boycotting Obamacare

  11. Frogg1 says:

    “Crappy” insurance, and perhaps no job….

    Survey: Nearly half of CFOs plan to cut jobs over Obamacare

  12. WWS says:

    “They are busy perfecting the website.”

    If that’s what you call “frantically trying to convince people that a completely useless video-game is actually a health insurance site” then fine.

  13. kathie says:

    My daughter and husband had a PPO plan for $320 a month……now they have an HMO for $560 a month plus a $3500 deductible, and reduced doctors and hospitals. How can a young family of 2 pay $560 a month for insurance, insurance? That’s criminal!

  14. oneal lane says:


    I’m sure your OK but just too busy to post. Could someone on your end just open up and open thread so we could vent.

