Jul 03 2006

Kadima American Style II

Published by at 1:51 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

With both parties seemingly on self destruct mode (the left with the BDS-driven conspiracy theories and the right with their stubborn angst against a guest worker program) Americans are probably ready for a less ‘hard line’ pols and willing to back people who want progress over perfection to ideology. The left has been in the fever swamps longer and deeper than the right, so I am not surprised to see that side flirting with independent candidates more and more. The next big name to test these waters with the rest of us non-aligned citizens is 2000 Democrat VP Candidate Joe Leiberman. Senator Leiberman has said he will run to win his seat even if he does lose the primary, which I think is a great decision. Leiberman is one of those democrats this conservative independent could easily support since he is closer to Bush than some in Bush’s own party (examples:Michael Savage and the Buchanans). Good luck Joe and here’s to hoping you win your 4th Senate race.

Note: the fact that the leftwing media is rapidly crippling our anti-terrorism defenses makes the stubborness by the Right in the House that led them to think leaving our borders unprotected this summer was a good political move actually a really terrible move. I can no more sanction the news media taking risks with our collective lives than I can the House leadership. They House should have gone in and accepted a guest worker program ,tightened up the package where it made sense, and provided this nation legislation that would address our exposure along the border and the exposure we have internally with so many undocumented workers ‘underground’. We have been able to detect attack because of programs that are now being exposed and rendered fairly useless. We had 5 years to solve the border and immigrant worker problems, but like Corzine stubbornly letting NJ flounder instead of finding a solution, the GOP House left us at risk for another year (knowing full well it takes 2-4 years to beef up our borders and twice that to document workers in a guest worker program). Realists like Leiberman and the Gang of 14 and others who realize some progress is ten times better than posturing and letting things detoriate are the ones Americans should be turning to. And maybe they are. We shall see.

Update: In another example of how the left may not be the brightest side of the aisle, Joe Leiberman’s critics are comparing his decision to stay in and fight for his seat even if he loses the Democrat primary a “cut & run” scheme. Only the left could confuse a show of tenacity, a desire to win despite set backs with ‘cut & run’. Not only does the left have no imagination to come up with their own phrases, when they do steal them they misuse them! Too funny.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Kadima American Style II”

  1. crosspatch says:

    Note: the fact that the leftwing media is rapidly crippling our anti-terrorism defenses makes the stubborness by the Right in the House that led them to think leaving our borders unprotected this summer was a good political move actually a really terrible move.

    I believe the crippling of our anti-terrorism measures is colateral damage. Their real agenda is to attack the Bush Administration and anything they might want to do. It goes beyond exposing secret programs and I would hold up the recent publishing of private residential addresses for Cheney and Rumsfeld to include photograps of the residences and driveways, etc. as an example of this. The major media are on an all out attack against the administration and if that damages our anti-terrorism efforts, oh well.

    Having said that, yeah, the failure to even consider any kind of reasonable compromise was dangerous and seemed juvenile. I suppose that is what we get for electing people with the best PR campaign. Nincompoops with a shiny smile.

  2. crosspatch says:

    Situations like this make me think about how effective families would be if parents were selected by popularity contest. I still believe that in order to gain the right to vote, one must devote 2 years of their life to public service (military or humanitarian service), pass the same test an immigrant must pass in order to gain citizenship, and be 21 years old. I remember when I was in my twenties thinking how stupid I was when I was 18 … and I thought I knew it all. Then again, in my forties I am amazed at how stupid I was in my twenties, but that is another story.

    This “old enough to fight/old enough to vote” is crap. Fight … then you earn the right to vote. The idea being that one must be old enough to realize that the best choice is often not the most popular choice at the moment and the value of a decision only becomes clear later. Most youngsters don’t understand that concept.

  3. For Enforcement says:

    “makes the stubborness by the Right in the House that led them to think leaving our borders unprotected this summer was a good political move actually a really terrible move.”
    It is the stubborness of the people that love America that want the borders secured without giving away America in the process that refuses to compromise with the people that are perfectly happy to give it away. Some of the uninformed see it differently.

    the failure to even consider any kind of reasonable compromise
    But some only see “reasonable compromise” as do nothing about the border and make everybody citizens. I see that as surrender, not compromise.

    One of the first insightful things I have seen Crosspatch say:

    “I still believe that in order to gain the right to vote, one must devote 2 years of their life to public service (military or humanitarian service), pass the same test an immigrant must pass in order to gain citizenship, and be 21 years old. I remember when I was in my twenties thinking how stupid I was when I was 18 … and I thought I knew it all. Then again, in my forties I am amazed at how stupid I was in my twenties,”

    First has CP served in the Military? But the insightful part is in the fact that most people don’t really think about how little people are informed.

    I can see a movie, such as Patton and know what it means when a road sign with” Malmedy” on it is lying beside the road. Know the details of the Battle of the Bulge, etc. and I know that the average citizen would never have heard of either. But then I read and watch the news and watch history. The average citizen will never watch an episode of the History channel. Most people will not watch the news unless the World Trade Center has just been destroyed.

    Most people believe the NY Times just because “it was in the newspapers” little realizing that it was just a liberal traitor that wrote it for the sole purpose of creating more hatred of Pres Bush and of America.

    I don’t care if those people vote, but they shouldn’t just because they don’t usually know what or who they are voting for

  4. Terrye says:

    I think Lieberman is right to stay in there. He has served for too long to be run out of the party without a fight.

    As for immigration I thought this link was interesting. It seems the plan to send the NG to the border might be doing some good . Needless to say more is needed, but this might be a good sign.

  5. For Enforcement says:

    Gotta love that liberal math:

    “Del Rio border influx drops
    Immigrant jail policy, Guard presence are given credit for fewer arrests

    DEL RIO – Nearly 5,000 immigrants were arrested in June 2005 trying to enter the United States illegally through this area. But this June, only about 2,000 people were nabbed after crossing the perilous Rio Grande”

    I don’t see this as a plus. Let’ s just say the traffic stayed the same, with 5000 arrests last year and 2000 this year, I don’t see how anybody is getting credit for any “improvements”

    Besides no NG has gotten there yet I would guess. Only 650 total got to all four of the states, so if Del Rio got many, it would be a surprise.

    Now if they had arrested 6000 this year,, I would see that as an improvement. Notice they don’t claim “traffic” is down, just arrests.

  6. For Enforcement says:

    The blitz, which ended June 26, complemented stepped-up Border Patrol operations in this area but didn’t involve the Texas National Guard troops