
If you think the whole matter of Hillary’s email abuse – and hiding her records from public view – was staged you are probably brighter than the average “Political Elite”. Or at least much brighter than those “Elites” would give you credit at being.
Today’s headlines echo the same talking point language President Obama uttered 2 years ago on this matter – proof positive this is all scripted and a coordinated maneuver by the Political Elite to protect Hillary:
President Obama acknowledged in a new interview that Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton had shown a degree of “carelessness” in managing her emails while heading the State Department.
“I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security,” the president told Fox News Sunday in an interview. But, he added, “what I’ve also said is that — and she has acknowledged — that there’s a carelessness, in terms of managing e-mails, that she has owned, and she recognizes.”
Emphasis mine. Two years on the Obama FBI is still parroting their leader’s selected and specified outcome, right down to the poll-tested wording:
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday that he would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state but that Clinton and her aides were “extremely careless” handling classified information.
“Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey said. “Although we did not find clear evidence” of intentional misconduct, he added, “There is evidence that they were extremely careless of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
The fixers have fixed Hillary’s effing mess! It was all careless.
I guess the tarmac meeting with Lynch and Bill Clinton – along with the the clear signal Hillary will keep Lynch on as AG (quid pro quo anyone?) – had NOTHING to do with today’s announcement.

Of course Hillary’s “
carelessness” has nothing to do with her qualifications as commander-in-chief either? I guess Hillary is just a bumbling, stumbling, mumbling fool when it comes to leading this nation (see Benghazi, Obamacare, Middle East, Immigration, etc).
I think this plays right into the Brexit frame of mind here in the US, and boosts Trump’s chances in the fall.
The fix is in! Long live the fixers!
Tags: Clinton, Email, FBI, Lynch, Obama