Jan 19 2017
Now Elites Get To Sacrifice Their Jobs For America

Losing your job, your livelihood – your career! – can be devastating. And the later in life it happens the more devastating it is because you cannot just start another career.
A career is more than a job. It is what you spent your early years achieving and your middle years honing. It is your life – if you are lucky. In many families, it is passed from generation to generation as a badge of familial honor.
For decades, the political elite have sacrificed the careers of millions of Les Deplorables to line their pockets at the alter of (or the excuse for) “globalism”. Until 2016 – when Les Deplorables pushed back and basically said “we aren’t going to take it anymore, now it is your time for sacrifice”.
Apparently, Donald J Tump is planning on delivering on this message to the Elites.
The changes they propose are dramatic.
The departments of Commerce and Energy would see major reductions in funding, with programs under their jurisdiction either being eliminated or transferred to other agencies. The departments of Transportation, Justice and State would see significant cuts and program eliminations.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be privatized, while the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be eliminated entirely.
Overall, the blueprint being used by Trump’s team would reduce federal spending by $10.5 trillion over 10 years.
This post is to give the Political Industrial Complex (*PIC) and all its Bureaucratic Sycophants a heads up. If you think having the “Fake News” Media run sob-stories on the impact of these cuts on the PIC will elicit sympathy , you missed the entire point of the last few decades and the 2016 election upheaval. Main Street America has been suffering career losses and their devastation over the last few decades. They did their bit for King and Country.
Now it is your turn PIC. Think of it as a badge of honor, a sacrifice to make up for all those failed policies and false promises. Actions have consequences.
There will be the same level of sympathy from Main Street as you showed Main Street. Maybe we can set up retraining programs for those whose wealth is insufficient to live out their lives in gross and lavish fashion (think of all those millionaires and billionaires suffering – Oh the Humanity!).
A list of items on the chopping block has leaked out this week and it’s far more than lip service. Assuming that these are the final plans, you’re going to see heads exploding in the big government cheerleading sector and a chorus of cheers coming from small government conservatives.
I’ll toast to that. And yes, my job is one of those which could be impacted. So this will not be theoretical or abstract for me or the people I know. But it is necessary for this nation.

* The Political Industrial Complex encompasses all those elites whose livelihoods are predicated on central-control of resources and who determine who is allowed to succeed in society. It is a bipartisan exclusive club. It includes the Politicians and their career staffers. It includes crony donors and lobbyists who reap government windfalls and special treatment that average citizens cannot obtain. It includes the PIC industrial base of pollsters, consultants, etc. And it includes the pliant news media
, whose success rest on access to those in power, and in return for access making sure no bad news will disrupt said power.
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