Aug 01 2006

Groping For The Essence

Published by at 10:03 am under All General Discussions,Hezbollah

Why does this man makes sense, and this one, this one, this one and this one all seem misguided and over the top? Probably because all those others are worried about opinions and not results. Results shape opinions. The last one (James Pinkerton) is sadly 100% wrong. The naysayers and handwringers all sing the same chorus until the results prove them wrong. They were with us in Afgahnistan, they were there opining about sand storms and supply lines as we marched to Baghdad, they are there with us now on Iraq and Hezbollah. They are simply afraid of what people think and it never occurs to them to change what people think by creating the results that will change minds. (Hat tip RCP)

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One Response to “Groping For The Essence”

  1. The Protocols Of The Elder Carter…

    From the jumbled mind of Jimmy Carter comes the most incoherent argument on the Islamo-Israeli Conflict ever published by the Washington Post; indeed, Band-Aid Treatment alone cannot begin to hold this piece together. Apparently, Jimmy wants to remind …