Apr 17 2018

Farewell AJ – RIP

Published by at 10:45 am under All General Discussions

As we have passed the one year anniversary of his last post

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, I have finally felt like I could share my pain with everyone. AJStrata, my husband, was dedicated to the truth. He used this blog as the platform for sharing his investigations with the world. His first post was in May of 2005. Early on he found that he could not stomach the MSM and wanted to do his own due diligence to find the truth. He loved finding new sources and fellow bloggers who shared his own passion for politics, current events, and climate change myths.

Even though he is gone, know that he enjoyed the debates with readers and was always humbled that others wanted to visit this site.


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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Farewell AJ – RIP”

  1. RattlerGator says:

    My goodness, I’m so sad to read this post. I checked back regularly over a period of time, always hoping to see a new post because I enjoyed this site that much.

    Thank you for this notice, LJStrata, and I pray he rests in peace.

  2. kathie says:

    I have missed AJ commentary…….I so enjoyed reading his posts. Thank you AJ…..Kathie

  3. patch says:

    Rest in peace.

    He will be missed.

  4. UglyinLA says:


    I had no idea he left us… Much like Gator, I would come back here periodically with great anticipation that there would be a new insight from AJ.

    My condolences.. rest in peace AJ.