Aug 07 2006

Iran Sends In Syrian Reenforcements

Published by at 12:36 am under All General Discussions

Syria is on the brink of joining Hezbollah on the battlefield before Hezbollah is completely anihilated:

“If Israel attacks Syria by any means, on the ground, in the air, our leadership ordered the armed forces to reply immediately”
Walid Muallem, Syrian foreign minister

SYRIA’S foreign minister yesterday offered to join militant group Hezbollah in its fight against Israel and said a regional war would be “most welcome” as more than 30 people in Israel and Lebanon were killed on one of the worst days since the conflict began.

My guess is Syrian President Assad is under pressure from Iran to get into the battle one way or the other before Hezbollah is completely decimated. Iran knows that if Hezbollah in Lebanon is neutralized it will leave Syria as the only puppet regime left to distract the world as Iran attempts to complete a nuclear weapon. Assad has no power without the Iranians. Something that in and by itself could topple his regime as Arabs would not tolerate being the pawns of the Persian Iranians. Especially the Baathists who fought Iran for many years with Saddam. We are coming on a critical juncture. Will Assad find some excuse to join Hezbollah before or after the Arabs decide to dump him from power? Only time will tell. My guess is there are few exit ramps for the Islamo Fascists right now so they will go for broke. I hope I am wrong.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Iran Sends In Syrian Reenforcements”

  1. lurker9876 says:

    At the beginning of this war, the reports said that once Israel destroys the Hezzies, then that leaves two countries left: Syria and Iran. The same reports also predict the fall of Syria shortly after that.

    Looks like the predictions are coming true.

    The Hezzie’s firing of six rockets into Syria was an attempt to draw Syria into the war. Will Syria have the willpower and resources to fight?

    Israel must be betting that Syria will not fight.

    I hope you’re right.

  2. Carol_Herman says:

    Well, DEBKA is reporting that syria is back-staging the missile attacks FROM SYRIA. Where information on where to shoot the missile barrages is being orchestrated IN SYRIA.

    As to the re-supplies of rocket launchers and missiles, they’re coming through strapped to the backs of donkeys and mules; who then carry this stuff through twisting mountain passes into hezbollah’s waiting hands. This doesn’t sound all that efficient to me. Or that Israel can’t intercept the communications links with drones and bombs.

    I still think the major way the iranians play next is to bomb a tanker at sea. But it’s something they wanted to do AFTER they won their position in lebanon. And, Israel’s COUNTER-ATTACK has left holes in their approach, here.

    I think the UN stuff is also designed to fail. But to fill the diplomatic-pants-dancers dance card, just the same.

    And, for some reason, that August 21st or 2nd date, that the nut in Iran picked out; comes to mind as the date the Iranians do a full-frontal engagement. (We’d be caught unprepared?)

    The other thing to notice, since the Israelis are carting away reams of information from all their targetted raids; is that not only are the hezbollah collapsing; exposed will be the dead chinese, north korean, iranian and syrian troops, interspersed into lebanon’s battlefields.

    It’s a treasure trove of data on how terrorists fight. Why they expected NOT to have to fight. Why the saudis, eygptians, and jordanians, are so hushed-up. And, why iran’s plans involved nasrallah in the first place. BECAUSE he allowed lebanon to be used this way. As a surrogate. The nut-job in Iran couldn’t afford to arm and train his own troops, because such an army would have turned against him. And, the weak mullets.

    The only “glue” is the anti-Semitism. This is true, too, in Connecticut’s race, t’marra. And, even if Lieberman is tossed, he’ll run as an independent. And, the donks will be the new Pat Buchanan anti-Semitic movement. Does Pat Buchanan then jump ship?

  3. arjay says:


    I really enjoy your posts and appreciate your writing style. Keep up the good work!

    Maybe you can answer a question for me about a term I see you using often lately. “Pant-Dancers” I don’t have a good grasp of what exactly it means, though I can guess. How did that term originate and is there any historical background to it?

    For my .02. I think by the time this is done we will see the IAF/IDF take care of the Syrian front and the USA will strike Iran. I would not be surprised if we coordinated the attacks for best affect. We may see $4 to $5 per gallon gas for a few months but then most of the ME BS will be over. I sure hope we hit both the mullahs and the Iranian President and then help the Iranian people begin to establish a real democracy. I could also see the Iranian Kurds coming down from the north along with a couple other pro-democracy tribes. We need to begin arming and supportin them now.

  4. OLDPUPPYMAX says:

    Assad can write a book about that “rock and a hard place” feeling. Keep Iran happy by entering the fray and the Syrian people will find themselves in a war they don’t want and don’t support. Do nothing and the Iranians will withdraw the support which guarantees his employment.

  5. trentk269 says:

    I hope you’re wrong about this one, but I don’t think you are. Despite media cheerleading, Hizbollah looks to be in deep doo-doo. The severed bridges and roads are just one indication of this, the ranting and raving (calling for open warfare with America) of their leader is another.

    The only chance the Hizzies have is for the Donks to get majority control back in Congress. The only way that’s going to happen is that they don’t attck Amercia frontally. (Cut and run is a tough sell when your troops are directly attacked on the battlefield)

    Syria has no chance against the Israelis. I agree that this would be the last straw against Assad Jr. If Iran attacks to support them in the likely event of an Israeli butt-kicking, they probably lose their best chance to go nuclear (since they would have to move through the U.S. forces operating in Iraq).

    Like MacRanger says, it ought to be a bang of a summer- and fall.