Aug 11 2006

Martyr Video And Heathrow Security Guard

Published by at 11:07 am under All General Discussions,UK Airline Plot

The open area of security I think we need to watch is all those people who work at the airports. We here in DC saw Dulles Airport infiltrated with illegal aliens who were working on construction at the airport. Apparently one of those arrested in the UK plot was a security guard at Heathrow. And another had already recorded his martyr video for prosperity:

BRITISH police claim to have found a “martyrdom video” in which one of the 24 British Muslims arrested over an alleged plot to destroy up to a dozen passenger aircraft sets out his reasons for joining the planned suicide attack.

British officials said the damning evidence had been found in the home of one of the suspects, who include a 23-year-old biochemistry student and a Heathrow security guard with an all-areas access pass.

The plot was very, very sophisticated. And with certain people in the right places many elements could have sliped right around security checkpoints. The other thing to note is the death wish in all this. These people cannot be reasoned with. They want to die killing as many people as they can.

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