Aug 14 2006

Keep It Civil

Published by at 10:47 am under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

As everyone knows I refer to the radical muslims as “Islamo Fascists” because that is what they are and so people understand I am not against Muslims or Islam in general (though I truly wish the moderate voices would speak louder, clearer and more often to offset the fascists). Bush has come under fire from some folks for using the term – but it is accurate and does help differentiate the problems from the general population. But Cal Thomas has published an article calling the far left wing of the Democrats the “Taliban Democrats”. Well, that is a bit too much and not what we want when we are trying to show conservatives as serious and the far left wing as driven by anger and hate and nothing else. The far left wing doesn’t decapitate the non-believers, they simply shun us. They do not call for Sharia law, just liberal law. So Cal, next time try and lift the debate instead of dropping into the sewers with the Kos Kids. I think we can all let them be the Kings and Queens of the fever swamps. And thanks for reminding me why I remain a staunch independent.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Keep It Civil”

  1. Barbara says:

    I’m really sick of all this political correctness. It’s time to call a spade a spade. I wouldn’t even mind calling it a bloody shovel. These people are Islamofascists or terrorists or whatever. The fact remains that they want to kill us. And we want to be fair to them!!!!!!!!! Our problem is that we are soft and used to the good life with no sacrifice or hardships. Like in Rome the barbarians are now at the gate. Will we surrender hoping to save ourselves or will we fight? Rome was looted and raped and did not save themselves. So will we be if we give in.

  2. pull says:

    I would point out that there is a wide difference between a “liberal” and what is a leftist… just as there is a wide difference between a “socialist” and a Marxist or Communist. These semantical differences are, of course, grosslly abused by the far left to their own benefit.

    Ultimately, the far left and the far right are both ironically so much to the extreme that they essentially end up being the same thing… albeit this is beyond the surface of both… however, when your surface is deceit or delusion (one might call it either), then the surface ultimately does not matter in the least.

    For me, regardless, the proper definition of these people is not as a “Taliban Democrat” but rather as a “Leftist” — which I think accurately implies the inherent extremism in the body of their beliefs.