Aug 19 2006
The Delusional Left
After the UK Airline Plot this is what the Kool Aid swilling left took from the incident:
In the wake of the recent discovery of the alleged bomb plot in Britain, the Bush regime has been highlighting the danger to national security in order to line people up behind its fascist agenda. Keep in mind that all we know so far are the accusations of this plot. Often government accusations turn out to be fabrications. Remember the “dirty nuclear bomb plot” of alleged terrorist, Jose Padilla, a few years ago? He was never charged with this even though the headlines helped the Bush regime in its scare tactics. First we had the “shoe bomb” but now we also have to face the threat of “Islamic fascists” using toothpaste and shampoo to destroy our way of life.
Got that? All of this is nothing but toothpaste and shampoo. Here is the conclusion this fool draws:
We can not fall into the trap of keeping Americans safe as a priority.
Nope, can’t have that now, can we. Some fun photos to go with your reading pleasure
The real reason that the Dems want to pretend that everything is hunky dory is so that they can get on with their domestic agenda. Then they will reduce the military so that we can afford universal health care-and we will end up just like the French.
They think toothpast and shampoo are terror weapons…
Hmm that explains a lot……..
Love those freudian slips!