Aug 21 2006

GOP Blow Out On Fundraising

Published by at 10:27 pm under All General Discussions

The short lived parity of the Dems fundraising against the GOP has come to a crashing end:

Republicans trying to hold onto the House raised $12.5 million in July, outpacing Democrats by a 3-to-1 margin but leaving the GOP just $1 million ahead in cash on hand.

The NRCC has raised $70 million so far and has $34.1 million in the bank. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee raised $4.2 million in July, taking the group’s total to $81 million this cycle and $33 million cash on hand.

I have to say the article was one of the most confusing example of writing I have seen in a long time – and I read numbers all day long! But the point is while the Democrats jumped ahead breifly, the GOP is roaring back. Back in January I made an estimate on the potential numbers for the DNC and RNC in September (which this report is not capturing). I cannot wait to see how my predictions are holding up. But one thing is for sure – money indicates interest and drive. It looks like the democrats are deflating right now, and that could be the Dean and Lamont effect. As the liberal left pounds the DLC and other (rich) moderates, they chase away a huge donor pool. It’s not like the fevered swamps are teaming with a lot of obscenely wealthy people.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “GOP Blow Out On Fundraising”

  1. danking_70 says:

    One big donor pool has been sending lots of money to Israel as of late limiting donation amounts.

    Add that to the Lamont win in the CT primary and the nastiness directed at Lieberman (“rape gurney joe, blackface, website hack…) and you’ve got less money to Democrats from a traditionally big donor pool.

  2. ordi says:

    The fevered swamps may not be teaming with a lot wealthy people but their parents are wealthy.

  3. lurker9876 says:

    And now “they” want to boycott Nicole….

  4. Kitty Litter says:


    Good news! GOP Blow Out On Fundraising: [O]ne thing is for sure – money indicates interest and drive. It looks like the democrats are deflating right now, and that could be the Dean and Lamont effect….

  5. TomAnon says:

    Aren’t Rahm Emmanuel and Howard Dean fighting over the dispensation of these funds? Rahm wants them to go to Conressional Candidates and Howie want thems to go to State programs to build local power at the grassroots?