Jul 08 2005
KOS Covers His Kass
Mark Coffey and others have linked to some clean up over at the Daily KOS where the leftwing nuts have been fantasizing again about how Bush and Blair are behind the bombings in London.
The last link I ran across was at LGF.
What kind of freak thinks up this stuff just so they don’t have to admit they have been wrong about politics and the world in general? I mean this kind of denial is pure weirdness.
I think the attempt by KOS and others to silence free speech is all CYA to minimize the damage the bombings are going to be doing to the dems. They have been on the wrong side of this since Clinton’s administration dealt with Bin Laden as a legal matter and not as a national security threat.
Where is Durbin and his tales of Nazis at GITMO??
What would the democrat UberGround say if some detainee knew about the bombings and we did not get the information out of them in time??
Give them more free room service?
When you silence speech it is because it harms your position or goals. Always and forever.
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