Sep 21 2006

Democrat Political Suicide In Virginia

Published by at 10:57 am under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

The media really stepped into it when they tried to make Sen Allen feel uncomfortable because his mom was raised Jewish (which means the media sees being Jewish as embarrassing). A view that is clearly held by Webb democrat supporters who have gone overboard making fun of Allen’s Jewish roots even though his Jewish roots mean absolutely nothing in this race. So Webb’s campaign is now tarred as sexist and bigoted….Amazing. Who knew the left was so embarrassed by their Jewish backers?

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Democrat Political Suicide In Virginia”

  1. Terrye says:

    I was watching Brit Hume yesterday evening and they showed Allen being questioned about his Jewish heritage by some really snarky reporter and I was shocked by the question. Really, it was one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen.

    Didn’t Albright find out late in life that she had some relatives who hid their background and escaped Europe during the war? I read that Allen just found out his mother’s people were Jewish and his grandfather had been jailed by the Nazis in Tunis. The woman had never spoken of it to anyone.

    The whole thing just seems so tacky.

  2. carol johnson says:

    Whoa!! On Rush’s show today, he was ON FIRE!!! The Dems have shot themselves in the a$$ this time…by trying hard not to offend Chavez and Ahmadinejhad while at the same time telling them to stop criticizing Bush!!! You heard right…that’s THEIR job!

    I guess they found out that all their loud-mouth trash-talking all these years is coming back to bite them! When two foreign heads of state start talking like Democrats, it is somewhat embarrassing I guess.

    All this love and concern for the President of the United States by the opposing party, who can’t even be bothered to denounce a movie about his assassination, is suddenly going to sound all indignant about these two crazies and their take on our country and OUR President…is late if not completely ludicrous!! Way to go, Rangel, Pelosi, et al! Keep it up and you’ll lose. Guaranteed!!


  3. clarice says:

    Harkin kissed Chavez’ butt.

    And he said nothing his friend Cindy hasn’t said and they all smooched smooched her.

    (Isn’t Rove a genius? First he gives Chavez a Chomsky book to wave, then he has him repeat the Dem talking points, and finally while Pelosi and Rangel are running for cover, the Sandinista’s buddy Harkin rushes to embrace him.)

  4. Terrye says:


    The other day Chavez was going on about how Bush was behind 9/11 and I thought then, he has been listening to the loons. It seems so.

  5. carol johnson says:

    Rove you magnificent b-st-rd!!! LOL!


  6. MerlinOS2 says:

    I don’t think it should be restricted to Virginia. It is becoming abundantly clear that the dems are on the verge of again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    They have lost past elections without the more radical positions then they are taking now and expect to win. I will wait for the final results, but quite frankly I view their current actions indicating that even they realize they are becoming increasing marginalized and are showing some desperation. I may be wrong but it is the impression I am getting.

  7. MerlinOS2 says:

    I note that the DU dummies are claiming that the compromise on the tribunal guidance and the wiretaping approvals are just a proactive pardon of GW that will stymie their impeachment dreams.

    It doesn’t matter that their basic premise was wrong to start with, but I tend to take guilty pleasure in their discomfort.

    Oh I need to be reeducated in PC..however they don’t know that my motto I live by is

    You can’t fool me, I’m too stupid!

  8. alcibiades says:


    Madeleine Albright “learned” she was from a Jewish family, (her) part of which converted to Christianity around the time of the war as an adult for reasons of political expediency. According to her cousin, who she knew and played with when they both were children, she was quite aware of the fact at that time.