Sep 28 2006

Lieberman Still Trouncing Lamont

Published by at 7:54 am under All General Discussions,Leiberman-Lamont

In case anyone cares anymore, Lieberman is still trouncing anti-war candidate Ned Lamont by 10 points, 49-39. In a three way race that is pretty bad news for Lamont. Here is the Quinnipiac poll page for CT. The details are staggering:

In this latest survey, Lieberman leads Lamont 69 – 15 percent among likely Republican voters, with 12 percent for Schlesinger, and 50 – 36 – 4 percent among likely independent voters, while likely Democratic voters back Lamont 57 – 37 percent.

CT’s majority voting block is independents. It seems whatever Joe get in that group is where he lands statewide (not surprisingly). And I still think the Democrat numbers are inflated and Joe will do much better with Dems come voting day.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Lieberman Still Trouncing Lamont”

  1. Ken says:

    Even an Orthodox Jew like Joe should realize by now the Iraq War
    is not serving Israel’s interests as planned.

  2. Barbara says:


    put a sock on it.