Oct 03 2006

W Brands Democrats As Soft On Terrorists

Published by at 3:32 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

The Democrats walked themselves right into this election year’s most potent and important issue: defending America against terrorist attacks. Their BDS short sighted the Dems into opposing all things Bush – whether they made sense or not. And this is their just desserts for not having more self control and using their brains instead of the lust for power:

So I directed the National Security Agency to establish the Terrorist Surveillance Program to track terrorist communications between someone overseas and someone in the United States. The philosophy behind this program is pretty clear: If al Qaeda operatives are making calls in the United States, we need to know who they’re calling, why they’re calling and what they’re planning. (Applause.)

Apparently, this simple logic is not very clear to the Democrats in the United States Congress. Last week, when legislation providing additional authority for the Terrorist Surveillance Program came before the House of Representatives, 177 Democrats voted against listening in on terrorist communications.

The stakes in this election couldn’t be more clear. If you don’t think we should be listening in on the terrorist, then you ought to vote for the Democrats. If you want your government to continue listening in when al Qaeda planners are making phone calls into the United States, then you vote Republican. (Applause.)

This ain’t rocket science folks. The NSA cannot and will not request FISA Court warrants to monitor terrorists overseas and pass any leads with contacts here in the US to the FBI. The most basic issue is the FISA Court refuses (rightfully in my opinion) to authorize a blanket surveillance warrant on someone here based solely on NSA intercepts that show a communication took place (not exactly what the subject matter is, since all terrorist communique’s will be in code anyway).

Let’s just use the Foley incident as an example of how this works. We get a communication that looks funny but is not illegal (like the emails Hastert and company saw from last year – post Katrina). The courts rightfully say that is not sufficient probable cause – but they start to dig. Then they find something much clearer and damning (like IMs from 2 years prior to the email with clear intent). Then the courts determine there is probable cause or concern and the warrants go forth.

The democrats are very two-faced on all of this. We cannot listen on terrorists living abroad and intercept communications here, but we sure as hell can monitor emails and IMs for sexual predators. Both terrorists and sexual predators need to be caught so as to remove risks from our loved ones. For some reason the Democrats oppose treating terrorists as dangerous (or more) than a Rep Congressman dealing with under age boys.

The Democrats have tied themselves up in knots this year and now find themselves defending a terrorist’s right to communicate freely once here in the US.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “W Brands Democrats As Soft On Terrorists”

  1. Barbara says:

    The dems, as always, are depending on dead people to vote for them. There must be some way to weed out the deceased from voter rolls. I recently received a card from my local Board of Elections. On it, I am requested to send the card back only if I have a change. It does not ask if I am still alive. Surely they could send out something to verify that people are still entitled to vote. Do many die and so many move. Of course, in just about every state the dems are combating national id. There is a reason for this. Dead people can’t vote and live ones can’t vote but once. I doubt if their numbers would be so great if we had this id. But they know this. That’s why they are fighting it.

  2. Barbara says:

    Sorry, meant to type so many die and so many move.

  3. joeg2006 says:

    When will we understand that time is against us? When will we understand that while we are busy blaming the political parties here back and forth … the real threat is growing by the day…
    They (Jihadist terrorist organizations and states) are not against democrats or republicans… not even Americans… but simply against ANYONE who does not convert to ISLAM and bows to their convictions. Some interesting documents on this can be found at http://www.TechnonLLC.com/blog
    Instead of fighting for our individual/party egos we should and MUST unite and fight for our freedom.

  4. Barbara says:

    Oops. I thought it was the dems who wanted Hastert’s resignation, but it is republicans. Who’d thunk it? This is what is so aggraviting about the republicans. As soon as one of their members comes under fire, they demand his/her resignation. When one of the dems comes under fire, they close ranks. Not that I think the dems are right to do what they do, but republicans should just shut up and not finger point without having all the facts. They are only distancing themselves from the fall out.

  5. kathie says:

    I say you’ve gotta love Australia’s John Howard!
    Howard attacks left intelligentsia


    PRIME Minister John Howard has launched a scathing attack on Australia’s left-wing intelligentsia, questioning its loyalty to the nation over the past decades.

    In a speech delivered last night for the 50th anniversary of the conservative magazine Quadrant, Mr Howard said the left had a history of denigrating the nation and was now doing the same with the war in Iraq, describing Islamic terrorism as the new tyranny.

    He said Australian universities were still breeding leftists and described pro-communists of decades past as “ideological barrackers for regimes of oppression opposed to Australia and its interests”, Fairfax reports today.

    Mr Howard said the left was wrong in its view that the Cold War was an equal struggle between the ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union.

    “It became the height of intellectual sophistication to believe that people in the West were no less oppressed than people under the yoke of communist dictatorship,” Mr Howard said in his speech.

    Mr Howard praised Quadrant for its record of countering “stultifying orthodoxies and dangerous utopias that have, at times, gripped the Western intelligentsia”.

  6. Snapple says:

    Dear AJ-

    I have never been able to follow all the stuff about the NSA, but I read that the investigators think there are more 9-11 plotters out there–perhaps even in the US. They are wondering who was working with the terrorists before 9-11.


    The investigators also don’t know where the 9-11 terrorists got the money for their plot. That is amazing.

    I sometimes think that there might be some connection to Iraq with the money. Atta made a lot of trips for reasons that aren’t clear.

    My question is, if an American citizen in the US helped with 9-11, how will he be tried?

    I think a lot of leftist organizations in this country supported Saddam, got money from him, and might have chipped in for 9-11. They don’t share the Wahabi ideology, but they share the hatred of America.

    I think there is a reason why some of these leftist groups are so paranoid about wire-tapping, etc. I think they are afraid that Saddam’s money trail will lead to them. It’s not their concern about my freedoms, I am sure of that!