Oct 04 2006

Local DC Paper Sites Foley As Not Closeted

Published by at 9:40 pm under All General Discussions,Foleygate

The idea Foley had to be “outed” by Mike Rogers and John Aravosis is coming under scrutiny from a local newspaper just over the river from DC (and therefore well versed in the local community and who knows what). This is not likely a conservative news outlet. Needless to say the ‘outing’ plan by the two Gestapo-like liberals seems to be pointless in light of this article. So if you can’t ‘out’ someone, do you turn to something else? Interestingly, Foley was once a Democrat. Maybe folks were seeking revenge on someone they perceived as a turncoat?

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Local DC Paper Sites Foley As Not Closeted”

  1. MerlinOS2 says:

    Foley was a dem that switched to repub
    and too make it more interesting his opponent in the current race he was in is a repub who switched to dem.

    Need a program to keep up with all the players

  2. CJ says:


    Mike Rogers and Melanie of C.R.E.W. were guest on the Nancy Grace show tonight. See if you can get the video or transcript. She claims she was given these IMs by a 3rd party then she gave them to the FBI. She is also claiming the FBI is lying. I cant recall the whole conversation. PLease get transcripts!

  3. CJ says:

    One other thing from the interview, Mike Rogers *claims* that Foley logged onto internet chat tonight as well. He claims that Foley was only logged on for about a minute.

  4. AJStrata says:


    I have no way to get transcripts, but they will show up tomorrow! CREW is screwed.