Jul 10 2005

Update on Seals and Bin Laden

Published by at 9:52 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

There are hints that the Seals killed in Afghanistan were out to get Bin Laden as we posted earlier, and may have succeeded. Hat tip to Flopping Aces on an excellent post honoring the fallen heroes, and the link to the possible mission and its success.

There was a recent commentor on LGF who says he has inside information that they were indeed after Bin Laden and that they got him. Of course this can’t be verified and it might be hogwash but…(h/t The Ten O’Clock Scholar)

#44 Sydney Carton

Now that Drudge has broken it, I suppose it is ok to reveal that Charles has been sitting on this story for almost a week.

I e-mailed him last Sunday to share a report from a personal source that the missing SEAL team had in fact been after bin Laden.

To read the rest you need to go to Flopping Aces.

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