Oct 11 2006

McCain Clobbers Hillary

Published by at 9:40 am under All General Discussions

Obviously Hillary was attempting to do too much rewriting of history when she claimed a nuclear North Korea was Bush’s fault. That bit of liberal fantasizing was just too much for McCain who hit her with both barrels when he reminded her the true source of the NK Nukes:

“I would remind Senator Clinton and other Democrats critical of Bush administration policies that the framework agreement her husband’s administration negotiated was a failure,” McCain said in a speech near Detroit, where he was campaigning for a Republican Senate candidate. “Every single time the Clinton administration warned the Koreans not to do something — not to kick out the IAEA inspectors, not to remove the fuel rods from their reactor — they did it. And they were rewarded every single time by the Clinton administration with further talks.”

reported in another paper – of course! Don’t want to have too much of the interchange in one place, it only makes Hill look totally naive about foreign policy:

“I would remind Sen. Clinton,” McCain said, “that the framework agreement [with North Korea] of the Clinton administration was a failure.”

“The Koreans received millions of dollars in energy assistance. They diverted millions in food assistance to the military. And what did the Koreans do? They secretly enriched uranium,” McCain charged. The Clinton policy, he said, “only encouraged bad behavior.”

I truly hope Hillary gets elected. She will have Bill as the permanent albatross around her neck as she tries to rewrite history so she can claim the future.

47 responses so far

47 Responses to “McCain Clobbers Hillary”

  1. Limerick says:

    Very good take on it in todays WSJ-‘poisoning the waters edge’

  2. cathymv says:

    Once again, Hillary proving that we can’t believe anything she says….

    see ya
    cathy 🙂

  3. kathie says:

    It’s the “I tried, I really tried, so I failed but I tried.” Let’s not pretend otherwise.

  4. Barbara says:

    For someone supposedly so smart she can say the most remarkably stupid things. But maybe she thinks it is us who are stupid.

  5. Limerick says:

    North Korean spokesman Kim Myong Chol in the Asia Times last Friday: “A next war will better be called the American war because the main theater will be the continental U.S., with major cities transformed into towering infernos.”

  6. Terrye says:

    Bite your tongue young man.

  7. sammy small says:

    Another common occurance of the Donks quickly hitting the MSM with a cover-your-ass rewrite of their culpability in getting us to where we are today.

    How many times do the Reps have to get burned by bs like this and have to do cleanup before they get serious. They need to get on the ball and start playing like they’re serious or the game is over. The Donks are on a full court press. The Reps are just playing defense till the election is over for them.

  8. patrick neid says:


    “I truly hope Hillary gets elected. She will have Bill as the permanent albatross around her neck as she tries to rewrite history so she can claim the future.”

    that cool aid is getting to you !

  9. momdear1 says:

    When is the public going to get wise to the MSM propaganda which constantly says that all Democrats are brilliant and all Republicans are stupid.? It started the Jerry Ford, who was portrayed as a bumbling fool. They couldn’t label Nixon as dumb because he and Kissinger outsmarted them time and again. So they set him up and labeled him the crook of all times. Then Reagan was portrayed as a senile idiot. Now they are telling us that Bush is dumb. But the greatest disaster to every lead this country, and still advocating his same disastrous policies, Jimmy Carter, was a born again Christian and a brilliant nuclear scientist. Bill Clinton was the smartest man ever to sit in the White House, even if he did spend most of his time playing stink finger instead of “doing the job the people elected him to do.” If Clinton was so smart, why hasn’t there been any lasting effects form his policies, other than the disasters he and his soul mate, Jimmy Carter, facilitated? Remember John Kerry? He was soooo smart. Guess he was. He did marry to rich women but wasn’t smart enough to keep from getting caught in his faked up war heroics. Now we have Hillary, the smartest woman in the world. But she isn’t smart enough to feed her cat at home to keep him from being on a constant prowl.

  10. Limerick says:

    “The United States does not need a multi-billion-dollar national missile defense against the possibility of a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile.”
    Nancy Pelosi, in a speeh in 2003 accepting the Alan Cranston Peace Award,

  11. The Macker says:

    Good points.

    Someone on FreeRepublic describes the MSM as: “Fake news, fake photos and fake polls,” Per your post, we can add “fake bios.”

  12. Ken says:


    Bush and his Iraq war supporters have the blood of 600,000 Iraqis on their hands.

  13. Limerick says:

    Yeah, Ken,

    If you READ the study you will see is was a MATHEMATICAL PROJECTION by a bunch of armchair medical doctors.

    Dream on.

  14. Limerick says:

    Here is what the Associated Press (hardly a RIGHTWING mouthpiece) said about the study:

    An accurate count of Iraqi deaths has been difficult to obtain, but one respected group puts its rough estimate at closer to 50,000. And at least one expert was skeptical of the new findings.

    “They’re almost certainly way too high,” said Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic & International Studies in Washington. He criticized the way the estimate was derived and noted that the results were released shortly before the Nov. 7 election.

    “This is not analysis, this is politics,” Cordesman said.

    The work updates an earlier Johns Hopkins study _ that one was released just before the November 2005 presidential election. At the time, the lead researcher, Les Roberts of Hopkins, said the timing was deliberate. Many of the same researchers were involved in the latest estimate.

    Speaking of the new study, Burnham said the estimate was much higher than others because it was derived from a house-to-house survey rather than approaches that depend on body counts or media reports.

    Ken believes the commercials again.

  15. The Macker says:

    ““I truly hope Hillary gets elected. She will have Bill as the permanent albatross around her neck as she tries to rewrite history so she can claim the future.””

    One of us missed something here. 🙂
    The pleasure of watching her squirm, could not assuage the harm she would cause.

  16. kathie says:


  17. Ken says:


    Believe the paper is unreliable? Here, Juan Cole, one of the
    foremost experts on the Middle East refutes Cordesman, detail by detail,city by city, region by region.

    Limerick is a cultist, an “American exceptionalist” who believes
    US foreign policy is a benign mechanism destined to bring the
    world democracy unless the nasty Left undermines it.

    This attitude is neither conservative nor realistic. It is
    utopian and unreal, owing more to Wilson than Washington.

    And a meddlesome intruder knowing little about the area
    in which he is intruding is likely to cause the harm the
    study establishes .

  18. Limerick says:


    READ the study. Not what someone tells you it says. Even NPR’s Iraq coorespondent on McNeil/Leher commented that the study did not reflect what NPR see’s on the ground in Iraq. There are multiple sources AROUND THE PLANET who have stated that the study you reference is seriously flawed.

    As far as being a cultist. I am. My cult is America. I don’t want to agree with everyone. I want debate. But I want honest debate. I want to talk to people who are willing to INVESTIGATE THE FACTS not just crap out the facts that they are fed. Like here at Strata. AJ is simply unwilling to accept ANY point of view unless he can back it up with the facts.

    Your world is based on theory. Period. My world is based on a very very simple model. There are GOOD people in the world and there BAD people in the world. It truly IS that simple. Ken you are just like the kids in the mall, if it ain’t ‘Osh-Kosh-Begosh’ it aint real.

    Dream on Ken. America is NOT conspiring against a just world. You
    seem like a pretty smart fella but you also seem to be unable to formulate an honest opinion because you have allowed yourself to believe what you are TOLD instead of looking into the facts yourself.

  19. Limerick says:


    Even in Mr. Cole’s piece he acknowledges that the survey conducted by John Hopkins was a sample of 1800 households. With a reported calculation that 655,000 deaths have occurred. That would mean that EACH HOUSEHOLD POLLED would have personal knowledge of 363 distinct individual deaths that WERE NOT RELATED TO ANY
    OTHER OF THE 1800 households.

  20. For Enforcement says:

    Ken believes the commercials again.

    Ha, Ken IS the commercial.