Oct 13 2006

Welcome Rush Limbaugh Listeners

Published by at 4:50 pm under All General Discussions,Reid's Land Deals

Update: For those (like me!) who missed the mention of Strata-Sphere on Rush today the transcript is out. – End Update

I noticed a traffic spike coming from massive Google searches to finally determine from a Free Republic post that the Strata-Sphere got a mention on the first segment of Rush Limbaugh today. Perfect for a Friday the 13th! Thanks for the mention Rush, and welcome Rush fans – hope you find the site interesting.

Cheers, AJStrata

Update: I created a category just for the Harry Reid non-story so folks don’t have to go searching for my posts on the subject. Folks may find the posts on Foleygate interesting as well, especially the timeline we put together from blogger research and the occasionally informative media article.

45 responses so far

45 Responses to “Welcome Rush Limbaugh Listeners”

  1. stevevvs says:

    You’ve hit the big time now! Congradulations AJ!

  2. Limerick says:

    And who said Friday 13th was a bad thing!………

    AJ gets his due, and Air America files bankruptcy!

    Congrats AJ.

  3. AJStrata says:

    Thanks Stevevvs,

    Now I need to see if I can affort it! Checking that bandwidth settings right now.

  4. TomAnon says:

    Looks(sounds) like the call for Harry Reid to step down was heard! Thanks for all the research!

  5. topsecretk9@AJ says:

    MAN AJ

    The lovable little fuzzball gave you about..um 3 Shout outs!

    Right On! Good for you.

  6. AJStrata says:


    You have no idea how much I regret missing it!


  7. For Enforcement says:

    This seems to be a good place to say that I heard an interesting question today and decided to look up the answer.
    On the morning call-in session on Washington Journal on C-SPAN. the topic was: What would be changed if the Dems win one or both Houses in the election.
    A caller said not much, wasn’t the Dems in charge of the senate when they voted for the Iraq war?
    Well isn’t that interesting.
    Sure enough, the vote was October 11, 2002. This was just prior to the election that year when the Repubs regained control of the Senate. So the Dems are the ones in charge when the Senate voted for and approved the Iraq war. And they blame the Repubs for it.

  8. For Enforcement says:

    His shows are archived on RushLimbaughdotcom

  9. For Enforcement says:

    And there is a link to this site on Rush’s home page.

  10. carol johnson says:


    “Now I need to see if I can affort it! Checking that bandwidth settings right now. ”


    At least if you crash it will be for a good reason. LOL! Seriously, AJ, congrats. There is one heck of alot of hard work in these posts. THIS is the reason I keep reading. Nice job!


  11. sage says:

    It’s about time Rush has found you ! I read your blog everyday.Keep up the great work. Congrats!!!

  12. AJStrata says:

    Mega thanks Sage, Carol and all you ‘original’ readers!

  13. CT says:

    Congrats on the Rushalanch, AJ. You’ve done a lot of hard work and you deserve it.

  14. macranger says:

    Congrats me bucko!

    Watch the BW and put out the tip jar!


  15. AJStrata says:

    Many Thanks Mac!

  16. MerlinOS2 says:


    Give his show a call, I bet if you don’t have access to his site he will comp you with a year membership for your work so you could listen to the podcast or replay of the show which will be ready this evening.

    Least he could do for all the hard work.

  17. AJStrata says:


    That idea has crossed my mind!

  18. kathie says:

    It is just too fun! We who read blogs know the drive by media is so ended. Good work deserves a shout out by Rush—thank you for your hard work AJ. We really appreciate it. Gooood for you! Kathie

  19. MikesAmerica says:

    Rush’s plug at 12:22 PM EST came so quick I barely heard him say your name. But looks like folks found you.

    Wait until he links you in his site update later today. Glad I got through now.

    Keep up the good work AJ.


  20. Ken says:

    Ah yes “conservative” Limbaugh who can’t seem to make a marriage work or stay straight. Or back true conservatives when they run for office, eg Pat Buchanan whose every candidacy, Republican and
    Reform Party, Limbaugh crfiticised.

    Welcome neocon, America-last, Israel first Limbaugh fans! Strata
    loves you too!