Jul 12 2005

Was Plame’s Name Out On Wilson’s Bio?

Published by at 7:43 am under All General Discussions,Plame Game

Seixon has done some searching and found a bio of Joe Wilson on the Internet with his wife’s name clearly listed. And Seixon believes he can track this back to February 2003! If so, what in the world is going on with this investigation??

Quick, go to Google, search for “Joseph C. Wilson” and look at the top result. You should come to a page at CPS. Here we find a biography for Joseph Wilson, the last sentence being:

He is married to the former Valerie Plame and has two sons and two daughters.

So much for keeping her name secret. I’m sure some people already know this, but for the skeptics I once again use the Internet Archive and prove that on February 8, 2003 the archive’s snapshot of the page includes that very information.

What we should be investigating was why did Wilson and Blame conspire to create false intelligence about Saddam’s nuclear weapon intentions. And why they should not be tried for that crime along with any media personnel who knowingly helped them spread their disinformation.


John Podhoretz at the NY Post has the same information and conclusions.

Ed Morrissey also sees this whole afair as an bungled effort by Plame and Wilson to disseminate false information to the media about Saddam’s nuclear intentions.

A reminder, here is one of my previous posts on the matter.

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