Nov 01 2006

What Liberals Really Think

Published by at 8:05 am under All General Discussions

Update: Michelle has more on leftward sickness with the horrible defacing of memorials to this country’s war dead by the enlightened liberas. Pathetic. Just vote no to Democrats and Yes to our brave military which deserves a modicum of human respect – if not a whole lot more. But since the left cannot even muster a mininum, they deserve to be sent the clearest message possible. No. Not while we are still here in this country. No.

Update: The leftward swamps think there is some protection in claiming Kerry’s joke was about an uneducated Bush getting stuck in Iraq. Well, we all know Bush was educated at one of the top liberal schools, so not sure what to make of that. But the fact is the people in our military who have gone to Iraq and have re-enlisted many times believe Iraq is important. They have died for something they believe, which happens to be the same thing Bush believes. So this excuse is not changing a thing. Kerry is insulting everyone who stand behind the GOAL of Iraq, and that includes those who died there. So the problem is still the same. The man will not apologize (nor will the party base) for their views Iraq is a GOAL for only dummies would die for. Now we see the too late damage control (as opposed to sincere regret). Kerry is has had to cancel campaign events in Iowa and Minnesota already. But acts after the heat is on is too late, and the reactions tepid, without feeling. It is impossible to conclude these are sincere rebuttals verses CYA. The Dems have shown their true colors – and it disgusts America. If you want to beat a liberal, just let them talk. – End Update

Kerry’s comment about how only the uneducated, unsuccessful, the not smart people of the country would enlist and die for their country in Iraq is not unique in the leftward fever swamps of his party. The joke was not botched. It probably got lots of laughs in NY City and all the liberal hang outs. And it is nothing compared to what goes for ‘debate’ on the leading liberal websites. Here a little reminder of what the Democrat party represents away from the cameras and out from under the media propaganda machine – when their guard is down and their views flow freely. Link 1:

Its the same on the msn homepage (3+ / 0-)

I hate these lying f**ks. It’s obvious to anyone, who’s not retarded (no offense to the retarded), that he was talking about Bush.

by liberalcop on Tue Oct 31, 2006 at 04:17:24 PM PST

John McCain (3+ / 0-)

is a horrible douchebag! I hate that motherf**king liar. I can expect this out of the Bush Crime family and their puppet right-wing media. I’m glad Kerry didn’t apologize. Democrats owe no apolgies for ANYTHING EVER! THE REPUBLICUNTS NEED TO APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT THEY’VE DONE TO THIS COUNTRY!

The republiC*NTS have no record to run on and absolutely no shame. I wish every republiCON would resign from office, go home, write a suicide note apologizing for what they’ve done to this country, and then blow their worthless, evil, lying, s**t-filled brains out!

People Need to Quit Kvetching About This (83+ / 0-)

Markos is right, Kerry whacked back the way he needed to.

This isn’t some horrible gaff, because Kerry and the rest of the Dems who aren’t nervous nellies aren’t going allow it to hurt us.

Get a grip people, and quit waiting for the sky to fall.

The revolution will not be televised, but we’ll analyze it to death at The Next Hurrah.

by DHinMI on Tue Oct 31, 2006 at 02:31:01 PM PST

Clearly Kerry was correct, in the minds of these pathetic souls. And they are simply upset that their true feelings came out ahead of the election. They cannot face the fact Kerry was not telling Bush to get and education, get smart and you will succeed so you can stay out of Iraq. These brainless wonders are falling for these lame excuses. They sometimes remind me of Germany before the Nazis arose to power – the anger and how easily they are duped. I am not saying they are Nazis. But the left has all the signs of going over the edge. More from this link:

disagree (14+ / 0-)

I’ll hit Kerry when he deserves it. But I see him doing nothing wrong here. He blew his joke, okay, but his response to the bushies is right on the money.

If Kerry had shown this kind of backbone in ’04, he would have been a stronger candidate.

He’s drawing more attention to the countless failures of the Bush admin. That helps us. Kerry is showing us that, 2 years too late, he finally figured out how to fire back. His response echos the Democratic message more than it distracts from it.

by foxfire burns on Tue Oct 31, 2006 at 02:45:35 PM PST

I thought he was talking about the troops… (0 / 0)

he has a point as well. Most of the enlisted folks do not have college degrees. Thats what I thought he was talking about just reading the comment.

I can see where I misread the comment but any prudent person has to concede that it is not unreasonable to make the leap that he is talking about the troops.

by Hind2 on Tue Oct 31, 2006 at 06:53:52 PM PST

Why should Kerry apologize? (3+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
sj, means are the ends, highlyunlikely

What did he say that requires an apology? Everything he said is demonstrably true. It might not be agreeable and you might find it offensive but it’s true regardless.

I know that I wouldn’t have joined the military when I did if I could’ve afforded to go to college instead and I think that’s true for a large number of young enlisted people. I’m a veteran and a college graduate (finished after enlistment) and this doesn’t insult me a bit. It also would not have insulted me in the days before I completed my degree.

by Real Texan on Tue Oct 31, 2006 at 02:25:04 PM PST

No apology! He is *right* to attack! (9+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
sj, fumie, wader, alt hitman, greeseyparrot, keepinon, Coherent Viewpoint, bonesy, Wreck Smurfy

He is being swiftboated for a harmless, accurate joke about Bush, and it is about damned time he found a spine. Cause, gee, taking the high road worked so well before, right?

This is the kind of Dem behavior we need.

Are we supposed to whimper and apologize everytime Cheney snears and bullies? Are we supposed to try to be “nice enough” to get them to stop attacking us?

Has it worked so far? Bullies understand power. Bullies understand when their bullying doesn’t work.

And so does the rest of the nation, and the world.

Wake up and be proud of Kerry, and of the Dems!


News on Radioactive Leaks

by means are the ends on Tue Oct 31, 2006 at 02:46:41 PM

Wake Up is right America. Send these whacko’s back to the margins where they and their obsessive hate belong. Democracies are built on mutual respect – not this garbage. Even the fevered left cannot stand the story

Make it stop, please. Someone, anyone? (27+ / 0-)

No more John Kerry diaries today, that is The New Rule.

“When peoplke speak to you about preventative war, you tell them to go and fight it.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

by panicbean on Tue Oct 31, 2006 at 01:38:30 PM PST

We will make it stop next Tuesday – we promise you that. No one makes a joke of a dead soldier from my country. Or the cause they died for. The idea Kerry can make a joke about the cause and that does not impact the troops is liberal stupidity 101. These brave people BELIEVE in the Iraq effort. They believed so much they signed up many times over and some died for that belief. Even if Kerry did try and say Bush was dumb, that still says everyone who agrees with Bush on Iraq is dumb. And that still includes the military and those who went to war for our country. They went because of 9-11. And now they are a joke? The left doesn’t get it and never will, so we never have to take them seriously again. Remember, it was a Democrat led Congress that authorized this war with a John Kerry vote.

17 responses so far

17 Responses to “What Liberals Really Think”

  1. Retired Spook says:

    Anyone who wants to give Kerry the benefit of the doubt here has to, first, ignore all his previous arrogant, condecending, fallacious remarks (too many to list) about the military. Even then if you say that, at least in his demented mind, this was supposed to be a joke, you have to conclude two things: he is the world’s worst joke teller, and he lacks even the most basic intelligence to discern the damage that a badly told joke could do to his party during one of the most important elections ever. So, tell me again who’s the stupid one?

  2. tarpon says:

    What Kerry really did was to put a face on what Democrats actually think. They are so stuck in the 60s and have Vietnam on the brain. Even as our citizens lie dead in the streets these freaks have shown they won’t do anything about it.

    The untold story is the total success of the Bush offense against terrorists. And why do you think that story is not being told?

    So what’s in store if we are not successful? You fill in the blanks with what a nuclear weapon can do in one of our cities. It is not possible to talk a suicide bomber out of committing their acts of hate.

  3. archtop says:


    With regard to people on the left and the MSM (one and the same) trying to pass Kerry’s remarks off as a “joke” on President Bush – if you examine the two sentences carefully, you can only logically conclude that he was referring to the students!! Anyone with a brain can see that! And for the MSM to try to foist the feeble “joke” explanation on the public while simultaneously having a coronary over the word “macaca” (which is not in any dictionary I own, by the way) just further dimishes whatever shred of credibility they have left.

  4. semperfiaz says:

    Kerry was right about one thing- enough is enough. Already this morning on various programs I’m hearing the old tried and true line-we should “move on”. Sorry, no sale. This isn’t the first time with Kerry, from his winter warrior days to his recent comments likening our troops in Iraq to terrorists. Move on has worked for guys like Durbin( our troops are like the nazis, Hitler, and Pol Pot) to Murtha(our marines are cold blooded killers); we on the conservative side of the spectrum need to say enough is enough and put all of this treasonous garbage in their place. Their own words and actions are all the ammo we’ll need, but it won’t be done by “being nice” or above it all. Get in their faces and stay in their faces.

  5. DaleinAtlanta says:

    I wonder if our Pro-Jihadi, Idol Worshipping Leftists, like “anonymous” and “Trey” and “Shaman” could stomach the TRUTH in his little document, by Dr. Walid Phares:

    No, I guess not, it doesn’t blame the United States for everything EVIL in the world, and it tells the TRUTH about the Jihadis; ignore them, I think the rest of you Sane people, will find it very enlightening!

  6. Stop Digging…

    John Kerry doesn’t know when to stop digging. The mess he made yesterday is going to carry through all the way till election day, especially if the GOP is shrewd enough to exploit the gaffe….

  7. x_dhimmi says:


    I would like to talk on behalf of all those veterans and say that several months ago at Haahvard we had an investigation at which over 150 high school discharged, and many very highly functioning for their social class, veterans testified to educational crimes committed which led to their re-enlistment in the military. These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen at Haahvard – the emotions in the room and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in the military. They relived the absolute horror of how this country, in a sense, has reduced them to lazy do-nothings, ill-educated in even the simplest social graces, and not worthy of the respect of their elite-university-educated betters.

    They told stories that at times they had personally raped the English language by using “effect” when they should have used “affect,” cut off participles and dangled them, taped wires from portable telephones with duct tape and turned on the power, cut limbs off trees with gas-powered, environment-destroying chain saws, blown 5th period science classes, randomly shot pool at the corner bar, raised children in fashion reminiscent of Ward and June Cleaver, shot photos of cattle and dogs for fun with disposable cameras bought at Wal-Mart, poisoned polite dinner conversations by using the wrong fork, and generally ravaged my country’s popularity in France and the Palestinian territories in addition to the normal ravage of Nascar-loving rednecks and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied capitalist pig economic power of this country.

    We call this investigation the Rabid Right-Wing Soldier Investigation.

    — Senator John Kerry (D-MA), testifying at Pasadena City College, October 31, 2006
    (as interpreted by x_dhimmi)

  8. Barbara says:

    If the left blames the US for all the world’s ills and want to destroy it, where do they think they can live then. Right under the boot of Islam. They won’t have to worry about Christianity or crosses on seals or the Ten Commandments in courthouses or manger scenes in schools then. They won’t be able to spew any venom or even any words decrying their masters then. The US won’t be destroyed until way after Europe goes so they can’t go there. After all, Europe is well on its way to becoming Eurarabia. NOW will all be in burkas? An amusing thought. Gays will have been crushed by walls all over the country. Not amusing in any way. The left will give up easily and massively convert. This should be no problem for them because they have followed ideas in the past that were detrimental to their welfare . They will take the easy way out because they don’t believe in anything anyway. The truth of the matter is that the left needs to start using their brains and think about survival. But then they don’t think we are in danger and they can spout their venom in a safe environment. As far as I am concerned, the left can go to hell in any way they please. What I really, really resent is that they want to take me with them.

  9. The Macker says:

    Kerry has always looked down miles and miles of nose at ordinary soldiers and ordinary Americans. He is the definition of an elitist. These soft, pampered mediocrities populate the Dem Party along with every social pathology imaginable.

    Time to vote them out and support a true American President.

  10. x_dhimmi says:


    I would like to talk on behalf of all those veterans and say that several months ago at Haahvard we had an investigation at which over 150 high school discharged, and many very highly functioning for their social class, veterans testified to educational crimes committed which led to their re-enlistment in the military. These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen at Haahvard – the emotions in the room and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in the military. They relived the absolute horror of how this country, in a sense, has reduced them to lazy do-nothings, ill-educated in even the simplest social graces, and not worthy of the respect of their elite-university-educated betters.

    They told stories that at times they had personally raped the English language by using “effect” when they should have used “affect,” cut off participles and dangled them, taped wires from portable telephones with duct tape and turned on the power, cut limbs off trees with gas-powered, environment-destroying chain saws, blown 5th period science classes, randomly shot pool at the corner bar, raised children in fashion reminiscent of Ward and June Cleaver, shot photos of cattle and dogs for fun with disposable cameras bought at Wal-Mart, poisoned polite dinner conversations by using the wrong fork, and generally ravaged my country’s popularity in France and the Palestinian territories in addition to the normal ravage of Nascar-loving rednecks and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied capitalist pig economic power of this country.

    We call this investigation the Rabid Right-Wing Soldier Investigation.

    — Senator John Kerry (D-MA), testifying at Pasadena City College, October 31, 2006
    (as interpreted by x_dhimmi)

    (Apologies if this posted twice. Telephone rang on my first attempt. Then I couldn’t remember if I’d clicked Submit.)

  11. DubiousD says:

    As Captain Ed Morissey puts it:

    “Now he’s (Kerry’s) left with the argument that he misquoted himself while trying to show off his supposed intellectual superiority over George Bush, and that it’s all Bush’s fault despite being Kerry’s
    intellectual inferior.”

  12. Scary John Kerry strikes again…

    John Kerry, who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2004, may end up costing his Democrat party a lot as a result of his attack on US troops. During a speech to a student conference, he said that if you don’t study well, you end up in places like Ira….

  13. Ken says:

    The Zogby Poll of US soldiers show a dominant majority believe
    they were sent to Iraq to remove Saddam for helping Osama,
    after which stabilization of Iraq becoming necessary.

    Regardless of whether Kerry implied this broadly or not, it is the
    more important and ignominious feature of the occupation in this regard…..INDOCTRINATION.

  14. Christoph says:

    Your position is that the soldiers are stupid, Ken?

  15. Ken says:

    Not necessarily. The same poll said a predominant majority
    did not agree with Bush’s “stay until enough Iraqis are trained to
    fight ” course, but reccomended leaving in December 2006 if Iraq
    wasn’t pacified by then. That’s smarter than Bush.

  16. Christoph says:

    Not necessarily, Ken?

  17. Ken says:

    I would never call one of the many servicemen in attendance at Jack Murtha rallies stupid. But I’ve read many on neocon sites like this one call Murtha a traitor, and hence these soldiers traitors.