Nov 02 2006

Where Are We In Iraq?

Published by at 11:38 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

Gateway Pundit has the good news that came out from a cowardly leak to the NY Times (who else would it be) of classified material.

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Where Are We In Iraq?”

  1. The Macker says:

    Keep their feet to the fire!

    The tight election and the public’s cynicism is directly traceable to the MSM and its calculated news selection, distortion and fabrication.

  2. Ken says:

    Good news? Anbar Province , about a third of Iraq, is controlled by the insurgency admittedly not colored in on the map denoting
    Iraq military control. The most crucial region of Iraq , Baghdad and environs is worse off than ever. The Central Command’s own report
    admits continuing general deterioration. Bush asks for 50 million dollard more for a war which was supposed to pay for itself and be over in 2003.

    Yeah, good news. And the danger comes from lies of such as Cheney
    claiming things are going “remarkably well” rather than in anything reported in the New York Times.

  3. Ken says:

    But let Pulitzer Prize winning war reporter Patrick Cockburn
    illustrate, from yesterday’s Independent column.

  4. The Macker says:

    “The Occupation: War and Resistance in Iraq by Patrick Cockburn “-
    The title of this guy’s publication is a giveaway. No objectivity here.

    Re: Costs
    Most of the rebuilding costs are chargeable to years of Saddam neglect and devastation.

  5. Ken says:

    Cockburn’s vivid on-scene depictions throughout the Iraq war have been on target, when Cheney and Bremer were assuring us it would stabilized by years end 2003, Mackerboy. No objectivity on the part of your trusted leaders.

  6. Barbara says:

    No objectivity on Ken’s part either.

  7. Ken says:

    Barbara fails to grasp: Cockburn’s unfolding columns throughout the war have been borne out , as his bleak pessimistic descriptions have
    come to fruition steadily.

    Contrasted with Bush and Cheney and Rummy’s and Rice’s
    series of glowing “war has turned the corner” blatherings
    for three years.