Nov 05 2006

Redskins Pull Off A Win

Published by at 4:32 pm under All General Discussions

I could not help but notice all the Cowboy fans among my readers. Well, if you folks just watched that wild game I think we can all agree that was a game which will go down in the history books. I thought Dallas had that until the last second – literally.

20 responses so far

20 Responses to “Redskins Pull Off A Win”

  1. Steve_LA says:


    Big Tuna is on now saying it was the penalties that killed them…well DOH! The number I just heard was 11 penalties for the boys from big D, not good.

    Hey, but I’m from LA so no team, how did the Chargers do?

  2. Limerick says:

    If Hollywood makes a movie bout dem-cowboys it will have Ted Kennedy as Jones, Murtha as Mr.Tuna, and Sharpton as TO……

    Watching this team is like watching the Rams in the 70’s/80’s…….what the hell are they doing anyway?

    Texas traitor here I guess.

  3. For Enforcement says:

    charger 10 cleve 6 in 2nd

  4. perdogg says:

    I am still pretty angry about the game. I lost a bet and I will have to wear a Clinton Portis jersey at work tomorrow.

    I am just beyond disgusted. My after game workout helped some, but I am still steaming.

  5. Steve_LA says:

    Hey…Chargers won….

    Did you know they used to be the LA Chargers….

    Not that us long suffering, no home foot ball team people in LA are willing to see a repeat of the B’more Colts move deal ever again, and no politician will be dumb enough to ask for a bond issue to pay for a new stadium.

    Just saying…..LOL

  6. Limerick says:

    Steve….the trouble with L.A is it is about a zillion square miles and it’s residents are from all over the country(real melting pot)…they just can’t seem to get that ol’ hometown kinda feeling. Shame tho. Big town like that should be able to make some sports owner rich enough to want to stay.

  7. Steve_LA says:


    The argument right now is between going back to the Coliseum, nice old facility but no parking and in a real nasty part of town, or go up to Dodger Stadium, or down to a place called Carson and build on top of an old land fill. Of course there’s the Rose Bowl, but it’s up in a real rich part of the area, and I think the rich folks up there don’t want all the traffic that a pro team would bring.

    Then there’s Mickey Mouse Land, or Anaheim, they are in the hunt too, but the Rams (Lambs as we called them in the day) played there and did not do too good. Heck we even had Weird Al and the Traitors for a while in the 80’s, that was something else for sure.

  8. Limerick says:

    Steve…..when I was a young man my hero was Roman Gabriel……standing there…. bright white jersey without a mud spot anywhere, and the Fearsom Foursom ready to kill anyone who got near him…..ah….the good ol days!

    Hope you get a team Steve. You can have the Cowboys, I’m done with em.

  9. Steve_LA says:


    No thanks, I grew up watching the Saints….loose and loose and loose…Archie Manning….YIKES.

    Or the Huston Oilers….another bunch O turkeys in the 60’s.

  10. Sue says:

    Freaking 2 point play killed the ‘Tuna’. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, worry about the 2 points in the 1st quarter of the game! If they had kicked the extra point, this fan would be going wild. As it is…I’m in the mood to boot TO (what a moron!) and the Tuna!

  11. Limerick says:

    Sue I’ll help ya drive TO, Tuna, and Jones outta town myself…….
    I swear TO dropped that long pass on purpose after getting chewed out by the Tuna. 12 individuals on the field, no team.

  12. Sue says:


    That and his shenanigans in the end zone. I hated they brought him here and I hate he is here. I think Parcels is just tired. Ready to get it over with. No heart. Whatever! But I like what I see in Romo. Stop throwing to TO and find Glenn. Better receiver. Better person. And definitely a team player.

  13. Limerick says:

    Yep……TO said he was worth 2 men….I agree…..Thoughtless and Obnoxious!

  14. Sue says:

    And tell me why Dallas can never get a field goal kicker worth a crap? It is always a gamble, whether or not they will make it. And that last penalty, face mask, 15 yards. No way, Jose! It was your standard 5 yarder. Grrrrrr…..

  15. AJStrata says:

    Folks, a confession. I am a Dolphins fan first, Skin second.

  16. Limerick says:

    You know AJ is snickering at us right now!

  17. Sue says:

    He can snicker, but his team is still in last place. ::grin::

  18. Steve_LA says:


    Aj’s team may be in last place, but at least the “Star” wide receiver for his team did not take a 15 Yard “nap” in the end zone….LOL.

  19. Sue says:


    And you want me to argue that point? 😀 Not bloody likely.

  20. Sue says:

    Sorry, I should have said do you want me to argue against that point. But I think you probably knew what I was talkin’ bout!

    Would someone take Jerry Jones with them when they pick up TO?