Nov 08 2006

Olberman and Bin Laden Are Celebrating

Published by at 8:21 am under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

With the current numbers 27 House seats and 4 Senate seats lost the conservative movement better take a good hard look at what happened. All their frustration with Bush has now left him as the only thing standing between our sanctity for life and fetus harvesting for spare parts. Remember when the House refused to compromise on illegal immigration? Well now there will be nothing done about it for two more years. We needed the hispanic voters (you know, the ‘legal’ immigrants) on our side yesterday. I don’t need an exit poll analysis to know the hispanics sent a message.

Bin Laden and Zawahiri and all the rest of the goose-stepping Islamo fascists are probably besides themselves with glee right now. And every brave Iraqi who stood up to take control of their country, who braved suicide bombs to vote, are probably cowering in fear. The Democrats are coming, with people like Keith OIberman at their head spewing insults and conspiracy theories. The terrorists know they have us on the run now. They want us out of the ME and they want to take on the EU to form their caliphate. The attacks on us will escalate. Once the herd turned, all the terrorists need to do now is scare us into a stampede.

Bush is all that stands in the way of rampant liberals. He and our military are going to have to weather a storm of witch-hunt investigations from the House. It seems the country said “what’s the harm, how bad could it be”? – and therefore voted for ‘change’. We shall see how bad it is. But those celebrating indicates it could be a lesson we did not need to learn.

Any conservative out there who wants to blame Bush is perpetuating this defeat. He has been solid and true to his positions. We voted him in – warts and all – and he deserved and still deserves our respectful support. I am not talking blind obedience – simply respectful support. It was internal recriminations that pushed the non-aligned voters away from the Reps. The insult of “RINO” should be banned from all serious, mature talk. It is a tiresome insult. Trying to define ‘good’ and ‘true’ reps verses all the others simply shrinks the pool of support. That too should have seen its last days, unless the reps want to remain a minority party. Insulting Hispanics and Muslim allies with wild and broad accusations does not win elections or pass Bills. We have two years to learn these lessons, and probably others

The Dems learned – to some degree. I am afraid it is only a facade and the sad truth will come out over time. But the Dems recruited conservative Democrats, people who are not like Pelosi and Kennedy. And that is how they won. They moved towards the common center. Ned Lamont lost – he was too far left. He did not hide his core beliefs well enough to pass muster. A lot of good people lost yesterday and the ‘payback’ so many called for over the year is now upon us. Hopefully the country will not be punished too hard for all our misteps – but with the characters now setting the tone (Olberman and Bin Laden), I am afraid things might get pretty rough.

I do want to thank all who stopped by the Strata-Sphere yesterday. It was a record day for us and it was an honor to spend election night with you good folks. Hope things stay well with you all.

One last thought on MD: I am really disappointed that African Americans have yet to stand up and be their own representatives. They lean on the Democrats way too much. Michael Steele was the best candidate in the country, yet party alliegance was stronger than hometown pride in PG County. That is one change I was really hoping to see happen. Not as much for reps, but for my neighbors across the river who deserved a national representative like Steele. Hope the Dems return the favor – but history shows they won’t.

Update: I have to disagree with someone I have got to know better during this election (by reading him more regularly) and who I admire – Hugh Hewitt. Hugh is blaming the Gang of 14 for the defeat we faced yesterday, but that group succeeded in getting conservative judges and justices to the bench without any filibuster. DeWine did not lose because of that – he lost because of the scandals plaguing Ohio. The center of this country (‘moderate’ is an innacurrate term since it implies a lack of passion) still decide the winners in these races. I have a lot of respect and trust in America and Americans – therefore their decisions, made en masse cannot be that wrong. The question for Reps is why did the people, especially in the middle, turn their backs on them. As I said, I did not turn my back. But I understand why many would. They were just RINOs anyway.

117 responses so far

117 Responses to “Olberman and Bin Laden Are Celebrating”

  1. DaleinAtlanta says:

    AJ: I appreciated your enthusiasm, but you were taking a leak up a waterfall!

    My major regret, is that the reasons for this Democratic takeover, have been already, and will continue to be “spun” for the wrong reasons!

    It will be, incorrectly, viewed as a “mandate”, and a vote on Iraq!

    Nothing could be less true.

    Your average American isn’t happy about Iraq, and a lot of the things that have occurred there, but I think your “average” American “get’s it” about the GWOT and Iraq. At a minimum, they support the troops.

    I’m not talking about the Leftists, the Hollywood crowd, and the diehard Traitor Party moonbats, I’m talking about your average American!

    No, the REAL reason the Republican’s LOST, and the Republicans DID “lose” this, the Democrats did NOT “win” it, is that the Republicans worked REAL HARD TO “lose” this: Randy “Duke” Cunningham, Bob Ney, Tom Delay, Jack Abramoff, Dubai Ports Deal, Harriet Myers, Entitlements, Earmarks, Dennis Hastert sticking up for Jefferson; Terry Schiavo; going TOO far on “abortion” in places like South Dakota; people like Rick Santorum being TOO religious; people like Curt Weldon steering business to his daughter (which Harry Reid, and Jack Murtha, were also doing….but it became viewed, as a “Republican” problem), etc., etc., etc…

    Their is blame to go around, the Bush Administration for failing to on a weekly basis, pound the message of the GWOT and what we actually face; letting the Leftist, traitorous MSM, like the NYT, conduct a campaign of sedition and treason, via the Leaks of Classified Material, and failing to go after the leakers; failing to come out and talk to the American people after three years of demonstrably FALSE “Plamegate” scandal, and telling them exactly what Joe Wilson, Corn, NYT, etc. did; failing to go after the partisan and traitorous leakers in the CIA; the complete stupidity of the Dubai Ports Deal, the complete idiocy of the Harriet Myers nomination; the absolute corruption of Bob Ney and Randy Cunningham and Jack Abramoff, and refusing to tackle that head on! The give away of the tax payer’s money with the completely bogus Prescription Drugs giveaway; failing to tackle Immigration etc.!

    Let me say it again, this was NOT a Democratic “win”; the Republicans worked very, very hard, to LOSE this, and portray themselves over the past 2 years, as the gang that couldn’t shoot straight!

    I spoke to many fellow voters down here in Atlanta, both Dem’s and Reps; and the Iraq War was hardly mentioned by anyone; it was always, always, always…..”…the Dem’s don’t deserve my vote, but the Rep’s are corrupt…”!

    And you know what, I can’t, and didn’t argue, because they worked hard to get that title!

    Never, in my personal opinion, in my adult life, has a particular party worked so hard, to completely lose the trust of the electorate, in such a short amount of time!

    I just hope, that’s there’s some “adults” left in the Republican party, who sit back now, and realize, the TRUE reason for this loss, and address the issues over the next two years!

    Despite the dire consequences of the traitor party temporarily controlling the House, and probably the Senate, we can get thru anything for 2 years!

    But Bush’s time is done, and it should be, he’s badly fumbled 6 years of goodwill from most of the country (outside the MSM, moonbats, Hollywood, etc.); and I’m NOT talking Iraq or GWOT; those are NECESSARY things, and we NEED to continue.

    I can see the big picture, and we need someone now, who can, at a National Level, articulate why, and who can convince the American people to carry on!

    Let the party of traitors, surrender their necks to the Jihadi butcher knives; I’m not so inclined; right now, the most important thing, is to isolate them, expose them for what they are, and try to EARN back the trust of the electorate by 2008!

  2. Christoph says:

    You were hoping to see happen, but you had no basis for thinking would happen.

  3. TomAnon says:

    Remember all, you control your lives, the Government does not.

  4. Limerick says:

    Just like the 70’s folks. Just like the 70’s. The MSM will now make open season on everything. Secrets??? There will not be any. Fairness??? There will not be any. The Dhimmis in the Democrat party will not be able to contain themselves and will beat every single far left idea into the MSM.

    Jimmy Carter was right. There was a ‘malaise’. It was caused by not caring that the kid in the wheelchair was getting the snot knocked out of him. Americans turned their back and walked on by. The moderate Dems will not be able to hold off the Dhimmis and the MSM. There is no vehicle for them. It is Animal Farm time chil-rens!

    All we have to work with, right now is the new media. While we try to correct our party we also have to correct our media. It is going to be an ugly war.

  5. archtop says:

    I’m not so worried about the war on terror, because I think most in Congress “get it”. In fact, didn’t the Dems say they were going after Bin Laden if they won? Let’s see if they make good on that…

    I AM concerned about taxes, social issues, and endless investigations. Did you realize they are * still * mad at Dick Cheney about the five year old “energy task force”? As if it matters any more. But they still want an investigation!

    If the congress veers too far left, watch for a counter tsunami in 2008…

  6. HaroldHutchison says:

    Some screwy HTML, but this hits the mark of exactly what I am feeling.

    The social cons went out fo their way in 2005-2006 to crap on the rest of the GOP, and they’re going to play the victim.

  7. AJStrata says:


    Yes I did have a basis for thinking Steele would get more PG County votes. That is his home town and 5 sitting Dem council members openly endorsed him.

  8. AJStrata says:


    I believe I said math could not measure passion. The fact is it was very close and winnable. But the Reps lost support in the middle and they need to understand why it happened.

  9. stevevvs says:

    We may need the Hispanic Vote, but in reality, we never had it before. The most we ever had was in the mid 40% range. It is a dream to think we ever would. Now, we will get Amnesty, and the Flood will get even worse. Then, more Amnesty. Might as well let em all in.

  10. DaleinAtlanta says:

    believe I said math could not measure passion. The fact is it was very close and winnable. But the Reps lost support in the middle and they need to understand why it happened.

    Left by AJStrata on November 8th, 2006

    AJ: believe me, I’m NOT “hammering” you, or pointing out that you were “wrong”, or second guessing you, or anything like that; not trying to say “gotcha” or “hehehehe” or even trying to make you defensive!

    Trust me, psychologically, I’m CRUSHED, maybe more that you!

    I’m a FIRM believer, and supporter, of this War in Iraq, and the GWOT, because as a former Marine Intel Officer, who has “worked” the Islamic Fundalmentalism issue for almost 20 years, I know EXACTLY what we are up against!

    It IS, the single, most IMPORTANT issue of our time!

    I “GET IT”…I KNOW!

    I think Bush, and Cheney, and Rumsfield, and a few others, “GET IT”; but for them, they get it for the wrong reasons actually, but more on that later!

    But not me! There can be NO compromise, no surrender, no retreat, no “redeployment”, no cut and run, this has been coming for over 30years, and I’ve been warning people for 20years, and here it is!

    And we’re still not doing it right, and for pure, POLITICAL GAIN, the Democrats, and the MSM, will force our Surrender, and trust me, we are SCREWED!

    I just said you were pissing up a waterfall, despite your passion, because the Republicans, EARNED this defeat, for all the reasons that I outlined above, and that PISSED me off! Not your math, or enthusiasm, or views…

  11. Carol J says:


    Yeah. And if the Republicans are smart they are already planning on how to take it all back in 2008! There is albsolutely NO time for self-pity and wound-licking…we’ve got SERIOUS work to do. And blogs like this one will have a MAJOR impact on how that is done!

    The work starts here and it starts right NOW. (speaking for myself at least) Now we have a group of people who should be under the electron microscope! Examined at the molecular level for any and all misconduct, subversive activity, and all that other stuff that we promised to do. We can ill afford to pick each other apart now in recriminations and second guessing.

    1. What will happen to our brave miltary and those who lead them?
    2. Where will any future judges come from?
    3. Will we be able to discover where the next attacks will come from?
    4. Will illegal aliens have the same rights as the rest of us?
    5. Will raising our taxes kill this booming economy? (duh)
    6. Will there even BE any Social Security in 7 years when I retire?
    7. What will happen to the Patriot Act?
    8. Will terrorists be given constitutional rights? Will the next war be fought with lawyers and judges rather than on the battlefield?

    I could go on and on. How much “damage” can the Dems do in 2 years? Plenty!! Can we stop them? Remains to be seen. But we sure can’t afford to give up and go away. THEY didn’t. Look where they are…and look where we are. There’s only one direction that is thinkable and that is UP! Believe it!


  12. owl says:

    AJ…….I suspect your posts will be the only one I agree with on this election. The scary thing is what I am reading from our side in ‘lessons learned’.

    Truth? The voters BETRAYED the troops and their families. Not the first time……they SPIT on returning Nam vets.

    So who made this possible? I went to read ONE particular site this morning (just wanted to see if there was a ‘mention’ of their horse) and see if the smile on their face was as big as the smile on ABC’s. Mentioned. Just a smirk behind the hand.

    You are right on Bush. He and a couple dozen in Congress. They are the only ones that deserve my respect. I did not watch or read yesterday because I knew what was coming.

    Immigration put the nail in the coffin. When you see a favorite blog scream ‘traitor’ over an issue and another smirk daily, you know they are going to take it down, REGARDLESS of what they kill in the process.

    Just too angry with the Destroyers this morning who do not now CARE what they have turned loose on the rest of us. Turned loose on the Troops that they support with lots of blog space and lip service that gets the same RESULTS as Kerry. Much too angry so I will try to take a vacation from this.

    And they will deny it the same way they denied Miers. HELLOOOOooo…….it was NEVER EVER ABOUT Miers. NEVER EVER. Can you hear me now? NEVER. Let me see how you manage to get YOUR choices confirmed now. They will never acknowlege……..they stand on principle…..doncha know.

    Charlie Rangel, John Conyers, Maxine Waters, Pelosi now leading the fight against our enemies. More power to Reid, Kennedy, Kerry, Durbin, Rockefellow, Hillary, Schumer, Boxer, Levin and our FIRST Cair Senator. YOU gave them this power over our sons and daughters. You traded off your obligations to this group in favor of personal issues that in YOUR opinion are more important and then you stand up and preach that you are ‘standing on principle’. Yep, vacation time.

  13. The Heretik says:


    The losers are still losers no matter how much they spin their reasons why. A mirror still hangs somewhere to show them who they are. Losers. Sad clowns will follow the elephants to console them for their loss. Losers. It wasn’t about Bush or…

  14. retire05 says:

    We didn’t lose this election; we gave it away.
    We allowed the killing of the unborn to be reduced to a catch phrase “woman’s right to chose”. Chose what?
    We allowed the war on terror to be centralized to the war against terrorists in Iraq while we said little about the rest of the world being bombed by kids with dynamite strapped to their waists.
    We allowed political correctness to continue by not pointing out the very reasons why Muslim American remains silent on terrorism.
    We allowed those like Murtha and Kerry to continue with their “cut and run” association with Vietnam while we never pointed out what happened when a Democrat House and Senate pulled funding from South Vietnam that had been promised them. We never pointed out the carnage that became South Vietnam.
    We allowed the left to smear those like DeLay (who has not been convicted of any wrong doing) and play up Cunningham, Ney, and Abramoff while we sat on the sidelines giving Murtha, Reid and Jefferson time to spin their stories for the MSM.
    We allowed the MSM to print their subversion while we took it and failed to find out WHO was leaking sensitive national security secrets.
    We allowed Joe Wilson to beat up on the administration while we never bothered to investigate what Wilson’s “uranium” business was in Niger that his wife bragged about or the fact that it was anti-war Armitage who shot off his mouth.
    We allowed Foley to define our morals while we said nothing about how a Democrat hack had shopped the story and the Democrats had the story for months, if not years, but did nothing about it until it was politically expedient. If it were not for the bloggers, no one would have know or remembered Gerry Studds and the standards the Democrats set with him.
    Instead of playing offense, we played defence and played right into the far left wing of the Democrat party, the wing that is now in control.
    So what if the Dems elected are conservative. The will vote with the far left faction that is now in power if they want more than one term. They will become players.
    So we can see the nation’s will to fight the war on terror evaporate. We will hear the left say that we have not been attacked in five years so there is nothing to worry about and the right has only been using fear to stay in power.
    And we can watch as the Jolly Jihadists take their time and get ready for the next big bang, maybe in downtown Chicago. And sure, we can then ask the left, what did YOU do to prevent this, but it will be too damn late.
    On November 8, 2006, almost 3,000 American military just died for nothing as victory has just been handed to the ones who want to kill us all.

  15. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Retired05: man, you hit it on the head!

  16. happywash says:

    Wow! Do you all realize that you sound like the Democrats in 2002 and 2004 that you all laughed at because you all claimed you had a “mandate”?

    The American people have spoken. And it is so digusting that you want to use such ridiculous hyperbole. Well, you can all hide your head in the sand for a terrorist attack that’s not coming, and I’ll go celebrate the fact that American has FINALLY woke up to the incompetence of Bush and his ilk. And retire05…3,000 American military have died for nothing. AND THAT’S WHY YOU LOST.

    All of you. Take your own advice from 2002, 2004. GET OVER YOURSELVES.

  17. patrick neid says:

    while “we” did a lot of the things, the thing we did the most of was spend money. we spent so much we spent our way out of control. literally. we threw the gipper under the bus. if we learn anything the next two years i hope that is it. a republican’s first task has got to be reducing the size of government or at least stopping its growth. over the last six years it has grown at a record pace. they deserved to lose.

    on a bright note dick morris actually has a good short article on what the next two years will look like. it’s not as bad as you think.

    good stuff dale on the particulars……….

  18. CT says:

    Great points Retired05. Another thing: Let’s not suffer from Pelosi Derrangement Syndrome or Democrat Derrangement Syndrome. When Pelosi and her crew genuinely screw up then we point it out, but let’s not spiral into silly conspiracy theories like the kook-fringe-nutroots-Democrats did. We’re better than that and this is our opportunity to prove it.

    Let’s learn from our mistakes and kick butt in 08.

  19. Election Results and Good News From Iraq Part #12…

    If you are not sure what I am talking about the read “The Soldiers Speak up–LOUDLY”, “The Soldiers Keep Speaking”, “Another Soldier Speaks”, “American Soldier Speaks to Anti-War Protesters.” and “Confederate Yankee Interviews Soldiers in Iraq…

  20. retire05 says:

    CT, somehow learning from our mistakes doesn’t seem to give me any solace. I don’t think it is a talking point that will resonate with the families of dead Americans the next time we are attacked by those the left gave the means to kill us.
    Americans are trusting. We never believe that those like Henry Waxman, who helped CodePink sent $600,000.00 to the terrorists or Charlie Rangel who spoke at a World Workers Party/Out of Iraq Now rally would never harm us. But they will in their desire for a socialist utopia where no one goes hungry, no one is ever sick and everyone lives in a nice sububan house.
    If you want to see how the Democrats can destroy a society, just look at the city I grew up in, St. Louis. In 1980 the population was 580,000. Now, the crime rate is the highest in the nation making it the most unsafe city in our nation to live in, taxes are out of control (they even have a CITY employment tax) businesses are bailing out on a record level, the police department is the most corrupt in the nation outside of New Orleans and now the population has decreased to 320,000 in 25 years.
    Yeah, we are going to learn from our mistakes.