Nov 09 2006
More Reminders For Dems
This reminder to the Dems is from the biggest problem in Iraq – Muqtada Sadr – alerting the Dems that they promised to cut and run as soon as possible.
Nov 09 2006
Published by AJStrata at 1:42 pm under All General Discussions
This reminder to the Dems is from the biggest problem in Iraq – Muqtada Sadr – alerting the Dems that they promised to cut and run as soon as possible.
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Strata had me convinced biggest problem in Iraq was al Qaeda.
Well, that made better GOP election propaganda…(Not.)
Why is it important to you to keep showing up here and scoring “points”?
It does NOT make the slightest difference whatever whether it’s Al Qaeda, some other terrorists group, insurgent group, or just plain criminals! These people want to KILL us! People like you and Nancy Pelosi want to surrender to THAT? By all means…go ahead. Just don’t expect the rest of us who are sane to go along with you!
If you want to waste your time coming here from now on, go ahead…but I for one, will ignore you. It’s just not worth it anymore to argue when you insist on scoring points.
I’m done.
here is the antidote to the above post’s Iraq Vet conflation
of the war with a generalized war on terror.
Speaking of which, Carol, you’re displaying your ignorance.
Al Sadr and the Shia militias in no way wish to come to America
to kill us, only to get our troops out of their land, the same way
we should want an occupier out of our land.
Ken makes it easier make sense out of our discussions. As the only true BLACKSHIRT I have ever enountered he does his ilk more damage then he helps. His posts are usually just this side of ‘Laugh-in’.
As a BLACKSHIRT he is the most inept of the posters here. I may be 2nd. Kens utopia requires #1 the destruction of society, #2 total manipulation of facts, #3 crowd mentality. Then and only then will he achieve his goal of a BLACKSHIRT society.
The more he talks, the further away from that BLACKSHIRT society we get. He has bet all his money on a three legged horse. I love it. He is simply a fossil of the Triassic who hasn’t realized he has turned to stone.
But Limerick, you say Islamo-fascist “blackshirts” are all the rage.
Interesting point to consider….I wonder what the terrorists will do to the Dems leaders if they don’t cut and run as promised. I mean, getting the nutters on the left angry and upset is one thing. Ticking off an Islamo-fascist could be a deadly proposition.
Limerick, Ken has been award permanent 2nd place on my all time dumbest of dumbasses list. Gil is No. 1.
Ken is living in fantasyland where the radicals back in the 60’s tred.
Remember how all them won the anti Vietnam campaign that resulted in the slaughter of 2.5 million people in Vietnam and Cambodia.
But then they blamed that on America because we had caused all those people to want freedom and it was our fault for instilling the desire for freedom in them.
That’s Ken’s view of The Muslims. Yea they don’t want to come over here, they jusst want us out of Iraq. Testing my memory, but wasn’t that muslims that came OVER HERE on 9/11 and wasn’t that BEFORE we went to Iraq?
Here is Tom Hayden’s plan for Iraq.
Hayden believed that Islamist extremists who had candidly committed themselves to the mass murder of “infidels” would suddenly welcome an opportunity to work for peace. In fact, Hayden cheerfully reported that “[e]ven the militant Shiites led by Muqtada Sadr have shown interest in the political process by collecting a million signatures for American withdrawal.” “A successful peace process,” Hayden explained, “will guarantee representation for the Iraqi opposition in a final governing arrangement.
Sounds like the Dems and Ken have been reading from his playbook.
Carol, Ken isn’t scoring points,(well, maybe dumbass points) he’s just solidifying his standing of dumbasses (see comment above)
He said:
Speaking of which, Carol, you’re displaying your ignorance.
Al Sadr and the Shia militias in no way wish to come to America
to kill us, only to get our troops out of their land, the same way
we should want an occupier out of our land.”
In fact they are most interested in defeating America any way they can. Just getting us out of Iraq is the first step.
But you’re doing the right thing to ignore Ken.
I’m not ignoring him tho, I’m too busy toting up his dumbass points.
I have read references here in the past that you line in France or are from France. If that is true, you have alot of nerve on questioning us on Iraq when muslims in your own country, teenagers armed not with guns, are making you all look like the laughing stock of the world. Your police can not stop them, they are getting ambushed, your citizens are afraid and getting burned to death and you all are about to surrender to muslim teenagers whom throw rocks, firebombs, use sticks, etc, when you all have firearms and still can’t stop them. Cast stones from a glass house when your home is crumbling around you. You have no room to talk Ken, none. France soon will surrender to these muslim teenagers because you all are good at surrending and do not know how to win a battle, never less a war in Iraq. I would spend more time trying to save your homeland because soon, you will need a prayer rug, a koran and be forced to pray to Allah or be beheaded. Yeah, tell us how to fight war.
I am not from France nor do I have recent French ancestry.
This was simply a tag an “ugly American” type placed on me, resentful of the fact France kept its youth out of Bush’s illegal no-win
Were I French I would support the National Front, which is both
hardline on immigration and bent on keeping France independent
from Israeli-occupied America’s policies.
i still say the big surprise these next two years will be pelosi marginalizing the anti war left wing of the dem party. she will, with broad dem approval under the cover of night, support bush in iraq, iran etc. you can be sure that there will be a lot of hearings and paper shuffling but at its core the mission will be unchanged. the MSM will tout this supposed new direction with complimenting stories out of iraq etc. it will be a re- run of nixon taking over from LBJ. nixon ran on the same program–end the war–he did, 7 years later! as the extreme left jumps up and down pelosi will bitch slap them as they prepare for the clinton white house. if clinton wins the white house then i think the gloves will come off. until then there will be a constant flow of feel good bills that will be passed with the consent of many repub senators and reps. a wolf in sheep’s clothing will be their MO.
Roonent and Ken,
I am the one that frequently refer to Ken living in France. Why, early in the communication a while back, I said to Ken that he sounded like he lived in France and asked if he did. At that time he said yes. He may have been pulling my chain, or he may not have actually known where he lived. In either case, he said it. No ugly American type layed that on him. He did it to himself.
Ken also said he was not of age to volunteer or be drafted in the military and since we don’t have a draft, I assumed he was speaking of France.
I realize he could be too old or too young. I now believe it is too young, but that is only an assumption based on his naivete’
Anybody too old would know more than he does.
So Ken, I will not refer to you being from France, if you’re sure you’re not.
Patrick is unfortunately right in the main, on Pelosi cooperation with Bush on Iraq and Iran. Unfortunatelyon Iraq, because the resistance has just enough power to continue chronic jabbing but not enough for theknockout. On Iran because a Bush attack would bring 10 dollar a gallon gas to America and a concerted attack from the east on helpless US troops. Americans will probably have to hit the streets in large numbers to scare the ruling class into avoiding large scale disaster.
For Enforcement, check the archives. You dreamt -up my assertion
of French residency just as you dream up most of your fantasy land
views on the Middle East, including your freshest one above, that
Shia Iraqis will come to America if we depart Iraq.
Limerick: You are totally wrong about Ken. Laughin was a pleasant experience–Ken is just a pissant. I”ll take Judy and Goldie any day!
So Ken, you’re saying the muslims didn’t come to the US prior to the US going to Iraq. Just for the record, and I realize I’m talking to someone without a clue, 9/11/01 was about 18 months PRIOR to the Iraqi war.
If you want to prove you didn’t say you live in France, you produce the archives to prove it. You made the claim. Disprove it. Pull up the archive where I asked and you answered.
If you can do that I’ll even move you down to 3rd on the list. I realize that may be a problem tho since you’re trying for NO. 1.
For enforcement
A Primer course. There were no Shia Muslims on the planes.
Shias are not part of the Al Qaeda jihad.
And you need a course in logic. YOU made the French residency charge, you prove I said it.
And your myriad posts thereafter show a sickly Francophobia
on your part having nothing to do with this site’s concerns,yet
Strata indulged it, being a tolerant man.
What is wrong with Macsmind’s blogsite ?? I haven’t been able to read for weeks ……all the blogs are printed on top of one another !!
Anyone else having same problem ??
No email address for Mac either ??
Thanks !!
W Girl, I have no problem with Macmind site, looks normal
Ken, AJ tolerates you, and why would he object to me referring to France? Last time I checked it is an American Ally, even tho they don’t act like it.
There were no Shia Muslims on the planes.
Shias are not part of the Al Qaeda jihad.
Someone said there were Shia’s on the planes? I said Muslims.
That’s your reading comprehension lesson for the day.
And when a nut from France gets on here, claims he’s from France and runs down America. Yeah, I’m gonna say something about it.
That remark moves you down to No. 3.