Nov 09 2006
The War Is Not Over
Great post at NRO’s Corner (and no, it was from a reader)
Nov 09 2006
Published by AJStrata at 1:48 pm under All General Discussions
Great post at NRO’s Corner (and no, it was from a reader)
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That was a good post. It will truly be ‘The Long War’. Why the hell can’t I write like that? (Duh!)
Have you ditched your day job? You’re blogging up a storm!
That guy put the whole thing in prespective. I tried reading the Koran once. It is mind numbing- it doesn’t follow any sort of logic by Western standards. I leave it up to those who know (Robert Spencer) and those who interpret (the “holy men” of Islam). There is not a lot of disagreement between the two, I’m afraid.
His line about the difference between Communism and Islam gives clarity. Anyone who believes that we can take out ball and go home from Iraq without any global consequences can’t see past the Pelosi doctrine.
That line, uttered yesterday by the Speaker-to-be, that Iraq is, “not a war to won, but a situation to be solved”, also provides clarity. It provides a baseline for debate.
If America wishes to win the war on terror, it will force the Israelis to settle fairly with the Palestinians, cutting off all aid until such settlement occurs. It will cease its attempts to install puppet
governments to gain access to oil for its plutocrats profits. It will develop its own energy sources so it can possess as many intrusive
bases in the Moslem world as the latter has in ours.
The war on terror will then be won and over.
You are truly one of the most naive people I have ever run into. The Palestinians want the destruction of Israel. Your proposal is we cut off Israel until the Palestinians get what they want……
Boy, oh boy! If all dems are like you there is hope.
A just settlement for Israel is to be gone from the river to the sea. Where do you get your information Ken? Check out Hamas.
A warning that will be ignored — to our peril, unfortunately…
A WAKE-UP CALL! This letter appeared today in a Jonah Goldberg post on NRO’s The Corner. It is a warning. Unfortunately, the idea that Democrats will heed this warning are slim to none. The idea that Americans, in general, will heed this warning are e…
There is one very simple fact that Ken will never be able to get around.
Prior to the Arab Legion loss in the 1948 war there was NEVER a Palestinian nation. No Arab nation acknowledged a Palestinian ‘nation’ prior to 1948. The U.N. established a Palestinian territory at the same time it established an Israeli mandate.
On the night before hostilities broke out the Ben-Gurion government made an offer to the Arab Legion of peace based on the United Nation partition of palestine. The Israeli government informed the Arab Legion that if they chose war then Israel would have the right to secure herself by force of arms. The Arab Legion chose war. After they lost the ‘Palestinian Nation’ was the cause de’guerre of the Arab Legion.
So much for all the stolen ‘Palestinian’ lands.
And that offer of peace CONCEDED Jerusalem would be an international city for ALL people.
Ken, Israel with the encouragement of dhimmi U.S. leaders tried your way and it failed miserably. Palestinians and Muslim Extremists don’t want settlement. Israel withdrew and what they got for that show of weakness was attack by Hezbollah from the North and Hamas from the West with Iran sitting over there on the East financing the whole thing. There is only one solution and that is to recognize the dangers of the Extremists and understand that the only thing they respect is strength and power. Their goal is the world and you either convert or die. They know that Israel has no intention of converting, therefore their destruction is the only outcome for the Extremists.
This conflict is as old as recorded time. It goes all the way back to Abraham when he gave the birthright to his 2nd son instead of to his illegitimate first born. It has been a struggle ever since.
I have trackbacked to this post because I also wrote about the letter AJ highlights and included the 8 part “Obsession” documentary. I recommend everyone watch that video. Here is another link with information that hopefully will help you understand the problem.
Covenant of Abraham
“If America wishes to win the war on terror, it will force the Israelis to settle fairly with the Palestinians”
Excuse me but 9/11, the bombing of our embassies, the USS Cole, etc. had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Palestinian issue other than possibly that terrorism itself as we know it today was born out of the Palestinian issue.
The important thing we must never lose focus on is that terrorism must never succeed as a method to a political end. If it does, I guarantee that you will only see more of it in the future. If terrorism gets anyone what they want, others will use it in the future. It doesn’t matter how noble the end, the means do matter.
This pandering to the Palestinians by the world community only serves as validation for the use of terrorist means to their political objective. If you meet all their demands, the end message is “terrorism works” and there will be no end to it. Terrorism MUST fail as a method. Only after the use of terrorism stops should their grievances be heard and addressed. Terrorism must be seen as impeding their progress, not furthering it.
Limerick and others should read this comprehensive work by a Palestinian Christian and History professor to disabuse himself of certainof his inaccuracies.
There was never a Jewish nation in the modern sense or one
at all for 2,000 years . Further many modern Jews cannot trace
their ancestry to the time there WAS a semblance of one,
as there is much non-Semitic blood flowing in their veins.
If the Jews have a right to a nation ex post facto then so do
the Palestinians. The Israel which Limerick refers to was founded
on the terrorism of hundreds of eradicated Palestinian villages
and the terrorism of the Irgun Squad and Stern Gang.
Israel has been ordered off the West Bank and Samaria by the UN as surely as Saddam was ordered out of Kuwait, Strata. It is then
irrelevant what percentage of Palestinians would still wish
to extinguish Israel after this animus-creating occupation
was loosened. First things first or America continues to
be punished for taking sides.
And Squiggie, giving up a strip of Gaza doesn’t cut it. The past year
has witnessed hundreds of innocents killed by Israel barbarism
on this strip of land.
One question you never answer Ken……Who was the Mufti of Jerusalem?…….Where was the Stern Gang and Irgun in 1920, 1922, 1924, 1936?….Where was the Stern Gang and Irgun when the Mufti massacred 120 Jewish worshipers AT THE WAILING WALL in 1934? Where was the Mufti of Jerusalem in June of 1945 AFTER the French government let him escape the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials. Where was the Mufti of Jerusalem then Ken? The crime of the Stern Gang and Irgun was in 1948 Ken. One village. Condemned by Israel, Condemned by the UN, Investigated by the Red Cross and the UN.
Hundreds of villages including those demolished by Jabotinsky’s men.
So the way to deal with comparatively minor Arab-Jewish skirmishes
you mention was to import large numbers of European Jews so as to overwhelm the natives. I see.
Ken never answers questions. He doesn’t want to be accountable for the mis-info he spreads. He’ll pop up, make some dumb statement and you ask him about it and all you get in return is Duh.
He won’t answer because he doesn’t know, simple as that.
He’s trying to get to No. 1 on my list, but I’ve assured him Gil has that sewed up. He doesn’t like that.
Ken, this conflict is not about land or a country’s borders. That is the big mistake those who advocate your point of view make. This is a cultural/ideological/religious conflict 5000 years old. To ignore the real conflict is to live in total denial. To really simplify it so even swamp rats can understand, it is a conflict between two sons vying to be Daddy’s favorite. The Daddy is G-d, Jehovah, Allah, or whatever name you wish to assign. The sons are Israel (Jews) and their progeny including the root of Jesse and those who came late to the party in the form of followers of a later prophet, Mohammad. But by the time the “modern” conflict began after the birth of Mohammad in AD 571, the jealousy and sibling rivalry had been raging for over 2500 years.
Ken also need to read about the Crusades and read the transcripts of the terrorist leadership and the Prez of Iran. Only then will he understand what the terrorist REALLY want.
Ken I’ll give you a hint:
It is called a Caliphate. These leaders have stated their goal is to establish a Caliphate. Bin Laden has said “the pious caliphate will start from Afghanistan”. The caliphate’s goals would include the destruction of Israel. They want to establish a caliphate from Spain to Indonesia. But Ken you keep thinking you know it all and remember pride goes before the fall. Ken instead of spewing forth other people work MAYBE you should do your own research.
Ken you DON’T have all the answers like you pretend to.
Suppose we reduce present day tensions in the region to your
sweeping historical panorama. So what? America is on the other side of the globe and should not take part in the rivalry,rather than doom itself to defeat by choosing the losing side and helping it lose by angering the other which other will then take out its anger on America along with the side it was battling in the first place.
The wistful caliphate-builders,who are opposed by the vast majority of the Moslems in their own countries, are none of America’s concern nor is the Crusades, as we didn’t take part in them. They, and Muslim immigration are Europe’s problem, as Europe did take part in them. Please check a globe for proper geographical spheres of influence and historical tension.
The only thing the overwhelming majority of Moslems in Moslem countries agree much with the caliphate -builders on ,is the
unwanted intrusions by America into their part of the world, eg.
overthrowing elected governments such as Mossadegh in 1953,
replacing him with the puppet Shah, and subsidizing Israel’s
oppression of Moslem Palestinians.
‘America is on the other side of the globe and should not take part in the rivalry’- Ken
So lets stretch his out to it’s logical conclusion…….lost to freedom……..would be…..Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Philipines, Australia, India, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, England, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria,
Austria, and on and on and on….
the heck with people wanting to be free. Mind your own business America.
Sorry Ken, as far as I’m concerned the losing side is being a sitting duck like 9/11, like our embassies, like the U.S.S. Cole, like our Marines in Lebanon, like wedding parties minding their own business, like being forced to submit, convert or die. You think you are safe here? You sir are a fool, if you really believe this. Take an hour and watch the video clips of “Obsession,” then come back and make the case that you are safe here in America. Were the Spaniards safe? Were the British safe? Were the Bali people safe? Were the Saudi’s safe? Are the French enjoying their safety? Were our sailors and Marines safe? Are Israelis ever safe? Do you honestly believe they aren’t already at work here in a myriad of forms. These are people who are willing to wait us out for generations if necessary. They are not some backwoods boobs who can’t find their way in the dark. The organizations behind the Extremists use every modern tool available to them including our own media fools and our dhimmi politicians. They are highly skilled communicators and again use every modern tool. They understand our laws and open society far better than the average U.S. citizen does and use our very freedoms against us every single day. We just saw a Muslim leader, backed by CAIR and very questionable supporters, get elected to Congress. We see political correctness put ahead of sane policies designed to protect us. We see some of our best tools made impotent by dhimmis who somehow think they are noble. We see those like yourself who have no sense of the actual conflict denying that the threat even exists. Our enemies count on you and without you fighting for them as the first line of defense, they are badly hampered. But, they know that there will always be those who would rather stick their heads in the sand or be the first to turn in their neighbors to whomever is in power in the mistaken mindset that somehow they will be spared. A fantasy of the highest order.
Ken is like Charles Lindberg, after he visited Europe and got a bunch of nefty medals from Hitler Charles came home and blamed the coming war on Jews and the British. the America Firsters pretty much ceased to exist after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and German declared war on the US. All except for Ken, here he is shilling for today’s Nazis.