Nov 13 2006

No Iraq Solution Coming Anytime Soon

Published by at 3:38 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

The Iraq Group is not ready to present the results of their work, and if I know this town and how these things work, they won’t be ready for some time. The report is due at year’s end, but it seems the group has yet to meet to begin the final thrashing process, which will distill out a nice, useless set of platitudes and fig leafs for all.

10 responses so far

10 Responses to “No Iraq Solution Coming Anytime Soon”

  1. Christoph says:

    Off topic and feel to delete my comment if you like, but did you see the travesty reported here?

    “Breaking: Mel Martinez to replace Ken Mehlman as RNC chairman”

    My comment in reaction to it was:

    He’s not leaving the Senate? Are they trying to provoke a “screw the GOP” reaction from conservatives?

    The Republican Party was so successful in this last election, that they don’t even need a full time chairman?

    You know, Howard Dean is looking more and more brilliant by comparison each day.

    It gets curiouser and curiouser.

  2. kathie says:


  3. Terrye says:

    The usual suspects are getting hysterical about it anyway. Bush is retreating they say. I doubt that, but the truth is the report might give some Democrats cover for support of the war.

  4. kathie says:

    Murtha said tonight on Katie, we are spending X-number of dollars a month that could spent on health care, tuition etc. We can not help Americans while we are in Iraq. Don’t ask the Generals, the Joint Chiefs, the CIA or any body what will be the result if we pull out, we need to pull out to help Americans at home. The Dems decision has nothing to do with the war on terror, or Al Quada, but with buying votes. All that stuff about Bush lied, Hitler, NSA, Patriot Act, is a smoke screen for buying votes at home. 911 was a situation already forgotten, yes it was not so far away as the Cole, or the Embassies, but not much different. Oh dear, a bad day, now let’s move on.

  5. For Enforcement says:

    The Dems have always raised taxes and entitlements and cut spending from the military. That’s why Rumsfeld has had to rebuild the Military that the Clinton gang let go down the tubes. Their priority has always been to buy votes.

  6. Barbara says:

    The Iraqi government probably wanted us to stay as long as we could to rebuild their country so they didn’t have to. They wanted to milk it as long as they could. One sure way to get a lot of dollars with even asking. With the election of the democrats this option is gone since the dems want to leave Iraq. The Iraqi government should have seen this coming. Maybe not though, I surely did not. I thought the people of this country had more sense.

  7. Ken says:


    The percentage of Americans who believed Bush lied about WMDs, at least by cherrypicking intellligence for the public at large, goes well beyond Democrat voters. The Downing Street Memo
    seals the deal, as UK intelligence chief Craig Dearlove can tell you.

  8. AJStrata says:


    The Downing Street memos are admitted forgeries:

    Try and not be so gullible.

  9. For Enforcement says:

    Ken your reading comp is getting worse.

    “The percentage of Americans who believed Bush lied about WMDs, at least by cherrypicking intellligence for the public at large, goes well beyond Democrat voters. The Downing Street Memo
    seals the deal, as UK intelligence chief Craig Dearlove can tell you.”

    There are no Americans (you’re French) that believe Bush lied about WMD’s. There are some that believe Dems when they say that, but they are just ignorant and can’t even follow the subject so they don’t know one way or the other.

    “The Downing Street Memo seals the deal,”
    If you believe one word in the Downing street memo’s, you are more helpless and clueless than I had given you credit for.

    How did you get so ignorant?

  10. Ken says:

    Sorry, but the Downing Street Memos have been authenticated and the debunkers” have been outed as members of the usual suspects of the Mylorie kind. Go to for the comprehensive truth. In the same light,the BBC just ran a story yesterday of a Danish intelligence agent who was hushed up and censored by his government after turning in a report that argued against Saddam still having WMDs. Robin Cook resigned from Blair’s cabinent and went public with the fact that poodle himself knew the case against Saddam was contrived BEFORE TTHE WAR.

    And “For Enforcement of revisionist basic English”..wish you were
    there…in Iraq getting your ass RPGed—sorry AJ, but that’s the contempt a patriotic American must exhibit for his safely harbored at home glibly garrulous garbage.

    Colin Powell’s cheif intelligence aide, Greg Thielmann, also resigned just before the war stating the same eventually proven reality: Powell himself knew the truth but was being loyal to Bush.