Dec 10 2006

Polonium-210 Confirmed In Germany

The Polonium-210 trail has now been confirmed to extend into Germany:

German authorities on Sunday said a contact of poisoned former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko left traces of the radioactive substance polonium 210 in several places he visited in Hamburg.

“Test have shown clearly that we are dealing with polonium 210,” Gerald Kirchner from the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) told reporters after a search of apartments visited by businessman Dmitry Kovtun.

We seem to have a conundrum for the assassination theorists. Kovtun and Lugovoi had opportunities to take out Litvinenko before Nov 1 in their own hotel. Especially Lugovoi. So if this was an assassination ring why did these two wait until the material could be traced right to them? This Germany angle is going to really throw this puzzle into a whole new direction, no matter which theory people subscribe to.

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Polonium-210 Confirmed In Germany”

  1. jerry says:

    You were right to suggest earlier that the question of whether this is assassination or smuggling is a false choice… it could be smuggling and assassination. I’m still impressed that you picked up on the smuggling angle so early.

  2. AJStrata says:

    Thanks Jerry, much appreciated.

    And yes, I understand that is a false choice. My only point it that the smuggling has finally been admitted and I think the media is ready to address the three times Polonium seems to have been brought into the country.

    Funny thing is, speculation will not change what happened!

  3. clarice says:

    Why didn’t they administer it earlier? Perhaps because they didn’t administer it at all. Just saying.

    Either Kovtun and Lugovoy didn’t know what was on them or didn’t know it was poisonous. But someone else did and used the same substance to kill Litvinenko knowing the trail of PO would cast suspicion on them.

  4. tempester says:

    The major problem i have with the smuggling is why would they physically carry it themselves? Why not pay someone else to do it?

  5. Barbara says:

    Who could they trust to not only keep their mouths shut but also not to double cross them?

  6. AJStrata says:


    I think they are paying someone else – these security companies they keep contacting. And Lugovoi runs a security company. These companies will protect people and property and I think they may be involved as protectors and/or transporters. But the material is collected (or divvied up) someplace and I think it is at these points in hotels where Lugovoi, Kovtun and Litvinenko got contaminated.

  7. Spy-Games: Litvinenko Trail Leads to Germany, Scenarios, Theories and other “Stuff”…

    Litvinenko is dead for over two weeks and this drama is still playing like a tightly entwined spy novel/murder mystery…or perhaps as it was once said by Winston Churchill, “Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.”…