Dec 19 2006

Knocking Down Tall Poles In Iraq

Published by at 9:22 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

Those who do not have to deal with complex and difficult problems never seem to understand that one must deal with a line up of challenges, knocking them down one-by-one on the path to success. This has been the untold story in Iraq because the media don’t have a long view on anything. Their attention span and business cycle is less than a day, usualy on the order of hours. So when a new tall pole pops up in Iraq to take its place at the head of the list, they cannot grasp what is going on:

Armed militiamen affiliated with radical Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada Sadr pose the gravest danger to the security and stability of Iraq, surpassing Sunni Arab insurgents and Al Qaeda terrorists, a new Defense Department report to Congress says.

The finding represents the military’s strongest characterization of the danger posed by Sadr and is among the conclusions of a quarterly report to Congress that chronicles the instability in Iraq and record level of sectarian violence.

In the last three months, the number of attacks on U.S. and Iraqi troops and Iraqi civilians rose 22%, and the number of U.S. casualties grew 32%, the Pentagon assessment says.

Classic tall pole whacking. We took out Saddam and then the Sunni’s stepped in to take their turn at control. We deal with the Sunni’s, making them allies and Al Qaeda takes their turn. With both those groups being dealt with reasonably well the Shiites try their hand. The interesting thing is the solutions become clearly and more achievable. The Shiites are in no position to risk their new found freedom and Shia leader Sistani has been a force for good in Iraq. So yes, the next tall pole has shown up. But that is the nature of tough problems and why it takes stamina and will to break through all the challenges to get to the needed objective.

The handwringers will be out in force again, demonstrating for the umpteenth time why they cannot be called upon to do anything of import. They see these situations and do their Chicken Little dance. Those familiar with tacking tough problems see the long view and the fact that it was not so much the Shia have become stronger, it is simply they look stronger with the two other more dangerous groups now on the wane.

56 responses so far

56 Responses to “Knocking Down Tall Poles In Iraq”

  1. For Enforcement says:

    Gil, you sound as well informed as Ken. He must be your idol.

    So they teach Iraqi courses there in the 3rd grade? That sounds about your level. Wait, Iraq 101, that must have been while you were in first grade.

    Domino theory? So S. Vietnam still exists as a free non communist country? so Cambodia still exists as a free non communist country? so Laos still exists as a free non communist country? All the people in those countries that were alive at the end of the war are still alive? hmmm.

    If they taught you these little ditties in your Iraqi class, you should wait til you get to the 2nd grade where they spring the truth on you.

    Gil, you don’t need to respond to me, you don’t sound intelligent enough for a normal person to carry on a dialogue with,, so adios MF

  2. For Enforcement says:

    Terrye, Ken has read that story on the Iraqi economy booming and he was pleasantly surprised. He wrote me a comment confirming that he had been wrong about that. He has even confirmed that 60% of the professional people in Iraq feel good about the future and have chosen to stay there while some disgruntled ones have chosen to leave because they couldn’t have all the marbles.
    He states all this a little differently than I did, but it all interprets the same.

    Ken admits to being openly anti-semitic but he says that is just natural for a French Muslim. In fact being anti-semitic and French Muslim are interchangeable. Means the same thing.
    When someone quotes Ken accurately, he sometimes denys it, but he never supplies proof of anything he says, so if he claims differently, just ignore him.

    Now if I’ve stated anything incorrectly Ken, be sure and point it out. I certainly wouldn’t want to misrepresent your views.

  3. For Enforcement says:


    You said:”a laughing-stock”

    laughing stock=Ken=interchangeable.

  4. gil says:

    Answer to Terrye.

    Why don’t you just give it up?
    Where is Bush’s victory in Iraq?

    You want more years of the same no doubt… That’s the standard answer we get from an idiot kid in College….. Hey Mom if you give me two more years I will finish my degree- I know I was supposed to have finished by now, but is hard you know— Just three, or four more years and I will give you “victory”!!!
    “Hey Mom you don’t want to follow dad’s advice and be a “defitist” like him would you?— Are you going to surrender now after all the tears, and money you spent?—

    So hey Mom!!….. Find yourself some other Idiots to support your dum kid OK ?

  5. For Enforcement says:


    Which college is that you attended?

  6. For Enforcement says:

    Saw Matt Damon make an anti-American speech. Terribly disappointed. I had him pegged as someone with some sense and acting ability. Two things that don’t normally go together. Now I find out he doesn’t have any sense. What is it about hollywood that causes actors to hate America? Oh well.

  7. gil says:

    Answer to the Enforcement.

    What College is that you attended?

    Same as Bush’s…. 2.3 GPA on a Mikey Mouse B.A> in History…. That gave him about a dozen books in “Bushisms” .

    Hey, At least I am not your president, and I can talk…. That’s more than you can say about the Idiot at the White House.

    So why don’t you ask Bush what school he attended?

  8. Barbara says:

    We already know what schools Bush attended, idiot. Yale and Harvard. With a higher grade point average than your hero Kerry. All Bush did was party through his undergraduate years and still made high Cs. Kerry slogged and made lower grades than Bush. And Bush went on to Harvard where he received an MBA. And after that to the National Guard where he was a fighter pilot. How in the world do you people think that someone dumb can fly one of these things? And you don’t get a MBA if you are stupid. Every time one of you says Bush is an idiot you are showing your own stupidity..

  9. For Enforcement says:

    That’s telling him Barbara

    I asked that guy because of the way he attempted to spell a word
    If I had a 2.3 grade avg, I’m not sure I would admit it.

    My grandson is studying history and he said they give you a 3.0 just for enrolling in History courses. That’s why he’s in it. But then he’s going to a big name law school next year, he made a 168 on LSAT and seems they will let you in almost any law school with that score.

    I’ve known several people with MBA from Harvard and none of them are dumb people, that especially includes Pres Bush. The US Air Force and US Navy pilot training programs only take intelligent people. I know, I was selected for NavCad but didn’t make it due to depth perception.

    Gil is a meaningless troll anyhow.

  10. AJStrata says:


    Keep a civil togue or take a hike. One and only warning and I am deleting your posts. See if you can stretch that intellect of yours to talk like a mature, civil adult.

  11. For Enforcement says:

    Gil, you are one mis=informed human being. You are the one that said you had a 2.3 in History.

    Thanks for the job offer but I’m retired and have been for a while.

    All pilots are downgraded to non-flying status if their medical is not current (and he was a couple months late at the time) and the plane he was flying was not obsolete at the time, it was the primary fighter the air force was using in Nam at the time.

    You apparently don’t know the difference in single digits and double digits, so it would do no good to attempt to explain it to you.

    By the way, Ken has 4th place sewed up on the all time dumbass list(he is actually too dumb to know how to get higher even tho he’s trying) and you don’t stand a chance of displacing him, so you’ll have to remain at No. 5 for the time being.

    You have got to be the most ignorant person I’ve read commenting on this blog, so congrats for acheiving some status.

    Don’t come back trying to sound intelligent in putting me down, Ken has been trying for a long time and so far he has been right on only one thing. (just for the record, it was when he agreed with me that Iraq’s economy is booming)

  12. For Enforcement says:

    Gil said: “At least I am not your president, and I can talk…”

    it sure is a good thing, maybe one day you’ll be also be able to WRITE a comprehendable sentence.

  13. Ken says:



    You do not know what you are talking about. You are an anti semite. Plain and simple, when it comes to Israel you are not even coeherent. The Palestinians have ample oppurtunity to have a state along side Israel and instead they prefer killing Jews and each other.

    Suppose I am an anti-semite. I’m not, but suppose I am. Anti-semites
    by the definition used by your side, seem to have dominated
    Europe for a thousand years. That’s a winner! But let’s stay with the Mideast–every Arab leader agrees with me or should I admit…I got the idea from them! Israel must vacate the West Bank and Samaria.
    Now since the Arabs are more purely Semites than the well-travelled
    Jews of Israel, please don’t tell me they’re anti-Semites, too!

  14. Ken says:


    “I know you think the Arabs are mindless drones incapable of thought or actions of their own and whatever they do is only in reaction the superior white race, but Saddam could have kept this war from happening, he had ample oppurtunity to do that long before Bush left Texas. He did not.”

    Gee, Terrye, sounds like you look down on Saddam as a dumb inferior–even though he planned much of the Baathist sector
    of the insurgency which is defeating Bush!

  15. Ken says:


    And you opposed America’s alliance with Saddam which only expired in 1993?

    And since I opposed the ten year embargo your Zionist-led US
    policemen killed a million Iraq children with, Albright bragging about it, your unemployment rate comparision for that period is nullified.

  16. Ken says:


    the 450,000-650,ooo figure has been backed up by a cross-section of politically disinterested leading epedimiologists in the world-including , here, those of Johns Hopkins , Lancet and the leading epidiologist of the state of California.

  17. Ken says:

    For Enforcement

    First, your twaddle to Gil—the US set the bloodbath in motion, just as it set it in motion in Iraq. So as you pile on the examples, you pile on the US intervention,you do not mitigate it.

  18. Ken says:


    Did you delete the “offensive” post of Gil’s? I couldn’t find anything warranting your warning. On the other hand For Enforcement’s cavalier attitude toward innocent Iraqi bloodshed and large scale
    emigration should have warranted a warning from you. You offend by silence here too, but at least you don’t offend by cavalier
    inanities which perhaps if FE’s identity were made public he wouldn’t
    dare to utter?

  19. Ken says:

    For Enforcement

    You misspelled”comprehendable,” moron. Are you and Strata
    friends or do you have compromising pics of him; why does he allow you to continue festooning your barely disguised anger, clothed in senility?

  20. gil says:

    Answer to AJ Strata.

    “Keep a civil toge? or take a hike”

    First Mr. AJ Starta if I was you, I would check my spelling… There are some in this blog that pretend to have a higher IQ if you happen to miss a word…. You know like enforcement.

    Second.Would you care to ask the same kind of “Civility, and tong from Strata, and Barbara or do you consider ” We already know what schools Bush attended idiot” some how civil? – Reason I ask is because that is what prompted my response to the un-lady like answer I got from a low life individual calling herself Barbara. Or what about, “Gil is a meaningless troll anyhow” from the enforcer ; Is that civil??

    How about you all treating people in a civil way and expecting the same???

    I would appreciate a bit more fairnes from you. If you don’t consider Barbara has a problem calling me an idiot then fine….. Barbara you are an Idiot, and Enforcer you are a troll fair now ??