Dec 23 2006

When Did The UN Grow A Spine On Iran?

Published by at 12:52 pm under All General Discussions,Iran

Did the exit of the waffling Kofi Anan allow the UN to grow a spine and slap sanctions on Iran? Or was it the mad rantings of Ahmadinejad finally worried the moribund UN that maybe the nutter was actually serious and willing to martyr an entire country for Allah. Whatever the source of newfound resolve, Iran has been put on notice – and will respond unpredictably, as is the nature of the madmen running the country.

65 responses so far

65 Responses to “When Did The UN Grow A Spine On Iran?”

  1. Ken says:

    Get used to it Strata. Iran holds the key cards because of the vulnerability of US troops in Iraq. Their program is impervious to
    effective attack but the Straits of Hormuz is not.

  2. Barbara says:

    It is very disingenious of the Iranians on the one hand saying their nuclear program is peaceful and for electricity and on the other hand their nutjob president saying Iran will wipe Isreal off the face of the earth and then come for us. Do they think anyone believes them?

    I find it interesting that China and Russia were willing to sanction Iran in any way. Maybe they are growing a littel leery of them also. After all, they are both closer to Iran geographically than we are. And maybe Russia knows the source of the polonium in London and is taking steps to stop them.

  3. Ken says:


    Dear, the Iranian leader never threatened Israel. He merely predicted Israel would disappear after the Palestinians gained the right of return and could vote a democratic government in.

  4. Barbara says:

    Ken dear

    Wake up and smell the coffee.

    BTW, did you ever form your American Firster party Did you have trouble getting the ten members I suggested? Since Terry Nichols is in prison and Tim McVeigh is dead maybe you can get only eight.

  5. Ken says:

    learn how to translate Farsi before you make a further fool of yourself,dear.

  6. Barbara says:

    Oh, Ken

    I don’t aspire to be in your league, dear.

  7. roonent1 says:


    You seem to have graduated from the Baghdad Bob’s school of information and Larry “I Spy” Johnson’s school of cloak and dagger. The only problem is that Bob was more informed and honest than you, and Larry was never really a true spy, so that decoder ring you got at your graduation really does not give you an all seeing eye crystal ball or make you invisible, like you were led to believe. Sorry to break that news to you, but people were talking behind your back.

    Ken I understand you are angry and hateful to the world since Rosie Odonnel left you because “you were not man enough fo her”, but cowboy up my friend. Lower your standards and you will find someone again.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Ken says:

    Baghdad Bob had nothing on Dick “the insurgency is in its last throes” Cheney.

  9. Ken says:

    Nor on Paul Bremer’s, Dick Cheney’s, George Bush’s and a host of military officers’ 2003 blather…”they’re just a few dead-enders.”

  10. roonent1 says:


    The sad thing is you can’t even deny my points in my post. I will ask Santa to bring you a new brain and a heart. Yours are broken beyond repair.

  11. Ken says:

    But I infer you are too “happy” and “loving” as matters stand to
    be angry about the 2900 + and 35,000 wounded in a no-win war,
    so please, enjoy!

  12. Ken says:

    You made no “points.”

  13. roonent1 says:


    For the simple minded like yourself, we have lost less Armed, Trained, Voluntary, Professional Soldiers in 5years fighting two wars agains those that hide in the shadows, behind women and children or even dress as women because they are cowards, then the unarmed, untrained innocent women, children and men that were killed on 9/11 in less than one hour.

    I do not expect you to grasp that because like I said you are not as informed or honest as Baghdad Bob and Larry had no real skills to teach you.

  14. Ken says:

    Here’s one to deal with:

    “”If we quit Vietnam, tomorrow we’ll be fighting in Hawaii, and next week we’ll have to fight in San Francisco.”
    -Lyndon Johnson

    “We fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.”
    -George W. Bush

    Enjoy ,Strata-sheeple

  15. Ken says:


    Only 20% of the Americans who still support the quagmire
    “grasp” your wisdom, Rooney.

  16. roonent1 says:

    Ken, they have already been here BEFORE we went to Iraq. The Viet Cong never did before we entered the Vietnam war. History is not your best suit to wear. Must suck being the most unimformed person whom Rosie claims you were not even man enough for her. Buck up. You have one friend, yourself.

  17. Jacqui says:


    You really need to stay on your meds.

  18. Ken says:

    You’re an ass, Iraqis were “here”, you warmongering

  19. Ken says:

    But Carol_Herman will be very pleased if you call for the obliteration of Saudi Arabia, a call which would at least have made your Neanderthal point better.

  20. roonent1 says:


    Why did Sadam Hussein seek out volunteers from his Air Force for suicide missions against US interests 6 months before 9/11? Conicidence? Not. Like I said, I will ask Santa to bringyo ua new brain and a new heart. Yours are sadly broken.