Jan 10 2007

“Spineless” Defined – Part Duex

Published by at 11:21 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

The Dems are heading for a PR disaster because their liberal media supporters are going to roast them. I posted this morning on how the Democrats where redefining the term ‘spineless’. And I noted that the Democrat calls to not support any efforts to win Iraq would be their political undoing for years to come – as it is Bush still holds all the cards (along with one Joe Lieberman). So what have the Dems decided to do? Play useless, pretend theatre:

Democratic leaders said Tuesday that they intended to hold symbolic votes in the House and Senate on President Bush’s plan to send more troops to Baghdad, forcing Republicans to take a stand on the proposal and seeking to isolate the president politically over his handling of the war.

Yeah, it’s symbolic all right. Symbolic of the spineless democrats who cannot even stand up and speak their minds out of fear. No wonder they cave so quickly to Al Qaeda. Forcing Republicans to do what now? Support the troops and the concept of attempting to finish the job in Iraq! The Dems are still trying to make the Reps look bad, as if they hadn’t won the majority. As I said before, the Dems were abysmal in the majority and the minority. They got here because the Reps screwed up. And both sides are still trying to see who can screw up more.

Dems – don’t even waste the country’s time with a symbolic vote. We know what happened. Lieberman put his foot down and neutered the leadership. But if you must ‘pretend’ to be Senators with ‘pretend’ votes so you can ‘pretend’ to be national leaders then go ahead and do it now. Let’s get all this pretending out of the way.

53 responses so far

53 Responses to ““Spineless” Defined – Part Duex”

  1. TomAnon says:

    I am anticipating the State of the Union speech coming in the next couple of weeks. It will be interresting to watch the candid camera fly around the house chamber catching Dems in full BDS rapture. Should be right about the time boots are hitting the ground in Iraq. Expect a whole lot of stories on “the surge” and how they are shooting up wedding parties, birthday parties, baby ducks, etc…. Hold on tight this is going to get rough be fore it gets better.

  2. lurker9876 says:

    I agree. NO symbolic votes. The Republicans should heed the advice of standing by Bush all the way.

  3. Carol_Herman says:

    Of course, they got roasted!

    To start, one of the “claims” that ran about feeding into November’s election, was “how much the trooops are loved.” It even has a meme. We ” love them so much, please bring them home.”

    Rangel’s words, now, should be memorialized. Because he came out and said, “if my black ass was exposed in korea, where congress stopped the flow of money, so I’d have no snowshoes ….”

    Snow shoes. They always come up with something white, don’t they?

    But Bush led them down this path!

    By using all the negative rays the name James Baker ‘attracted.’

    Heck, it even got me worried!

    But he did this after the election. Because had it come “first,” I wouldn’t have voted for the republican ticket, in toto. And, I did.

    Then? Bush didn’t seem to mind all the building up of negatives that flew out of the press!

    So, if you’re gonna do battle, that’s just what you want your enemy to do! To engage you where you really are strong.

    Most people? Most people don’t know much about Iraq at all. They don’t know it’s a better training field, for instance, for our military, than using “stand-in’s” for proxies, on American bases.

    And, I don’t think the screaming is as loud as the donks felt they had going for them. In other words? They won a thin majority in Congress. And, in another two years, when the BIG election comes, 2008, Bush managed to “set the stage.”

    While the donks thought he’d play “lame duck.”

    Now, exactly what can the donks do? They’ve advertised they’ve “won their majority.” But DC is that “magic place up on the Hill.” Hills can only be climbed with great effort.

    And, the donks managed to do more harm to themselves. And, their own “advertising message,” than just about anything else at all.

    Way back? After the November win, I was sure we’d hear from all the Blue Dogs. Who’d arrive on the Hill, ready to do business. But instead? Those who are “in” in Congress for a long time, in a very deserved minority status, managed to take all the bonuses and gifts that came from the election. And, they went an annointed, themselves.

    Sometimes, I just shrug. At other times? Given that all pelosi now has is two-years; what’s she gonna do? Because when 2008 rolls around, IF POLITICS is actually something when you’re on the INSIDE, you have to mastermind. And, do lots of stuff ahead of time …

    Where’s there a downside to Bush, now?

    Just the other day, New Jersey’s gasses gave off such a stink, that literally places in Manhattan got closed down. That kind of stink? Pales in comparison to the lunacy just done by the donks, who couldn’t stand Bush. And, came running out of nowhere to do harms onto themselves.

    This is just a show that’s gotten a whole lot more interesting to watch.

  4. jerry says:

    I’d say most of the public, especially the families of the troops, will remember how the Republicans in Congress and the White House couldn’t seem to find body armour (and couldn be bothered to supply it even after people complained) ) from the start of this fraud war – that they lied their way into and have lied their way through until today.

    Republican cowards will try to blame Democrats until 2008 for a disaster that Bush is entirely responsible for. Bush isn’t Lincoln and Iraq isn’t our Civil War, we aren’t fighting for the Union – young Americans are fighting for the sake of Ws ego.

  5. The Macker says:

    “Symbolism” will be music to the enemy’s ears, encouraging them to “stay-the-course.”

  6. The Macker says:

    Did that mindless rant make you feel good?

  7. ivehadit says:

    It’s always amazing that there are those who cannot/will not see how George W. Bush has placed country before party/ego/legacy. He has never, repeat never taken the easy way out. He has risked much, over and over. And won.

    The Left is a cauldron of neurotic self haters with major dysfunctions that spill out into the public forum….for us to clean up.

  8. pagar says:

    I’d say most of the families of the troops , are going to remember the terrorist supporters we have in America. Is there some terrorist sitting somewhere keeping track that every terrorist supporter does their duty for the cause everyday by attacking America verbally?

  9. TomAnon says:

    Jerry, Can’t get something a little fresher to say? That is all so old and…. leaky.

  10. dennisa says:

    I know I’ll remember how some U.S. citizens, when faced with a clear threat and an attack, insisted that everything their country did in response was wrong.

  11. Karig says:

    Sure, Jerry. Despite the fact that the Democrats now run Congress, the public is going to punish the party out of power — over body-armor shortages from **four years prior** — in 2008. (This despite the apparent fact that a lot of people seem to have trouble remembering what Saddam Hussein might have done to warrant being sentenced to hanging by the Iraqis.) Right, Jerry, whatever you say….

    (Meanwhile I seem to remember that the body-armor problem wasn’t that troops simply weren’t getting body armor, but that the do-gooders wanted to put so much body armor on soldiers that it would slow them down, thus making soldiers take longer to get under cover from out in the open when things started happening.)

  12. crosspatch says:

    It is a darned shame that a Democratic administration cut some half dozen divisions from the active military during the 90’s. Now the Democrats complain we don’t have enough troops to fight a protracted low-intensity conflict.

    That is really the message here. The United States does not have a force large enough to fight a conflict lasting longer than 2 or 3 years if it requires any significant (say 100,000 +) number of troops.

  13. Barbara says:


    That is a scary message to send the rest of the world.

  14. Barbara says:

    I just want to say that I am tired of all these convoluted rules congress has in both house and senate. Did the Republicans take this 100 hours the democrats are now doing? If they did I did not hear of it. And if they did the MSN would be all over that issue. So I doubt they did. We should demand that both houses get rid of these silly rules that are only used to obstruct the other party. Over the years they have added one silly rule after another from having issues go through committees and maybe being blocked (does anybody else notice the democrats vote en mass with the party on every issue) to the group of 14 and on to the filibuster and now the dems get 100 hours with no Republican intake. Just plain dumb. This is not representation for all of us.

    I am in favor of term limits but we will never get them because the people who have to vote on them will never do so. That would cut off their jobs, money and freebies not to mention bribery and corruption. I think members of the house should have only two terms at most and only one for the senate. It will never happen though.

  15. jerry says:

    Did that mindless rant make you feel good? ”

    Oh yes, I’m much better now.

    Karig, I take it the “do-gooders” who sent armor – were their parents?

    CP – who would have thought back then that a US administration would ride us into another Vietnam?, especially a conservative Administration? The whole country seems stunned and resentful to be stuck in another quagmire with no end in sight, no plan to date (though I hear today is the big day). No sooner does the US have a decent budget surplus than Ws crowd has us wrecked on the rocks – we’ll be paying for this War of Ego for decades.

  16. Barbara says:

    No sooner does the US have a decent budget surplus than Ws crowd has us wrecked on the rocks – we’ll be paying for this War of Ego for decades

    Well hell, Jerry, all that money gone to waste. Why we could have used it to rebuild all the cities that were nuked instead of fighting the GWOT somewhere else. Just think what New Orleans has cost us then think may ten or twelve more of the same. People who hide their heads in the sand will never understand the logistics of reality.

    who would have thought back then that a US administration would ride us into another Vietnam?,

    Well I say who would ever have thought that a government, meaning congress, would ever turn their backs on the American people and not protect them and now wanting to give our iniatives and power to a useless do nothing organization like the UN that does nothing but collect large amounts of money from us while denegating us on every possible occassion. This crap hole should have gone the way of the League of Nations years ago. They are totally corrupt.

  17. crosspatch says:


    We aren’t in another Vietnam and simply saying we are doesn’t make it so.

    In Vietnam we were propping up an unpopular government. In Iraq we took an unpopular government down. We allowed the Iraqis to form their own, which has been seated for just about 8 months now. 8 months isn’t enough time.

    In Vietnam we were battling an enemy that never attacked the US and was no threat to us. In Iraq we are battling an enemy that has killed thousands of Americans in several locations globally including the continental United States.

    In Iraq we gave the leadership a clear way to exit the situation peacefully. All Saddam had to do was allow the complete and open inspections and he would still be killing the local Shiites and his sons raping the local chicks. Right up to the last minute we gave Saddam a peaceful way out. He chose war, we didn’t.

    In Vietnam our troops were drafted and sent, in Iraq every single one is a volunteer. In Iraq, reenlistment rates are at all time highs. The troops believe in the mission and believe that the US press is distorting the real picture.

    Yes, Congress has the power to turn this into Ted Kennedy’s Vietnam if that is what they want but I don’t believe that is what most Americans want. If the Democrats do that, I am fairly convinced the US public will turn against them. The people didn’t vote the Democrats in to abandon Iraq. They wanted a different policy. It looks like tonite the people get their wish.

  18. crosspatch says:

    Also, Bush has more support among Republicans than Johnson had among Democrats. Much more. Today’s Rasmussen poll (Rasmussen is important because it is the only poll that balances it’s polling sample) shows Bush’s approval rating at 44% with the support of 79% of people who identify as Republican. That is much better than the last two wartime Democrats (Truman and Johnson) had.

  19. The Macker says:

    Other than military success and political defeatism and collaboration by the Dems, there is little comparison to Viet Nam. “Quagmire” is another word like “unilateral” and “imperial” specifically chosen to create a false impression.

    “no end in sight” is used to justify surrender when the end is truly in sight.

    “War of Ego” – is a war to protect this veteran’s family and I won’t begrudge Bush II getting credit for his foresight and courage in recognizing the enemy and destroying it.

  20. crosspatch says:

    Contrast that with Pelosi’s numbers:

    43% “favorable” overall

    66% of Democrats favorable
    17% of Republicans favorable

    compared to Bush

    44% favorable overall

    79% of Republicans favorable
    18% of Democrats favorable

    So Pelosi and Bush have similar numbers only with the party breakdown reversed.