Jul 16 2005

Muslims Fail To Stand Against Terror

Published by at 7:41 am under All General Discussions,UK Bombings

Changed the Title based on updates below

I had hoped the Muslim community would realize the problem they face and speak out against terrorism, but this British Muslim announcement is meaningless:

Muslim leaders and scholars condemned the London bombings Friday but stopped short of criticizing all suicide attacks, with some of them saying those targeting occupying forces are sometimes justified.

The 22 imams and scholars meeting at London’s largest mosque said in a joint statement that the perpetrators of the subway blasts had violated the Quran by killing innocent civilians and that no one should consider them martyrs.

In a later press conference, the conferees were repeatedly asked if they also condemn suicide bombings in countries such as Iraq and Israel.

“There should be a clear distinction between the suicide bombing of those who are trying to defend themselves from occupiers, which is something different from those who kill civilians, which is a big crime,” said Sayed Mohammed Musawi, the head of the World Islamic League in London.

As long as the bombers can decide what is valid or not, verses international and local laws, there will always be rationalizations available to kill. When will the Islam return to the days of the mighty, respected warrior verses the cowardly child killer?


Michelle Malkin has a whole host of links on Muslims failing to stand up against terrorism and simply failing humanity in the process.

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