Jul 17 2005

Calls to Prosecute Plame

Published by at 12:19 am under All General Discussions,Plame Game

I know I am in the minority here, but it seems to be a growing minority. Nick Danger at Redstate is one of the Blame Plame/Wilson crowd and has this piece by David Horowitz at Frontpage

In the midst of a war, a rogue CIA employee named Valerie Plame set out to sabotage the President’s war policy — a policy ratified by both political parties and both houses of Congress. To do this she sent her husband on a mission to Niger to discredit the President’s statement that Saddam Hussein was seeking uranium there — in other words to discredit a justification for the war in which Americans were continuing to die.

Her husband, Joseph Wilson, went off to Niger, did no investigation and came back and lied about what he had allegedly discovered. The bi-partisan 9/11 commission concluded that Wilson’s claims were false — a year and half after the damage the Plame-Wilson team intended was already done.


Nick Danger at Redstate reminded me where I had heard a lot of details on a French Connection to Wilson’s trip – of course it was at Redstate where the Plame/Wilson debate is raging.


Mark Steyn comes out rightly disgusted with this non-story which the press cannot seem to get right, never mind move beyond. But he is right to lay blame with Plame/Wilson:

But in the real world there’s only one scandal in this whole wretched business — that the CIA, as part of its institutional obstruction of the administration, set up a pathetic ”fact-finding mission” that would be considered a joke by any serious intelligence agency and compounded it by sending, at the behest of his wife, a shrill politically motivated poseur who, for the sake of 15 minutes’ celebrity on the cable gabfest circuit, misled the nation about what he found.

This controversy began, you’ll recall, because Wilson objected to a line in the president’s State of the Union speech that British intelligence had discovered that Iraq had been trying to acquire ”yellowcake” — i.e., weaponized uranium — from Africa. This assertion made Bush, in Wilson’s incisive analysis, a ”liar” and Cheney a ”lying sonofabitch.”

In fact, the only lying sonafabitch turned out to be Yellowcake Joe. Just about everybody on the face of the earth except Wilson, the White House press corps and the moveon.org crowd accepts that Saddam was indeed trying to acquire uranium from Africa. Don’t take my word for it; it’s the conclusion of the Senate intelligence report, Lord Butler’s report in the United Kingdom, MI6, French intelligence, other European services — and, come to that, the original CIA report based on Joe Wilson’s own briefing to them. Why Yellowcake Joe then wrote an article for the New York Times misrepresenting what he’d been told by senior figures from Major Wanke’s regime in Niger is known only to him.

And to the press and us bloggers who obsess on this case

The British suicide bombers and the Iranian nuke demands are genuine crises. The Valerie Plame game is a pseudo-crisis. If you want to talk about Niger or CIA reform, fine. But if you seriously think the only important aspect of a politically motivated narcissist kook’s drive-thru intelligence mission to a critical part of the world is the precise sequence of events by which some White House guy came to mention the kook’s wife tosome reporter, then you’ve departed the real world and you’re frolicking on the wilder shores of Planet Zongo.

Well, I only visit Planet Zongo on occasion – as my posts on a broad range of subjects hopefully indicate. But until the press capitulates in their political jihad, we will need to be vigilant and not let them distribute their lies and half truths to the public.

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