Mar 02 2007


Published by at 11:08 am under All General Discussions

Well, bloggers row is much larger and nicer than last year, and there are a lot of drive-by bloggers like myself here. Fortunately I have a high speed modem in my cell phone so I can “plug in” anywhere. Right now crouched across for blogger’s row since chair’s and internet connections are at a premium. Did not get a chance to talk to Rep Hunter, but overheard his comments (interview) with American Spectator bloggers. I like Hunter, but he was off on China. His points were accurate just not really high on people’s list. The mood here is upbeat but cautious. Everyone knows things are in flux. The big event coming (which I will miss is Rudy’s Speech at noon. Will try to listen to some before I head back. Will try to get the feel for the room. Huckabee is signing and the line went out the door, so that is a good sign for him. More later.

One response so far

One Response to “CPAC 2”

  1. kathie says:

    Can’t wait to get your fix on each.