Mar 04 2007

Guest Bloggers For This Week

Published by at 10:02 am under All General Discussions


LJStrata and I are heading out for a well deserved week on a beach someplace without kids and computers. While I am away I have asked a few people to guest blog in my place. One is DJStrata who will be running the site pretty much. She does have the authority to deny access, so help me show her what a high class set of commentors we have (remaining) here. BTW, we might open registration back up later this month for people who want to comment here. The only request I have is don’t insult the host – the pols are fair game.

So I hope everyone will enjoy posts from Crosspatch (key commentor on all things Litvinenko), Harold Hutchison (who has is own blog “Called As Seen“) and Seixon – who sadly had to shut down his great blog by the same name. I am honored to have them post their thoughts here. I will return next Saturday, but do not be surprised if a lone posts shows up here and there.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Guest Bloggers For This Week”

  1. erp says:

    Have a great time on your brief surcease from work and politics, however, not only have left us bereft of your postings, you left us without a prediction on the Libby trial which is dragging out far longer than any of us could have imagined.

  2. stevevvs says:

    I hope AJ and LJ have fun at the Beach! The weathers pretty good. And welcome DJ Strata! I hope you enjoy your time at the controls!

  3. MerlinOS2 says:


    Enjoy your vacation and I can only hope you have the good fortune of LJ enjoying you. Somehow I don’t think that is an admonition I have to forward but I still did it. She is the shadow behind your strength. I see it without it being put up front.

    If she is as good as a woman as I perceive she is, you are a blessed man.

    Live it an love it my friend. Enjoy and rejoice in what you both have , it is precious.

  4. colanut22 says:

    Have a joyful vacation, Stratas! Looking forward to reading the guest bloggers while you’re gone. Relax, but don’t relax so much that you decide to stay away from blogging!