Apr 03 2007

Dems Need To Pass Troop Funds

Published by at 5:16 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

The Democrats are beginning to insult the intelligence of the American people with more wasted Bills restating their well-known desire to retreat in failure from Iraq. Senate Majority leader Ried is sponsoring another Bill going nowhere with Russ Fiengold to defund military actions. I guess that was his price to pay for fully funding the war in the last Bill. Fully funded with a surrender date, partially, funded, no funding… When will the Democrats DO SOMETHING? Earth to Democrats: We got it. You don’t need to keep repeating your losing desires. They will not take the day so get on with funding the troops and stop crowing for the cameras. There is no more pressure or another variation of ‘the message’ that will change the fact this war is going to go on for another year.

35 responses so far

35 Responses to “Dems Need To Pass Troop Funds”

  1. Terrye says:

    What is the point to this? They have already passed a bill and they have not sent it to Bush yet, so why another. What it is going to be? A different bill every day?

  2. lurker9876 says:

    I was wondering the same. I wonder if Reid is holding the first bill until Congress’s three-week spring break ends, then submit the bill. Once vetoed, Reid is ready to push forth his second bill. Perhaps he’s trying to build his ammunitions for his negotiations and compromises with Bush?

    Will he get the votes this time?

    Will he introduce another bill after this one?

    How will the Republicans feel if Reid continues with one resolution after another?

  3. lurker9876 says:

    The only bill that the Democratic Congress should pass is a clean defense bill – without timelines and without PORK!!!

  4. Mark_for_Senate says:

    All they are trying to do is ensure Bush gets the blame for anything and everything. Instead of seriously considering/debating possible actions and their future consequences for the good of the Nation, their only goal is to destroy Bush. America be damned. Try as they might, this will not work for at least half the population. Rosie controls the other half and is probably a lost cause.

  5. lurker9876 says:

    According to American Thinker’s “The Dems go Fishing”, by Dunn, the Democrats’ main goal is to impeach Bush.

    The House have the votes to impeach Bush but the Senate do not.

    They have absolutely no grounds to impeach Bush but they are fishing for something that they can use to impeach him with as a revenge for getting Clinton impeached. The American Public, barring the nutroots (Rosie’s half), know why and get more disgusted with our Democratic Congress.

    Let them impeach Bush and they will lose in ’08.

  6. Soothsayer says:

    They already passed a fund allocation bill. Ball’s in George’s court. If George Bush wants to deny our troop needed resources, let him do so at his own peril.

    Meanwhile – more movement from the sinking ship that is the Bush 43 Presidendcy:

    Victor Gold, a friend of George H.W. Bush and the Cheney family, will release a book slamming the Bush administration entitled, “Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and the Neo-Cons Destroyed the GOP.”

    “For all the Rove-built facade of his being a ‘strong’ chief executive, George W. Bush has been, by comparison to even hapless Jimmy Carter, the weakest, most out of touch president in modern times,” Gold writes. “Think Dan Quayle in cowboy boots.”

    In 2001, Gold wrote glowing biographies of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for their first inauguration at the request of Lynn Cheney.

    “A man of gravitas with a quick and easy wit,” is how he described Cheney then.

    In his soon to be released book, Gold refers to Cheney as a “a vice president out of control,” who has a touch of paranoia and is a megalomaniac, reports the Washington Post

    An out-of-touch incompetent and a megalomaniac paranoid. Ah – what a combo!

  7. retire05 says:

    Soothsayer, you are the one who is out of touch. While you may think that Nov. ’08 is just around the corner, in politics it is an eon.

    As the Democrats prove their ineptness by having hearing after hearing, being for the troops before they were against them, trying to destroy the division of power in the country (executive, judicial and legislative) and become little presidents, the American people, who the Democrats think do not have the intelligence to take care of themselves without their great benefactors, the Democrats, are going to turn against them. Americans want them to do something constructive, not play petty politics and if you think it will not hurt them, you are the one in the dark.
    Nancy Pelosi was recently booed by a large Jewish group after she announced she was going to Syria. A group that the Democrats have consistantly counted on for votes and campaign dollars. Don’t forget, the military also votes as do their wives, husbands and of-age children.
    The far left engine that is driving the Democrats, those from George Soros funded organizations, have nothing in common with a Democrat from Missouri or Kansas.
    Republicans lost because they did not fix Social Security, they did not stick to their core values and caved on too many things (like ANWAR) and Republicans adopted a “srcrew you” attitute. If you think that the Democrats are going to win by demanding our troops do without needed equipment and loading up bills with stupid pork projects, you are the one who is an out-of-touch imcompetent.

    Nancy Pelosi’s arrogant statement about “the new Congress in town” is not going to resonate long with the Joe Average.

  8. Soothsayer says:


    with Strataspheristas because it’s true. There IS a new Congress in town.

    The era of no Congressional oversight is over. The tip of the iceberg of Bush incompetence and corruption is just beginning to show – but by November 08 the true amoral charater of the Republican party will be more fully revealed:

    McCain – a cray old coot
    Romney – a flip-flopping Mormon
    Giuliani – a pro-choice, anti-gun serial adulterer married to a puppy-killing serial adulterer.
    Thompson – an over-the-hill hack actor

    Not much a a line-up, when the American public is moving to the center and the Republicans slide ever closer to the right-wing edge of irrationality.

  9. lurker9876 says:

    They already passed a fund allocation bill. Ball’s in George’s court. If George Bush wants to deny our troop needed resources, let him do so at his own peril.

    Reid is supposedly holding off this “Defense Pork” bill for 3 weeks before submitting it to Bush. By then, the bill goes to Bush’s desk one day after the military runs out of money.

    George Bush does NOT want to deny the troops funds. It’s Reid that’s denying the troops funds. Now he wants to push for a new bill BEFORE he submits the previous bill to Bush one day after the troops run out of money to defund the war. This is in spite of what Reid said last year that he will NOT defund the war.

    It’s up to WH and the Republicans to tell the media that it’s in the Democrats’ ball court and that the Democrats are the ones that are hurting the troops as well as the Americans now that the Americans, their kids, and grandchildren will be burdened with high taxes to support the pork.

    And it’s up to the bloggers to show that the Democrats’ main agenda include:

    1. Impeach Bush (number one goal) as a revenge for impeaching Clinton.
    2. Defeat from war against Global Jihadism.
    3. Increase pork and taxes.

    The Democrats have no ground to impeach Bush but they will find something idiotic enough to impeach Bush. Let them impeach Bush and they will lose ’08. If the Democrats impeach Bush for non-grounds, can Bush go to the Supreme Court?

  10. lurker9876 says:

    The era of no Congressional oversight is over. The tip of the iceberg of Bush incompetence and corruption is just beginning to show – but by November 08 the true amoral charater of the Republican party will be more fully revealed.

    Hogwash back to martin / soothie

    The Republicans did indeed have congressional oversight when they had the majority of both houses. It was never over. The investigations are not going to reveal anything but something idiotic enough to make most of Americans shake their heads or laugh. Funny you ignore Diane Feinstein’s corruption with MILCON. These investigations won’t find anything amoral of the WH but we already see the amoral character of the Democratic party.

  11. lurker9876 says:

    Hillary Clinton – a flip flop corrupt senator.
    Obama – questionable character with questionable history
    Edwards – Tort law lover

    While I don’t plan to vote for McCain in the primaries, McCain, Romney, Guiliani, and Thomson all look twenty times better than any of the Democratic presidential candidates.

  12. lurker9876 says:

    I still don’t like polls but here they are!!

    A Bloomberg poll last month found that 61% of Americans believe withholding funding for the war is a bad idea, while only 28% believe it is a good idea.

    According to a March USA Today/Gallup poll, 61% of Americans oppose “denying the funding needed to send any additional troops to Iraq.”

    That poll also showed that only 20% of Americans want to withdraw the troops immediately.

    Public Opinion Strategies (POS) recently reported that a majority of voters (54%) oppose the Democrats imposing a reduction in troops below the level military commanders requested.

    A POS poll in February found that 59% of voters believe pulling out of Iraq immediately would do more to harm America’s reputation in the world than staying until order is restored.

    That POS poll also finds 57% of voters support staying in Iraq until the job is finished and “the Iraqi government can maintain control and provide security for its people.”

    According to a Time magazine poll also taken in March, only 32% want to withdraw the troops within the next year no matter what happens.

    Speaks volumes for the mandate that the Democrats DO NOT understand. They’re heading in the WRONG direction.

  13. lurker9876 says:

    More corruption from the Democratic side:


    More trouble for Richardson. The media remains quiet about this but if this was a Republican, the media would be all over it.

    Has Reid donated his $68,000 to charity?

  14. Soothsayer says:

    61% of Americans believe withholding funding for the war is a bad idea, while only 28% believe it is a good idea

    Earth to Stratasphere:

    If Bush vetoes an already passed funding bill – HE WILL BE THE ONE WITHOLDING FUNDING.

  15. ivehadit says:

    It funny how the children think…they always miss the nuances…and all those facts….like the democrats OWN DEFEAT. Fact.

    And I really don’t hear much about what happened in Ct. last November…with Joe and all…..Smackdown!

  16. Aitch748 says:

    No, Bush just has to tell Congress that their bill is unacceptable and to try again. (And let the country know what’s going on, of course.)

    Funny how Sooth just blithely ignored the part about Reid putting a hold on the funding bill until the day AFTER the troops run out of funds. It’s not as if Reid would have had any hand in delaying funding for the troops in such a scenario, is it?

  17. Terrye says:


    No, if they give Bush a bill they know he will veto, then the Congress will get the blame. Don’t think they won’t. After all, they are the ones screaming about running away. Over and over and over again, they threaten to cut the money. Reid is threatening even now to cut the funding. And if the troops run out of money, somehow they think they will stand back twiddling their thumbs and acting all innocent.

    Hell no.

    I guess Bush could take the funding and ignore the idiot parts of the bill and bring in the Supreme Court which would almost certainly find the provisions in the suppplemental pertaining to battlefield decisions to be unconstiutional and the Democrats will end up looking pretty stupid. But why bother, just go ahead and veto and tell them to try again.

    And then the troops run out of money and the nutroots will cheer. It is after all what you want isn’t it?

    I know it has big words in it and all, but why don’t you go read the Constitution, and figure out why it is that trying to run the war from Congress is not allowed. Maybe you could find a Republican to read it to you and explain it.

    As for oversight, I think a better word would be witch hunt. It reminds of good Old Joe back in the days of the House of UnAmerican activities. He kept promising he would uncover all sorts of icky things, but in truth he wore everyone out, including his own party. Back then people used to take the fifth as a matter of public protest, I think they should again.

    And you know what? The Democrats did not give a damn about oversight when it came to Walter Reed, none of them even bothered to go check the place out. And if they are really going to look into “lies” about Iraq or whatever, they should go back to the source, the Clinton administration. Tenet and his friends from the CIA were every bit as much involved with that administration as this one. There is no way they can just look at intel in this administration without checking out where it came from.

    Anyone who reads any of Clinton’s speeches about Iraq at the end of his term can not fail to come away with the conviction that he firmly believed Saddam not only had weapons, but as he himself said, would use them. Mark my words, Clinton said, he will use them.

    So it seems that it is plain to anyone that is not a hate filled obsessive partisan jerk that this is not just something Bush created out of whole cloth and once you start down that road, it might not lead where you want.

    BTW, the Democrats numbers are starting to dive. Why? Well because they made a lot of promises and already they are breaking them. Some people feel like they were lied to.

  18. retire05 says:

    “the age of no Congressional oversight is over”

    Yeah, sooth, that is why we are seeing stepped up investigations into Jack Murth and his brother’s lobbying firm; William “Cold Cash” Jefferson and the fact that SanFranNan seems to have had a part in directing MILLIONS in defense contracts of her husband’s firms.

    It must be because of all that oversight by the NEW Congress, right?

    You on the left are fixing to be suffering from a self inflicted gun shot wound to the foot, while it is in your mouth.

    If the left wants “cut and run” why not do it NOW? Why wait another year? Reid said that this war is not worth one more drop of American blood. So what about the deaths in the coming year? DO IT NOW. DON’T PUT IT OFF ONE MORE DAY. CUT THE FUNDING TODAY.

  19. Soothsayer says:

    if they give Bush a bill they know he will veto, then the Congress will get the blame

    YOU may blame them, Terry – but the public – we’ll see. The public loathes the lying scum – and are not disposed to believe anything he says at this point.

    And Retiree – Congressional oversight refers to oversight of the Executive Branch (that’s the president). If you think there’s a problem with Murtha etc, call Alberto Gonzales (Except he’s kind of busy right now trying to stay out of jail for perjury) and complain to him – or better yet, call the US Attorney in your locale. Got problems with Justice – don’t complain to me – talk to the Executive Branch.

  20. retire05 says:

    Sooth, are you just totally out of touch with reality? Are you saying that there is no oversight of the Congress? Then why the hell do they have an “ethics” committee?
    I am not a fan of Gonzales’. Never have been. But let me make this clear to you who seems to suffer from cognition disorder: the President has the right to hire, and fire, any U.S. attorney he choses. Just as Clinton did. And all of the fired attornies had already served their approved four years. Not so with Clinton. So if you are hoping that Gonzales steps down, I will be hoping he will be replaced with Gregg Abbott who will take you liberals to the wood shed with a smile on his face from a wheelchair.
    So sooth, want to answer why the Dhimmicrats won’t pull the funding NOW?