Apr 13 2007

Prayers For Governor Corzine

Published by at 8:25 am under All General Discussions

The list of injuries NJ Governor Corzine sustained in his near-dreath car accident is stunning. It is amazing he is still alive. While I would not like to see the Governor in office, I am not a liberal hate monger the likes who lurk at Democrat Underground or DailyKos. Our prayers go out to the Governor and his family, who seem to have already been blessed by some amazing luck. We hope for a full recovery.

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Prayers For Governor Corzine”

  1. TomAnon says:

    It is a fairly frightening list of injuries. Gov. Corzine will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery. We need the opposition party, wish it were not so, but he is the Gov.

    I saw some images of the SUV. It looks the SUV was pretty well totaled though not what I would suspect for the njuries he received. The broken legs and ribs tell me he slammed into something to his front and was not in a seat belt.

  2. For Enforcement says:

    True, he was not wearing a seat belt and a state trooper was driving. Wonder if he will get a ticket for not wearing a seat belt?

    But we wish him the best and a good recovery.

  3. For Enforcement says:

    Wonder if the trooper will get a ticket for not having his passenger wear his seat belt?

  4. mrmeangenes says:

    I wonder why folks are obsessing about the damn seat belt ?

    Here’s the guy on a ventilator,and the first thing people squawk about is his seat belt.

  5. For Enforcement says:


    first thing people squawk about is his seat belt.

    obsessing? who’s obsessing? Squawk? who’s squawking? Do you realize that no one would even know about the seat belt if the news people hadn’t told about it? They even told us he’s going to be fined $46 for the violation.

    Do you realize that he wouldn’t be on a ventilator if he had been wearing a seat belt. The trooper isn’t and he was.

    So quit obsessing about what people are obsessing about and quit squawking about what people are squawking about.

  6. Terrye says:

    I did hear that might be a problem for the trooper because the Governor was not belted in. I hope he is ok, he will not be the same for a long time.

  7. mrmeangenes says:

    I still say “obsessing”. For example, my local paper carried a headline that looked like this:

    in smaller type below:

    Still in Critical Condition.

  8. owl says:

    I am against all of Gov Corzine’s politics but I do wish him good health. Sending prayers for a complete recovery.