Apr 23 2007

Why Entertainers Are Not Scientists

Published by at 7:01 am under All General Discussions,Global Warming

Being an amatuer musician of modets talent I understand the difference between entertaining and unlocking the mysteries of the universe. I do both fairly well. But as you don’t want your car mechanic to perform brain surgery on you, entertainers who have concluded wealth equates to IQ and omnipotence really should not dabble in areas where their ignorance comes shining through:

I am jogging outside in 40 degree freezing cold . . . 70 degrees in January and 40 degrees in April. That is exactly why Sheryl Crow and I are in a biodiesel bus going thru the Southeast visiting college campuses to talk about the urgency of this issue…

Neither phenomena is new. There as been snow in July and January Indian Summers my entire life. The fact some people finally are thinking about weather at what drives it is more an indication of how many really blew of Earth Sciences in school. And when you are grasping to understand science you come up with the most idiotic solutions out there:

One of my favorites is in the area of forest conservation which we heavily rely on for oxygen. I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don’t want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required.

That was from singer Cheryl Crowe who I adore as a singer and who I would not allow to touch my car. She is no mechanic, she is no scientist. And she has no idea what in the world she is babbling about. The forests used for paper products is constantly being regenerated. Much of this is pine which grows fast (notice all those Christmas Tree Farms?). And it would do nothing to stop the supposed source of man-made global warming – which is to much gas. If Carbon Dioxide is the driver (which there is a strong case it is not) maybe if Al Gore and his minions could just not talk so much we could not only save the planet – but still wipe our butts while we do it?

See, I can be just like an entertainer when I want to be.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Why Entertainers Are Not Scientists”

  1. Carol J says:

    I zinged off a goodie to Fox & Friends this morning…

    I will use only one square per “sitting” of toilet paper when Sheryl Crow gets paid one dollar bill per “performance”…after all money IS printed on paper you know…fair is fair! So much for money NOT growing on trees! Dad you lied to me! LOL!! What absolute BS.

    Besides which toilet paper is biodegradable…we even have the technology to recycle the NY Times which uses a hell of alot more trees than toilet paper does…and sorry to say rates somewhere BELOW toilet paper in its usefulness.

    Thanks for the laugh this morning, AJ. Did you hear that Ms Crow and one of her friends got into it with Karl Rove at the Washington Correspondent’s Dinner? He objected to being insulted and pawed by her on behalf of Global Warming and she told him, “Hey you work for me” (meaning, I’ll paw you all I want). I was hoping that he’d tell her to go “Cheney” herself!

  2. Retired Spook says:

    AJ, perhaps you could follow Al Gore’s example and start an investment firm to sell toilet paper credits for people like me who want to maintain our carbon-neutral footprint but frequently have those “pesky” moments when we require multiple squares.

  3. On A Global Warming ‘Mission’…

    Yesterday, Sheryl Crow and Laurie David just finished off a 12-campus tour on a biodiesel bus to raise awareness about global warming by engaging college students on the topic. The tour started earlier this month at Southern Methodist University in Da…