Apr 24 2007

Democrats Out To Besmirch War Heroes

Published by at 11:18 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

Not only are Congressional Democrat Leaders out to surrender to al Qaeda, make our troops targets by giving the enemy the impression that a few more spectacular deaths and Reid and company will be annointed Prime Minister of America, but now they are going to drag two of our finest through the public spectacle of partisan hearings just to use dead and injured heroes as polititical props:

The federal government invented “sensational details and stories” about the death of Pat Tillman and the rescue of Jessica Lynch, perhaps the most famous victims of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, a House chairman charged Tuesday.

Lynch, walking slowly, took her seat at the witness table along with members of Tillman‘s family.

Lynch, then an Army private, was badly injured when her convoy was ambushed in Iraq in 2003. She was subsequently rescued by American troops from an Iraqi hospital but the tale of her ambush was changed into a story of heroism on her part.

Lawmakers planned to press the Pentagon with questions still hovering over the shooting of Tillman, a one-time National Football League star: Was a Predator drone flying overhead when Tillman was killed? Did it videotape the incident?

Investigations have concluded that the Army new quickly that Tillman‘s death in Afghanistan three years ago was the result of friendly fire but withheld the news from his family, instead offering up a story of a heroic Tillman facing down the enemy.

“Revealing that Pat‘s death was a fratricide would have been yet another political disaster in a month of political disasters … so the truth needed to be suppressed,” said Tillman, who was in a convoy behind his brother but didn‘t see the incident.

This is sickening. Pat Tillman WAS facing down the enemy – he was providing cover for retreating forces, as I recall. His death was the result of back up forces mistaking his cover fire for attacking fire from enemies. These vultures do not support our troops – they want to use their deaths and injuries to make propaganda hay. They are using the pain of family to makes emotional charges.

Watch what they say today – it will be filled with faux concerns used as cover to belittle the military that these heroes served proudly. It will by ugly. Really, really ugly. Al Qaeda praises their heroes. Dems drag their good names through a show trial.

Addendum: This is the part of the Vietnam Syndrome where the Dems will use these stories and John Kerry wannabes to claim all sorts of horrors and besmirch the military. The baby killer claims and spitting are not far behind. Tillman died from the unfortunately all too common problems of war – friendly fire. He was not the first or the last. But there is no PROOF this was an attempt to hide the facts for political gain. Anymore than there was proof of the atrocities John Kerry testified to on Vietnam. The only difference is we do KNOW the difference – having Kerry as a reminder of what lengths some will go to for political gain.

36 responses so far

36 Responses to “Democrats Out To Besmirch War Heroes”

  1. Soothsayer says:

    Pat Tillman is not going to be besmirched by this investigation. The brass who lied – repeatedly – to Tillman’s family, friends, and the American public about the facts of Tillman’s death are the ones who will be besmirched.

  2. Terrye says:

    When these people ran for office they promised to do things like deal with the high cost of health care, get down the price of gas {as if that were even in their control} and a lot of stuff like that. They did not promise to do investigations on everyone but themselves.

    Tilman was killed in the line of duty. There are friendly fire incidents in every war. I know his brother is angry, but then again I know that my brother and I don’t agree on these issues so chances are Pat’s brother does not speak for him. Should the army have been more up front about the circumstances? Yes, but then again, in most wars there would not have been an explanation at all.

    Maybe the Democrats should do an investigation on Pelosi and ascertain as to whether or not her trip was in violation of the Logan Act. Maybe they could do an investigation into the obvious lies told to voters concerning reform in earmarks and pork. Already they have broken their promises and yet all they care about is investigating the military. Hypocrites.

  3. Terrye says:


    Tilman was proud of his service and proud of his country, he would not want a bunch of partisan idiots to use his death to advance their own political agenda.

    In Minnesota when vets tried to do a commercial supporting the war the Democrats got it yanked off the air, but now they are using vets to trash the war. The only veterans they have any respect for are the ones they can use.

  4. Soothsayer says:


    Perhaps you should read before opening your pie hole. You are now accusing Tillman’s mother and his brother – a decorated soldier who served with Pat in Afghanistan – of being “partisan idiots.” I suggest you say that to Tillna’s brothers face – so he can kick your behind for you:

    In a major hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the brother of deceased Army Specialist Pat Tillman, who appears to have been a victim of friendly fire, said that reports of his brother’s ‘heroic death’ were “deliberate and calculated lies.”

    “These were intentional falsehoods that meet the legal definition for fraud,” said Kevin Tillman, who served alongside his brother in the Army Rangers in Afghanistan. Tillman testified alongside his mother, Mary, at a hearing on “Misleading Information from the Battlefield.”

    Tillman also said before his death that George Bush’s war in Iraq was – and I quote:

    You know, this war is so f***ing illegal . . .

  5. AJStrata says:


    Lose your arguments in a mature manner or you will get the boot.

  6. Soothsayer says:

    More from Kevin TIllman:

    Pat Tillman’s brother accused the military Tuesday of “intentional falsehoods” and “deliberate and careful misrepresentations” in portraying the football star’s death in Afghanistan as the result of heroic engagement with the enemy instead of friendly fire.

    “We believe this narrative was intended to deceive the family but more importantly the American public,” Kevin Tillman told a hearing of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee. “Pat’s death was clearly the result of fratricide,” he said.

    “Revealing that Pat’s death was a fratricide would have been yet another political disaster in a month of political disasters … so the truth needed to be suppressed,” said Tillman, who was in a convoy behind his brother when the incident happened three years ago but didn’t see it.

    He said the Tillman family has sought for years to get at the truth about Pat Tillman’s death.

    “We have now concluded that our efforts are being actively thwarted by powers that are more interested in protecting a narrative than getting at the truth and seeing justice is served,” he said.

  7. Terrye says:


    Tilman served in Afghanistan didn’t he?

    All I said was that Tilman does not speak for his brother. At no point in time did I say the military should have hid anything.

    As for kicking my ass, well I guess Kevin Tilman can do that if he wants to.

  8. Terrye says:

    So was Tillman talking about Afghanistan or Iraq soothie? Do you even know? What about all the soldiers who said they supported the mission and died do they not count?

    No, the only soldiers soothie has any respect for are the ones he or she can use.

  9. scaulen says:

    Geez, everything is a conspiracy. If it had been Joe Smith who was killed the investigation would have been done thoroughly and the report released once all the facts were known. As soon as word the Tillman was dead the media was salivating like dogs to get information yesterday. They thought the investigation should have been wrapped up CSI style in under 45 minutes, since that is now the average Americans attention span. They rushed a report out, to feed the baying hounds. Of course Pat’s brother and Mother are going to be pushing for the truth, I’m sure they are upset with what happened to him. But seriously how is this friendly fire incident any different then any other? The only difference I see is Pat was a high profile soldier, and his death was going to draw extra attention. If the party of dog and pony trials really cared about the troops they would investigate all the friendly fire incidents, not just the ones they can make politcal hash over.

    Oh no a serviceman was upset about the war, OK lets bring them all back since this proves the war is illegal. That is why every one in the US is not the President, and only one person is. We may not like what the President decides the course of the nation is to be, but that’s too bad. He knows more of what’s going on then we do. He also is the one who has to make the decisions and stick to them, not change his mind at every temper tantrum. I can just imagine what your kids are like, getting them into bed, or to study must be an effort of futility in your house. So what did Pat say was illegal about the war in Afghanistan to get rid of the Taliban thugs hiding Bin Laden, since that was the war he was directly involved in? Or was he refering to the UN mandated war in Iraq voted on by both parties? Cherry pick at your liesure.

  10. AJStrata says:


    Good point!

  11. Soothsayer says:

    So what did Pat say was illegal about the war in Afghanistan to get rid of the Taliban thugs hiding Bin Laden, since that was the war he was directly involved in? Or was he refering to the UN mandated war in Iraq voted on by both parties? Cherry pick at your liesure.

    1. It’s l-e-i-s-u-r-e unless you’re a Republican – and I guess then it’s “lie-sure”.

    2. Tillman served both in Afghanistan AND Iraq.

    3. The quote made clear he ws talking about Iraq. The full quote from Russell Baer, who served with Tillman is:

    Baer, who served with Tillman for more than a year in Iraq and Afghanistan, told one anecdote that took place during the March 2003 invasion as the Rangers moved up through southern Iraq.

    “I can see it like a movie screen,” Baer said. “We were outside of (a city in southern Iraq) watching as bombs were dropping on the town. We were at an old air base, me, Kevin and Pat, we weren’t in the fight right then. We were talking. And Pat said, ‘You know, this war is so f— illegal.’ And we all said, ‘Yeah.’ That’s who he was. He totally was against Bush.”

  12. scaulen says:

    Never trust a man who knows only one way to spell a word, it shows a narrow mind. Is that the best you have a clever little pun on a deliberate misspelling of a word. You got ambushed by your own intelligence.

    Let’s try this one on for size. “we were talking to Jesus the other day outside of town and he said ‘This whole abortion thing is like so wrong, so against the creation of life.’ and we all said, ‘Yeah.’ That’s who he was. He totally was against Pelosi.” I can do this with any person in the known universe and attribute any statement I want to them once they are dead. I can espcially make the statements parralel my own thinking and beliefs. Does this make them facts, maybe since there is no one to deny them. Or if I have someone else to agree with me who has the same beliefs. That quote can neither be confirmed or denied, and to hinge your argument on it is a loss. It would be called hearsay in court, and stricken from the record.

    OK so answer my question now, which war was illegal?

    OK so you don’t like my spelling, and you are pushing hearsay, and have no evidence to impeach a President for an illegal war. What’s next I don’t have a star on my belly, and my mom dresses me funny? Get serious, or become an Armenian when the Jihad rolls to your town.

  13. MerlinOS2 says:

    Sooth goes down in flames again and he ain’t even got enough sense to realize someone put a match to his a**.

  14. Aitch748 says:

    I’m just curious: When you have a soldier who believed in what he was doing and understood that he could die doing what he did but did it anyway, and that soldier gets killed in action, and that soldier has some relative who disagrees vehemently with that soldier’s mission and the war in general (Cindy Sheehan, or in this case Kevin Tillman), why is it that suddenly this relative is somebody we’re supposed to be listening to? How is it that this relative is suddenly a kind of expert, a legitimate source for quotes and pearls of wisdom? Amazing how we rarely see or hear anything about what Casey Sheehan or Pat Tillman believed about what they were doing — they were the ones to make that ultimate sacrifice for their country; shouldn’t they be the ones whose words and thoughts are remembered?

  15. MerlinOS2 says:


    I concur with AJ.


  16. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Aside from the fact that Soothsayer is a liar and a fraud and an Anti-American, Pro-Jihadi Leftist, he’s full of crap!

    I don’t for one second, believe that so-called “quote” supposedly from Pat Tillman.

    Problem is, unfortunately he’s dead, and we’ll never know for sure.

    His brother, and his parents, ex post facto, have made similar statements before, but considering the Bullshyte the US Army, stupidly, has put them thru, I understand their frustration, though I don’t agree with the sentiment.

    The whole Tillman episode, is a disgrace for the US Army, and the Chain of Command that either overtly, or covertly, complicitly or implicitly, was responsible.

    I’ve read everything I could, on the entire event, especially those that were unbiased, unlike Waxman’s Congressional Showtrials, and actually, I’ve come to conclusion, myself, that Pat Tillman was not only killed by friendly fire, but that I also strongly suspect that one, or more of his platoon mates, may have deliberately shot him!

    And I cannot fathom a reason for it, or a motive for it, bit it sure stinks to high heaven; their entire conduct after the event, and the Chain of Command as well, was wrong, and bogus, and in fact, in my opinion, was criminal.

    Now, the typical ludicrous, Leftists crap, coming out of Sooth’s mouth, that this extended all the way up to the White House, and Bush, and Cheney, and Rumsfield, etc., is just utter nonsense.

    But this is NOT the US Army’s finer moment, and shame on them for it, and I want to see the idiots in the Chain of Command, who did obfruscate, and cover-up, and lie, and give out a bogus Silver Star, punished!

    Jessica Lynch, was an entirely different story.

    That was NOT the Chain of Command, that was not the Military, that was the Main Stream Lefist, Politically correct Media, that did that one, and now Waxman, and his coterie of BDS-inflicted fools, is trying to spin that one, as the Military and Bush’s fault.

    She was injured, and captured, on the march to Baghdad.

    There was an electronic intercept, of Iraqi radio traffic, that mentioned a female US Solider, fighting like crazy, and the Iraqi soldiers had to shoot her, etc.

    A well meaning idiot in some Command Center somewhere, to score points with the MSM, leaked that “report”, to the MSM, and they took it from there, because she was female, and they wanted to jump on the bandwagon.

    Ex post factor, it’s now known, by those with any grey matter, that the Iraqi communication was in fact, NOT talking about Private Lynch, she had been injured in the crash, and was probably unconscious. They were in fact, talking about her friend and fellow female solider, the Navaho girl Lori Ann Piestewa, from Arizona.

    SHE clearly fought back against the Iraqi soldiers, and probably deserves all the accolades, attention, and medals, that Jessica got; in fact she should have!

    That said, it was the MSM that invented this whole story, off of a “leak”, that was incomplete at least, and because it was a good story, they just ran with it, and invented whatever they wanted.

    Now, afterwards, they’re trying to blame the military, because they do enough stupid crap on their own, and don’t need any help (witness the whole Tillman disgrace..!); and they’re saying the Rescue operation was staged, etc., etc.

    That is all, complete and utter crap; when Jessica Lynch was “rescued”, there was absolutely NO WAY to determine accurately if there were enemy troops around, and there was no way to determine if the Iraqi Hospital worker, who eventually told the US about her, and where she was, was not leading them into a trap!

    Ergo, the Military did the absolute, correct thing, during the operation to rescue her, and they deserve NO criticism for this episode.

    But, because of BDS, in buffoons like Waxman, and Soothsayer, you can’t even be balanced, because they’re so BDS-inflicted, they just make crap up, to suit their Treasonous agendas!

  17. MerlinOS2 says:

    I googled Scaulen’s name since I just wondered about what small point of the history of this globe it referred to and why he chose that name.

    It sounded like it was one of those that was only known to a secret society of 3 operatives in Istanbul, someone in northwestern China and a dude who was burned as the new anti-christ in the middle of the outback in Australia.

    What I came across was this piece of screed.
    I could sit her for months and not make up any thing like this delusional s***.

    http://liesofbush.com/ Truthseeker, I think you have finally seen the light. I mentioned in an earlier comment that scaulen was posting quotes right off Ann Coulter’s website. It is my belief that scaulen and those like him are paid operatives of the RNC and that the truth is the last concern of the neo-fascists. They are the most adept at distorting the truth that we have ever seen in this country. I believe that they hold seminars for paid operatives like scaulen because the rhetoric is so similar. If anyone could look at the total agenda of this cabal of Texas oil interests and not see the horrendous implications that are in store for all of us, than they are most probably in bed with the perpetrators themselves. This has been an interesting series of comments from both sides and it reveals the concern of true patriotic citizens like Truthseeker and the blatantly self-serving desires of the far right to finally create a country that conforms to their views. Unfortunately, that does not resemble Democracy or the intent of the Founding Fathers and the Bill of Rights. I urge all readers of this comment to tell as many people as they can about my website, http://liesofbush.com This site and others that are linked from it leave no doubt of the crimes of this administration. With the mainstream press being more concerned with trivialities, we on the web are the only hope left for our country that is in mortal peril. Scaulen makes reference to terrorist attacks against Americans and others. The truth is that they are fighting to keep outsiders like British, Russian, and U.S. corporate greed mongers out of their part of the world. When that happens, they will stop the terror.

  18. Terrye says:

    I remember reading that at the bombing of Pearl Harbor the US asked for help, well the first planes that came in were shot at and a couple of them were actually hit. Problem was, they were American planes. Now should that reflect on the allied effort?

    I am with Aitch here. I understand that the family feels like they were jerked around but the military is not the most open and democratic of institutions and they are very slow about admitting an error.

    My Dad was sent to Nagasaki five days after the bombing of that city. 35 years later he died of cancer the doctors said was probably enduced. They said it usually took about 35 years to manifest. I did not blame the military. I doubted very much if they knew what the effect would be when they sent in those young men. I did try to find the men my Dad was with and only one was still alive in 1980. But I don’t blame Truman.

  19. Terrye says:

    and Soothie, Tillman joined the voluntary military after the attacks on the World Trade Center. George Bush was the President at the time. If he was totally against Bush, why did he join the military knowing Bush would be the commander in chief?

  20. scaulen says:

    Merlin doesn’t recognize Boru’s hound?