May 04 2007

More Iraq Success

Published by at 9:48 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

Seems to be the week for big successes in Iraq. With Anbar lost to al Qaeda (which is the Western side of the Sunni triangle running to Syria’s border) the flow of jihadis and material is definitely slowing:

U.S. forces in Iraq are stemming the flow of foreign al Qaeda terrorists into the country, the commander of the U.S. Central Command told a Senate panel yesterday.

“There’s little doubt that there was a pipeline coming through Syria that was enabling these people to get into the fight,” Adm. Fallon said. “But in the last couple of months, the significant turn to the government and coalition side by people in Anbar I believe has got to be having a detrimental effect on this, because that’s the conduit, if you would, where these people were coming.”

As I mentioned below al Qaeda is losing key leadership personal, strongholds (provinces and capitols) and now their supply chain. In war this is called ‘a route’. Don’t expect the SurrenderMedia to “connect the dots” on this news. And for once I am gald the SurrenderMedia is playing the blind puppet role to the Surrendercrats in Congress. Because the longer the media hides the fact the tide is turning in Iraq, the farther out on the limb the Democrats will go. And the sooner they will be be shown to be so deadly wrong on Iraq.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “More Iraq Success”

  1. crosspatch says:

    I saw this article linked at Flopping Aces, I would say, as Curt did, that it is a must read. Particularly since it is from the Washington Post:

    Link to Article

  2. BarbaraS says:

    I am surprised the WaPo printed this. What, are they trying to confuse their readers? After all the gloom and doom from the past few years they are printing something good coming from Iraq? Surely this is against their agenda.