May 11 2007

What John Edwards Learned About The Poor

Published by at 12:07 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

John Edwards’ goofy claim he went to a hedge fund to “learn about the poor” shows why America did right in electing George Bush in 2004. The idea is so dumb I am not sure which is worse: (1) whether Edwards thinks we are all this dumb (no comment on his devout followers) or (2) Edwards is so dumb he believes his own words. But now that it has come out the hedge fund he went to work for was heavy into sub-prime housing loans – targetting specifically mobile home owners – it is crystal clear what Edwards was trying to learn – he just left a word out of his claim. Edwards clearly went to the hedge fund to “learn about exploiting the poor”. Kiss is political career goodbye.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “What John Edwards Learned About The Poor”

  1. dennisa says:

    This a farce similar to Bill Clinton using a Little Rock savings and loan as a cash cow, and then complaining about the “decade of greed”. Except that the taxpayers wound up paying when the savings and loan failed.

  2. clarice says:

    And the hedge fund was in the Cayman Islands to shelter from taxes the gains. This is the second time big tax and spender Edwards has sheltered his own income from taxes. (The first time was a big rake in from class action suits.) Someone ought to ask all this rich, tax shelter Dems if it isn’t obvious that they are buying votes from the poor by taxing the middle class into poverty.)

  3. scaulen says:

    Where is SS ghoul decrying this, oh right sorry I forgot to notice the D in relation to Edwards, my bad.

  4. BarbaraS says:

    Edwards was a litigation trial lawyer for years. That alone would stop me from voting for him. I worked for jokers like him for four years and know how they tick. I have been for tort reform for a long time and the idea of electing a trial lawyer as president is appalling. Edwards’ only claim to fame is he is an actor par excellence which is how he became rich by winning so many false cases under false pretences. He has used his looks all during his career and is still using them. Unfortunately, he has to have $400 haircuts and $250 spa treatments to look young now that he is getting older.

  5. owl says:

    I can’t even think about Edwards without remembering his neighbor. I loved that guy. Read what he said about his rich neighbor Edwards complaining about his dump. Ha! Watched him once on some show and it was priceless the way he said he did not have the money to fix his place into a a showplace. After all, this working man had lived on his land for many, many years and then he has some swarmy, snooty rich folks move in next to him and proceed to complain. One look at the situation tells all one needs to know about the Edwards.

  6. owl says:

    Btw AJ…..I second whoever said you have some of the best posts. Like how you have decided to fight with your Surrendercrats and Surrendermedia. You and Sweetness&Light (who labels his correctly with such as ‘from those terrorist loving NYT or AP, etc). After a while, perhaps a few people might actually take another look at the horrid Dems running their Surrendermedia.