May 13 2007

Happy Mother’s Day!

Published by at 2:52 pm under All General Discussions

Sorry for the lack of posts. LJStrata and I are busy with graduating seniors in high school and college. We had the junior ROTC ceremony on Friday evening, and then drove to our daughters big college graduation weekend. We just saw her take her final step into adulthood. Bitter sweet to say the least. Anyway, I have a brief window before the big Mother’s Day dinner to catch up. Just a note – I will be on the road all week as well so posting will be spotty. To all you wonderful mothers out there – have a great day!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Happy Mother’s Day!”

  1. mrmeangenes says:

    Mothers’ Day – 2007

    Sunday will be Mothers’ Day : the first Mothers’ Day I have spent without my wife – the late and beloved GGG (Great Granny Grumbles) -in 50 years.

    I have lost a wife-and my children have lost their mother. Tomorrow will be difficult for all of us ; so today, I’m going to drive “downstate” , be with as many of them as possible , and offer some measure of comfort and support .

    Me ? I’m trying to rebuild my life: a little blogging , a little community activism , plus a bit of this and that. I’m trying to teach myself how to play Dobro , for example. (Yes, Lawyers, I know: Dobro is a Registered Trademark of the Gibson Guitar Company. Sheesh !)

    Cooking and housekeeping are nothing new for me. I was doing them for about 4 years, during GGG’s illness ; so what I’m doing now is just a continuation …plus-it helps pass the time to figure out new and (hopefully better) ways of doing things.

    The human spirit is elastic , and I know – in time – we will all adapt , and set aside our pain long enough to move on ; but the ” emotional landmines” are still out there . I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve managed to stumble on one of the invisible trip wires-but I’m slowly getting better at skirting the edges of that particular minefield .

    So tomorrow, if your Mom, or the mother of your children is still with you, please set some time aside to cherish her – even if you have had your differences in the past.

    There may never be a better time.

  2. colanut22 says:

    Mr. Meangenes, what a beautiful post! Any woman would love to have such a message written about them. I hope your day will be full of peace. My prayers go out to you.