Jun 12 2007

Bush Should Follow Clinton Lead On Iran

Published by at 4:00 pm under All General Discussions,Iran

I have to call the democrats on their hypocrisy regarding Joe Lieberman’s suggestion we should send a clear, loud, booming message to Iran regarding their acts of war in helping insurgents kill our people. I think Bush should follow Bill Clinton’s lead, when he bombed Afghanistan training camps and an apsirin factory in the Sudan when other’s tried to kill our people. Clinton bombed Hussein’s military assets many times when he was caught trying to kill our people. And who can forget Clinton’s efforts to change a humanitarian mission in Somalia into a kidnapping mission. Clinton used our military to deter our enemies, punish those who attacked us, and on a fool’s errand in Somalia.

Now we all know Bush will not do a Somalia type action. And Dems rightfully did not support Clinton’s abysmal failure there. But they sure applauded his attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan. To be critical of applying the same doctorine to Iran right now seems more than hypocritical. It seems almost politically opportunistic. If we can send a signal to Iran that ends their activities killing our people, then I say political opportunism is the worst reason in the world to stand in the way of that signal being sent.

9 responses so far

9 Responses to “Bush Should Follow Clinton Lead On Iran”

  1. Mike M. says:

    You left out the strongest argument – playing to our strengths.

    Land warfare has always been manpower-intensive, time-consuming, and sometimes costly in lives. Counterinsurgency is even more so.

    Air and sea warfare are our strengths. Our enemies can mount no effective resistance….which is a good way to fight. Not fair, not clubby…the outcome as sure as the fall of the headsman’s axe.

    It’s time we went bact to playing our game…instead of our enemy’s.

  2. thecentercannothold says:

    “If we can send a signal to Iran that ends their activities killing our people, then I say political opportunism is the worst reason in the world to stand in the way of that signal being sent. ”

    Sorry, Strata no sell, thanks to your hero having traipsed right into Iran’s arms by invading Iraq and tranferring power to Iraq’s pro-Iranian Shia, this is not possible.

    Unless you want thousands of troops killed when the Iraqi Shia,acting in part in cohesion with well-planted Iranian agents
    already permeating Iraq,turn on the occupiers.

  3. Soothsayer says:

    Iran poses no – repeat -NO – strategic threat to the United States – nor will it in the conceivable future.

    When the Russians and Chinese supplied Vietnam with weapons did we attack them. No.

    There is no good reason to pre-emptively attack Iran – it will only further degrade US standing and inflame Islam.

    Iran knows full well that any use of nukes would be their death sentence. Only extremely limited minds would posit an act of war – violating the territorial integrity of a sovereign nation – as likely to lead to anything but increased danger and decreased credibility in the global community – especially with our allies Russia and the European Union…

    If Condi Rice was not such an incompetent – this could probably be handled diplomatically. What we don’t need is the idiot Bush sticking his nose into it – the moron knows how to start wars – it’s the ending them he finds to be such hard work.

  4. The Macker says:

    “Iran poses no – repeat -NO – strategic threat to the United States – nor will it in the conceivable future.” This is a highly dangerous bit of “soothsaying.”

    Suggest that you not let your contempt for Bush so dominate your thinking. And it is beneath American ideals to grovel for approval from the decadent Russian and European states.

  5. dave m says:

    Iran poses a total strategic threat to the USA. We know this because
    their president, speaking in religious lectures at Qom, has already
    told us that the target list of thirty-nine american cities, from
    Valdez to Miami, has been chosen and that the USA will be
    Crazy? yes. Dangerous? yes. Threats of retaliation are useless
    against a sect (Hojjatieh islam) that believes the return of their
    “missing imam” is imminent and that it is the duty of Iran to
    hasten that day by bringing conflagration to the earth.
    One martyr – good. An entire nation – even better.

    I notice this morning that two minarets at the golden domed
    mosque have been bombed and destroyed. I’ll bet the media
    attribute this to al-qaeda and predict “civil war”.
    Consider this. The mosque has been reported to be “heavily
    guarded” since the dome was destroyed by an earlier bombing.
    Also, there we “no casulties”. Remarkable. Al-Qaeda slips
    past a heavily guarded shiite mosque, destroys it’s two minarets,
    escapes without a shot being fired, and no one is hurt.
    A level of planning approaching awesone. I don’t
    think the planning was less than the incident in which five
    of our marines were kidnapped by disguised imposters from
    Folks, I believe Iran’s agents were all over this thing.
    What? Am I suggesting that Iran would blow up one of it’s own
    mosques, maybe kill fellow shiites, just to make it look like
    sunni al-qaeda is trying to start civil war (again)?
    It just needs a little more time and it thinks it is getting it
    by causing chaos in Iraq. That may be a dangerous miscalculation.

  6. AJStrata says:

    Thanks for the comments Dave m – if I post on the bombings I promise to reference your insights. They look to me to be spot on.

    Cheers, AJStrata

  7. Soothsayer says:

    Dave- I know you guys are fearful and afraid – but this takes the cake:

    Iran poses a total strategic threat to the USA. We know this because their president, speaking in religious lectures at Qom, has already told us that the target list of thirty-nine american cities, from Valdez to Miami, has been chosen and that the USA will be

    And you take the words of this idiot – carefully written for internal consumption by fundamentalists (and fundamentalists of all stripes – including Christian – are notable for their ability to suspend disbelief) to prop up a regime endangered by the march of secularism? How – pray tell – do they plan on “destroying” 39 cities? Are they gonna Fed-Ex the bombs? Can you identify any delivery system they have good for more than 1,000 miles? And can you estimate how long the country of Iran would continue to exist on this planet if they so much as launched one missile in our direction? About 30 minutes later Iran would cease to exist.

    The Soviet Union – and now Russia – have far more than 39 US cities targeted with actual nukes that actually work. Ditto for China. Hell, Israel probably has some contingency plan somewhere that targets US cities. The United States no doubt has every conceivable target in Iran down to the chicken coop level GPS’ed and targeted from nuclear subs – and we have a history of using the Bomb. Does that give Iran the right to launch a pre-emptive strike against the US?

    The sole evidence you provide to “prove” that Iran is a “strategic threat” to the United States are the ravings of a religious nut – and you want to launch a war – a war YOU no doubt will never serve in – with a military establishment already pushed close to structural failure by the LAST ill-advised illegal war the First Idiot got us into.

    All this crap about striking Iran is just more posturing by draft-dodging alcoholics and bullies, i.e., Bush & Cheney.

    Pathetic – truly pathetic.

  8. thecentercannothold says:

    The US is checkmated on the small scale as I outlined above and checkmated on the larger scale -by trading partners with Iran, Russia and China.

    It’s time we came home and hashed out our own very pressing domestic problems, as Ron Paul on the Right and Dennis Kucinich on the Left would agree, even though disagreeing on the solution to them.

  9. thecentercannothold says:


    here Justin Raimondo points out Strata’s anti-Iranian “strata-gy”
    could have been composed in Tel Aviv. And probably was.