Jun 12 2007

America Speaks – Two Thirds Support “Amnesty”

Published by at 8:27 pm under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

The far right gambled and lost. Two thirds of Americans, Republicans as well, support legalizing the 12 million illegal aliens here now after they pay their debt to society by way of fines and back taxes:

A strong majority of Americans — including nearly two-thirds of Republicans — favors allowing illegal immigrants to become citizens if they pay fines, learn English and meet other requirements, a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found.

Although the pathway to citizenship was one of the most controversial provisions of the Senate bill, the poll found the idea was backed by 63% of those surveyed — even by 58% of those who identified themselves as conservatives and 65% of Republicans.

That is a lot of traitors to the far right. No wonder we see so much backpedaling on the talk shows and elsewhere. With so many treasonous, open border, alien lovers out there, the GOP better rethink its self destructive strategy. And soon.

Addendum: In a complete blow to the “amnesty” hypochondriacs, their numbers are now around 1 in 5:

Only 23 percent of adults surveyed opposed allowing immigrants to become legal.

Some majority. The immigration hypochondriacs are outnumbered 4-1. So much for representing America. I expect them to be as proud of America in defeat as they were in their mythical victory over Amnesty. Anyone aligned with Lou Dobbs needs their views examined.

Update: The message is getting out that reform is better than nothing, and those getting the blame for the nothing are the far right GOP:

In an ill-advised game of chicken, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) had warned members that unless they voted to limit debate to 30 more hours, he’d pull the bill from the floor. They didn’t and he did. That was good news only for the handful of hard-liners who’d rather live with the current dysfunctional immigration system than compromise on a solution. We like to think most senators — like most Americans — want this problem solved. And in fact, now both parties are working to revive the bill, with Reid agreeing to resume debate if Republican leaders can bring their recalcitrant members to heel.

The immigration bill is a fragile bargain struck during two months of closed-door negotiations between the White House and leaders from both parties. Everyone at the table found parts of it bitterly distasteful, but they emerged with a bill that would genuinely accomplish things. It offers more border security, more workplace enforcement, more legal workers to address the nation’s labor shortage and a realistic plan to legalize the 12 million undocumented workers who already live here.

More press like this and things might actually begin moving again.

52 responses so far

52 Responses to “America Speaks – Two Thirds Support “Amnesty””

  1. DaleinAtlanta says:

    This is NOT new; I posted this same information days ago, in one of my posts, and asked you to read it, but you wouldn’t because it didn’t fit your preconceived “analysis” back then!

    Now, you’re taking the same data that I posted, from a different source, and putting your own spin on it, to prove you were right, when in fact, you’ve been wrong the whole time!


    AJ, man, you’ve completely and thorougly lost it, man, completely!

    I feel sorry for you now!

    AJ, I tried to pull a “Bill Clinton”, and “compartmentalize” your nonsense on this issue, from your other posts, topics, analysis.

    I can no longer do that; you currently have ZERO credibility anymore with me, on ANY issue.

    If this is how you do all your “analysis”, you’ve proven yourself to be nothing but poseur, with a Blog!

    This is, unfortunately, a FACT!

  2. retire05 says:

    To quote AJ:


    The polls, even Rasmussen, put the supporters of the bill around 33%.”

    Uh, no, they didn’t. Rasmussen put the supporters of the bill abound 23%. But don’t let little things like facts get in your way, AJ. And please, feel free to check Rasmussen if you think I am wrong.

  3. Sue says:

    It found bipartisan support for an approach to illegal immigration that includes a path to citizenship for certain illegal residents. By 63% to 23% the public supports allowing undocumented immigrants without a criminal record who have been living in the U.S. for years to start on a path to citizenship, after registering, paying a fine, getting fingerprinted, and learning English, among other requirements. Majorities of Democrats (66%), independents (66%) and Republicans (65%) agree.

    Now all we need to do is get a bill that actually does what the majority supports.

  4. roonent1 says:


    As a conservative republican, with common sense, I realize something needs to be done on immigration right now and it can be made better over time, if need be. I for one do not believe in the kneejerkers on the right that want to take their ball and go home. They are short sighted in my opnion.

    DaleinAtlanta, telling AJ he has no credibility is not cool. If you do not like his posting on immigration find another blog to rant on.

    Retire05, I am surprised you are still allowed to post here after telling AJ he was a disgrace several days ago. I would have kicked you to the curb permanently. BTW, I am jrooney that posts at macsmind, that you derided for a lot less, when I did not disrespect Mac, and you said I should be banned.

    I am a far right conservative that takes neither of your stance on immigration and I am no RINO or a traitor.

  5. Dc says:

    In other words…if there is enforcement of the bill…and it’s provisions…people would support it. HAHAHAHAHA. LOL.

  6. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Roonent1: First time I’ve EVER seen you here, in over a year!

    Don’t come in, as a johnny-come-lately, and try to stick your nose into something you don’t know anything about!

    The comment stands, and is true!

    And you’re free to go to any other Blog you wish, and post there, your ingnorance on the posting, will fit in quite well!

  7. retire05 says:


    Since you read the post where I said that AJ was a disgrace, perhaps you also read AJ’s post saying I would change my mind when someone I knew was harmed by an illegal.
    But you chose to ignore my response where I gave the names of three people, whose funerals I attended, that were killed by an illegal alien, and not just killed, but murdered in the most henious fashion.

    And it is not surprising to me that you would have kicked me to the curb. Isn’t supresssion another person’s free speech part of your M.O.?

  8. roonent1 says:

    Actually, Dale you are wrong. I have not posted in a few months but long before a year and read here daily. In fact, Dale I was posting here before you big guy.

    Dale, this is NOT your blog and if I want to comment on the immigration fiasco, I have every right. Once again, Dale this is not your blog, so you have NO CREDIBILITY telling me not to comment or go somewhere else. It is YOU that is insulting the owner and host of this site. It is you that is WAY OUT OF LINE.

    Not every republican or conservative feels the same way as you do. Insulting them for not taking your viewpoint, shows you are arrogant and rude. You have no right to speak for me or every conservative on this issue. This issue affect us all.

    Insulting Aj, is not going to make you right but it will make you look small.

  9. retire05 says:

    “Insulting Aj, is not going to make you right but it will make you look small.”

    Tell me, jrooney, does that standard also apply to you and AJ, as well?

  10. AJStrata says:


    Yes you are one of the early readers and commenters. And of course I decide who comments here – no one else.

  11. roonent1 says:

    It is AJ’s site, and if someone posts a rude or insulting comment, other loyal readsers of AJ’s that diasagree can not respond to it?

    Retire05 and Dale, if you feel your viewpoint is so right and you want the right to post as you please any comments and some that may demean, insult or be rude, why do you not start your own blogs then?

  12. AJStrata says:


    Wrong again (you can find the Rasmussen article on your own)

    “Only 29% place a similar priority on the other major aspect of the grand bargain—legalizing the status of the millions of illegal aliens already living in the county. One reason for public frustration about the legislation is that this part of the issue seems to be the top priority on Capitol Hill. Still, 65% of voters would be willing to accept a compromise that legalizes the status of illegal aliens.”

    As if there was any doubt who was right or wrong? Too funny.

  13. Dc says:

    Ok…to “further” add:

    You’ve got to be kidding me?? An “LA Times/Bloomberg” poll?
    compared to Rasmussen? Heheheh Nice one.

    Congress approval rating overall is far less than Bush right now.
    I love the way they say that though…..with Bush’s rating at an all time low. Yes..oh…the drama (arm draped over forehead).

  14. apache_ip says:

    What color is the sky on your planet AJ? I’m just curious.

  15. Dc says:

    Oh..now you are gonna quote Rasmussen ..hahahahaha.

  16. apache_ip says:

    Which part of “secure the borders first” confuses you?

  17. Dc says:

    “Oh..now you are gonna quote Rasmussen ..hahahahaha. ”

    Yes…people would be willing to support some sort of legal status with conditions…IF>..they felt that those conditions woudl be enforced and would lead to an overall reduction in illegal immigration!

  18. Dc says:

    Of course AJ..you’ve been right all along……it’s always been an enforcement issue ? (eyes rolling back in my head)

  19. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Dale, this is NOT your blog and if I want to comment on the immigration fiasco, I have every right. Once again, Dale this is not your blog, so you have NO CREDIBILITY telling me not to comment or go somewhere else. It is YOU that is insulting the owner and host of this site. It is you that is WAY OUT OF LINE.

    Roonent: Please feel free to leave the Blog, NOW!

  20. Dc says:

    Just to keep you honest there AJ (smile), and before you bury this with multiple posts ….Here’s the results of the Rasmussen poll you are speaking of.

    Only 23% of Americans supported the bill

    72% of Americans believe it is “very” important to reduce illegal immigration.

    16% of Americans believed that the bill would actually reduce illegal immigration and enforce the borders.

    Just 29% said it was “very” important to legalize the status of those illegaly living in the country.

    Here’s the part you cherry picked :………Most americans would be willing to accept some form of legalization…..and here’s the part you left out…..IF IT MEANT REDUCING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION AND ENFORCING OUR BORDERS. ie..the main goal.

    From Rasmussen Reports:

    “There is no mystery to why the public opposed the bill. In the minds of most Americans, immigration reform means reducing illegal immigration and enforcing the border. Only 16% believed that the Senate bill would actually accomplish that goal.

    It wasn’t amnesty or guest-worker programs or paths to citizenship that doomed the bill. Each of those provisions made it more difficult for some segments of the population to accept. However, most voters were willing to accept them as part of a true compromise that accomplished the primary goal of reducing illegal immigration.

    The key to winning voter support was to accomplish that primary goal.

    Sorry AJ. But, at least that poll..doesn’t support your position at all. Maybe things will change. But, I have to say…LA Times poll?? …seems to me…things are getting desperate on your side of the fence.