Jun 22 2007
For Those Banned
I have banned a few regular readers for going too far and insulting the host (more than once). For those interested in a second try email me at ajstrata@strata-sphere.com for a new password on your accounts.
Jun 22 2007
Published by AJStrata at 7:21 am under All General Discussions
I have banned a few regular readers for going too far and insulting the host (more than once). For those interested in a second try email me at ajstrata@strata-sphere.com for a new password on your accounts.
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LE: I didn’t know you were banned, and I didn’t know you used the “L” word on AJ; I can’t read all the posts on all the threads, and as you said you do go away for some times, as we all do from time to time.
That said, I do appreciate your fact-based posts!
I have always viewed you as maybe at the most “strident†but always pragmatically factual based.
I’m not qite sure what to make of that, actually.
I am strident on purpose, when posting in reply to “Sooth” and “Center”; but that’s because I have NO tolerance for people who hate their own country; who spout continuously crazy conspiracy theories, who despise the President, and who root for the Jihadis to win!
I just have NO tolerance for that; so I’m strident on Purpose, against those two nuts!
And their predecessor “Ken”; in fact they may all be one and the same, actually!
Other than that though, I don’t actually consider myself “strident”.
I’ve been frustrated with AJ on the whole “immigration hypochondriac” thing; and when I feel like it’s getting out of control, I go away for awhile, until I calm down.
On that issue, the part that frustrates me the most, is the fact that we all want the SAME thing, which is immigration reform, and a guest worker program, etc.
But, AJ wants this bill, PASSED now, and I say, why hurry, let’s get it right, because Teddy Kennedy has lied to us in 65 and 86, and he’s lying to us now.
Anyway, I don’t know if any of that makes me “strident”; maybe it does, but oh well, I have been called worse!
Should I get one in advance?
I do have to say thanks to AJ for putting up with so much guff though. Although we do not agree on the immigration issue which is the number one issue in my area, he has put up with a lot of crap in the arguments over this and probably will in the future. Even if I don’t agree with him on that, I respect the fact that he is providing a venue for people to debate important political topics which is what free speech is all about.
I appreciate the sentiment. Save your money my friend, we appreciate the support but I don’t want people to feel they need to donate to read or comment here. When and if you have some spare change, the tip jar will still be there!
Perhaps a bad choice of words by me.
For myself I try to be pragmatic and end up being sort of wiffy but fact based.
You come up with facts and come on like a Marine (now just why would that be).
I try to slide and persuade, you are more up front and confront.
Both methods have their pluses and minuses , but that’s life.
Sorry for the confusion.
Semper Fi.
Dale, thanks,
I agree with you on the immigration thing.
Did you happen to go to BillOreilly.com and read his one page immigration plan. basically very much the same as what I posted on this blog a few weeks ago.
All illegals register. Go thru thorough background check until they are cleared (no time limit, within reason) Once cleared give them whatever visa they are entitled to. Regular path to citizenship, as exists. No new plan just for the lawbreakers. Anyone not registering within time limits would be permanently illegal and subject to deportation.
ah but we’re kinda off subject here.
I’m pretty sure Soothie, centercanthold and Ken are all one and the same. Too similar.
I forgot, Number one: Secure the border, then do the rest.
Stevevvs: sorry to hear you are having so much trouble.
AJ, you know people’s email addresses.
Could I ask you to email Stevevvs’ my Email Address at work please!
Stevevvs: I won’t promise I can help, but sometimes I can; it all depends upon where you live, but I have some connections in the industry.
If I get your Resume, I MIGHT be able to do something.
I missed you, FE, but then I just figured you were on vacation.
Merlin, nice to know I’m not the only one who’s had problems with PayPal.
Ya know, for the most part, about the only significant disagreement I’ve seen between AJ and the regulars (and between the regulars and the regulars) on this site has been on the immigration issue. I think the view that one holds on that issue is mostly related to experiences involving interaction with illegal aliens, either directly or as a result of where one lives. As I’ve said before, I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other on the immigration bill currently under consideration, primarily because of where I live. That said, it is going to be interesting to see how it all shakes out. I just hope, when all’s said and done, that whoever ends up being on the wrong side of the issue, has the integrity and humility to say “I was wrong” and move on. There is just no sense in good people, who agree on the majority of social and political issues, (as most regulars on this site do) beating each other up over an issue that they happen to view through a different lens.
BTW, I totally agree with the following comment from Merlin:
Sometimes I think to many here are not realizing the fire that AJ puts forth is not mainly directed at his commentors but more toward the extremists that don’t even post here.
Merlin: I was not, nor am upset; certainly if someone came in from outside, and saw only my posts to “Sooth” and “Center”, they’d think I was crazy as them, which I do do on purpose, as I said.
But I do try, when talking to normal people like you, and others here, to be as normal as possible, but I see I need some work on that!
No worries though, you are a very sane, informed, reasonable person, and I have no problem with you telling me what you see.
Daleratlanta- you HATE our country because you want it to oppress people on the other side of the world who want us OUT.
I gave you a 2004 MSNBC Poll of Iraqis which proved this after you claimed they only wanted us out after we stabilized their country.
You approve of an unwanted brutal insurgency ,and lie about it.
You dishonor the Founders and everything decent in America; in fact you dishonor even much of what is undesirably decadent but harmless by comparision with your brutality.
Daleratlanta- you HATE our country because you want it to oppress people on the other side of the world who want us OUT.
Center/Ken, you’ve made some idiotic statement, but this one takes the cake. I think you’d better double up on your Prozac.
PayPal; you are all correct!
You have to be VERY careful!
My wife decided, over my objections of course, the other month to buy and sell stuff on eBay.
She went with Paypal of course.
So, I told her, she could NOT use our Joint Bank Account, so she set up her own!
I also told her, as “advice”, stay away from the Russians and Nigerians, and bascially anything overseas, just too risky!
Of course, she didn’t listen…
She had a guy from “England”, buy win a bid on a camera, and some other stuff she was selling.
They asked her to pack it up, and ship it to their company overseas!
She did that.
In the meantime, she got a call from a “guy in Texas”; who said he was a friend to the winning Bidder, and he wanted to buy more stuff of hers, and have her ship it over to their “import/export” company in Russia.
Meanwhile, they “paid” her, using Paypal; and she shipped everything off!
When she emailed them and told them it was shipped, she came to me and said “See, I did this with the Arab guy in Houston, and the Russians and they paid me, and you said don’t work overseas, and you were wrong, etc..”.
2 Days later, she calls me here at work, and she’s crying…
Somehow, her Bank Account was EMPTY!
The “buyer”, had gone back to Paypal, as soon as she shipped the stuff, and “reversed the Charges”, and PayPal takes all the money back!
In addition, they took all kinds of other fees out, as did eBay, and somehow, they got other money we still can’t figure yout how, from her account.
We contacted eBay, they said it wasn’t their problem, contact PayPal.
PayPal opened an investigation, and said they’d get back to us.
Six weeks later, they email us, and said after the investigation, they concluded there was nothing that could be done, because the “buyer” was overseas!
We also informed eBay about the “Arab” in Houston, who was acting as a partner.
eBay said they investigated, and the guy said someone had “hijacked” his account, and did that without his knowledge, and they said, “Okay, we believe you” and reinstated his privledges!
Bottomline, between Money and Merchandise, we were out over ONE THOUSAND Dollars, and neither eBay nor PayPal seemed all that concerned, nor willing to help!
You can’t even contact eBay via phone; it’s impossible, you have to email, or use the Website!
I can now tell you, that we DO NOT use eBay, nor Paypal, in my house, ANYMORE!
Aj and Dale,
AJ, thanks! I really would like to help, thanks for understanding. Dale, if AJ give you my address, I’ll send you my resume. I really have no desire to move again! It get’s old. And I thought in 1995 a Computer Electronics Degree would be smart! Who Knew! I thought I’d be working in an office building doing trouble calls. But upon graduation, no one I graduated with had those offers! I could have worked in a Chip Plant wearing a space suite for 8 hours a day, but that really did not sound appealing!
It’s been a struggle, but at least I’m employed I guess!!
Take Care Folks, I am cooking for lunch and work! Unfortunately, I have to do this daily! But, at least I eat. God, I’d kill for a steak! It’s been so long!
Daleratlanta- you HATE our country because you want it to oppress people on the other side of the world who want us OUT.
I gave you a 2004 MSNBC Poll of Iraqis which proved this after you claimed they only wanted us out after we stabilized their country.
You found ONE poll, buy a Nutbag Leftist so-called “news” organization, home to Loon-in-Chief Herr Olbermann, when there have been Reputable polls done by reputable organizations, that show just the opposite, and you say you “proved” your point?
The only thing you “proved”, is what a complete CLOWN you are!
As far as ME “hating” my country, let me not only seconded what “Retired” said, but add this:
I have done enough of my own of dissing those two.
We only have different forms of how we approach.
ME NORMAL, damn I gotta change shoes or something.
Stevevvs: I sent you my email address; send me a resume, I’ll do my best.
Thanks AJ!
Dale, I guess I’ve been lucky with ebay and paypal, don’t do much with either, but have never had a problem. Usually I just buy some small item, almost always from a business, always in the US and with 99+ favorable feedback ratings. But I hear you and it will make me doubly cautious in the future.
“Center”, what you’re really upset about, is that I showed up first, and did your/Soothie’s raving lunatic post against AJ’s analysis of the Surge.
You’re just jealous, because I was able to immitate you Nutbags so accurately!
I forgot to tell you how I did that by the way:
First, I snorted about 3 “kees” of Coke!
I mainlined then a couple of speedballs….
Downed a case of Redbull mixed with Coca Cola
Smacked myself between the eyes with a ballpeen hammer, vigorously for 20 minutes..
Put on the “talking books” via implanted miro-speakers in my head, and for 24 hours, listened to the collected speeches of: BinLadenMaoMinhCheCastroChavezLeninMarxHitlerPotChamberlainQuislingMcGovernKucinichReidPelosi….
Then, I stuck my head in the sand, and prayed to Allah that the Jihadis could come over here and cut the throats of all the Rethuglikkanss, put my daughters in Burqas, and teach me how to fornicate with goats, then, I pulled my head out of the sand, and stuck it FIRMLY up my ass, installed a glass shield in my abdomen with a windshield wiper on it, so I could see, and then typed the post!
See, just like you and “Sooth”
Easy, huh??
Oh and PayPal when they were a separate entity had as their insurer (which was linked of their site) had Travelers Insurance as their bonded backup.
They had a $250,000 deductible with Travelers and never made a claim even though for 3 years running their noted losses in their SEC filings ran about 35 million a year due to bad debts and fraudulent transactions.
So most people were trying to use PayPal to shield direct exposure of their credit card or atm card from third party exploitation and still got ripped.
Word of advice , online use a credit card , you have more rights and cancellation privileges.
An ATM or Debit card is a direct ACH transfer which except in case of obvious fraud has you hanging your butt out more than you realize.